Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/8
Letters written by WIlliam James Snape between October 1885 and May 1889
Re occupiers of Haywardsfield Villas and discharge of sewage into the Canal. Charge against Mr Pitt, cork cutter of Cainscross for use of water from canal for trade purposes. Maintenance of bridge approaches to Stonepit Bridge waiting on hearing from Mr Vick. Use of men doing the mudding and piling and back work. Waiting on further arrangements to be made with Sir William Marling for next year.
Sir William Marling will have Rowley broken stone if you deliver not later than Thursday 29th. Details of lowest price of broken stone delivered at once to the Mill at Ebley to be sent to Mr Knight (Dudbridge) - must be Bristol stone or best Chepstow.
Stone to be sold as soon as possible, but after Canal Co's specified costs are deducted, little or nothing will be left to be handed over.
If you don't pay the charge for taking water out of the canal to the bearer of this letter, Company solicitors will proceed against you.
Has the ice boat been out today; several barges and boats and the Gertrude anxious to use the canal. Item re Mr Field's tickets; requirement of maintenance of items between Stonehouse and Nutshell Bridges. Enclosed bill to be checked. P.S. Time requirement re Smart's boats carrying broken stone to Ebley for Marling & Co.
Ice in the short pound gave Flora navigational difficulty. Please break ice; we are breaking ice in our canal.
Agreement for occupation of cottage at Framilode by Tom Taylor. Enclosed report to Board of Trade re T&S Canal. Stroud Water Works Co. tracing re laying of water pipes required.
Meet me at Bonds Mill Bridge tomorrow with rents so far collected. Requirement for specified items of maintenance. Canal now open but if ice boat required, do so. Bring receipt for this, also Hills account.
Agreement for occupation of cottage at Framilode by Tom Taylor enclosed plus instructions for signature and dating.
Rates on canals added up to give total rate from Stourport to Manchester. Settle your back account.
Re: your advert in Stroud papers to introduce your bone manures. Plenty of farmers between Stroud, Cirencester and Lechlade, and plenty of boat owners. I should be pleased to warehouse any quantity and keep a stock at Wallbridge. Please contact me for information.
Re: delays you experience getting your petroleum by railway to Stroud and District: you could use our canal wharf and warehouse at Wallbridge to hold a stock which could be fetched at any time. Also, if taken by water from Sharpness to The Junction would save need to pay Railway charges from Gloucester. Shall I come to Gloucester to talk the matter over.
Cheque in settlement of income tax enclosed.
Permission given to put letter box in Wallbridge wharf wall at Wallbridge, to Co. surveyor's satisfaction, but if removed, you must make good all damages.
Acknowledgement of under-weight of stone cargo signed for by the Captain and tonnage owing to be paid or proceedings will be taken under Clause 58 of Act. P.S. Details of liability to a fine.
Details given of discrepancy in weight of cargo on Caroline and the company's action to remedy.
Acknowledgement of receipt of over-payment by postal order on balance of tonnage due on Caroline, and 3 postage stamps for over-payment enclosed. As to owner's liability, no necessity to consult Co's Solicitor due to the law laid down in the Act and my 27 years experience.
Cheque for tithe rents enclosed.
Details of length of canal, with wide locks, and largest cargo-carrying weight of barges. Also how long Mr Snape has been in sole management of the canal and engineering depot.
Warehouse at Wallbridge to be cleaned out: what to do with quantity of your alum or soda which has been there for some years brought by William Knee's 'Annie', waiting for orders. Don't think it is very good as a cask sent to a shop was returned.
Last selling price of Stroudwater Canal shares was £76 each.
Webb & Spring, timber merchants, Ebley not replying to James Smart re him taking timber from Ebley to Manchester. Details given of some rates, but Webb & Spring won't give railway rate. Mr Smart to see them again and try and get a sample to take.
Timber traffic at Ryeford to Manchester lost to the railway: Mr James Smart & Messrs Webb & Spring have discussed cost (details given), and railway cheaper.
Please attend a meeting with me at Mr Mills' office at 5.30 this evening, Saturday.
Asked to attend meeting on Tuesday next re Stroud Water Co. a matter of pressing importance
Asked to attend meeting on Tuesday next re Stroud Water Co. a matter of pressing importance
Asked to attend meeting on Tuesday next re Stroud Water Co. a matter of pressing importance
Asked to attend meeting on Tuesday next re Stroud Water Co. a matter of pressing importance
Details of letter from Mr Jones of Staffs & Worcs Canal asking what rates would suit James Smart for carrying timber to Manchester
Legal proceedings pending and details of what is required because of contractor laying pipes over Ryeford Bridge and taking away the brickwork of the arch making the bridge unsafe for traffic. In future communicate with Messrs Little & Mills, the solicitors who took out the injunction.
James Smart unable to take matter further at present because of health of both Mr Spring and Mr Webb.
re Selling of shares: communicate with Mr Mills, company solicitor. Return old share certificates specified as new ones will have to be issued, similarly the specified dividend warrant. Last selling price of shares was about £76 each.
May some of the committee inspect part of the T&S Canal and the pumping station at Thames Head?
Please contact Little & Mills before anything more is done re Ryeford Bridge
Now the Water Co. have put in pipes at Ryeford, meet me at the bridge re kerb stones to be laid down. My man will assist yours.
The names of the people wishing to make the inspection and the purpose of the inspection.
Specified maintenance required to Framilode pier, before next tide. Sanders will point out location.
Specified tonnages of black stone to be put out at Eastington and Dudbridge.
You will be charged specified amount for time already spent and future time using Company's yard and sawpit.
What is rate on round timber from Sharpness to Junction? Special under-six-month arrangement rate charged for Avon coming from Lydney. Short of tickets for Gainer & Co's boats Emma and Sister.
Stamps to value of 2s.0d. enclosed. Deduct cost of coal for office from month's account. Send Sanders with tickets and cash to Mr Fallows. Balance can be made up at end of month as usual. Tickets not come to hand, supposed lost, but what about ones in envelope?
Reply required before next Committee meeting re request to visit T&S Canal.
Specified charges for a small boat on the canal using locks and warehouse.
Today appointed a member of the Committee.
Today appointed a member of the Committee of Management. Next meeting held on 17 May next.
Today appointed a member of the Committee of Management. Next meeting held on 17 May next.
Cheque enclosed for £9.19s.0d. In settlement of account for elm timber.
Effusive thanks for giving permission to inspect parts of T&S Canal.
Copy of Mr Mahon's letter enclosed and details of arrangements for Sub-Committee's inspection of parts of T&S Canal and T&S Pumping Station.
Free warehousing to encourage manures into area via canal; and thereafter a small charge.
Details of changed arrangements for Sub-Committee's inspection of parts of T&S Canal and T&S Pumping Station. Luncheon provided
Details of changed arrangements for Sub-Committee's inspection of parts of T&S Canal and T&S Pumping Station. Luncheon provided
Keep careful watch of Ryeford Bridge for signs of cracks etc.
Shares, etc. handed on to Company's Solicitors. Details of what is required under the Act. Solicitors will write with details and claim form.
No present known purchaser of shares. Auction of shares on 16th. Wait until then for value of shares.
Re inspection of parts of T&S Canal: I've hired Mr Clark's steam boat, please give him a pass for today and tomorrow.
The time hoped to get to Brimscombe and what to do if we arrive earlier or later.
Your letter was discussed on Friday evening and will be discussed at tonight's meeting. Let me know when you can come and see me.
On our inspection we were charged £1 toll fee. May we take it off next tonnage payment to you.
re: piling of garden bank at Ryeford, costs, and disposal of soil. When can Mr Fallows see you to explain details.
Annual charge to be made for taking of canal water to supply portable engine boiler on Ryeford Wharf.
Enclosing letter re health of C Sanders at Framilode. Withy bed and bridges must not be neglected. Details of maintenance work required to bridges and to landing place at Mr Buckler's warehouse.
Please send me copies of papers from Canal Conference last week for my Committee to see. Let me know cost.
Current cost of Stroudwater Co shares, current dividends and dates of payment.
Details of what and how to purchase timber from Workman's at Woodchester to be delivered to the Wallbridge Canal Wharfs. Workman's measurements enclosed to be returned forthwith.
Details of Mr Fallows' visit of the next day, how and what he is to purchase according to rates stated in Workman's letter of the 7th. Plus a P.S. saying what he does not want.
Details of history of Stroudwater Navigation from 1774 for the purpose of writing a book.
From last page: Details of history of Stroudwater Navigation.
Change of date for inspection of T&S Canal from Cirencester to Lechlade due to the Canal Co's stoppage.
Acceptance of Workman's quote via Mr Fallow for delivery of oak timber to Dudbridge Wharf.
Returned copy of letter between J H Taunton and B S Watson re surplus property on the T&S Canal. Also the cost of maintenance of the canal per mile from 1884 to 31 March 1888.
Re-arranged date for inspection of T&S Canal from Cirencester to Lechlade.
Re-arranged date for inspection of T&S Canal from Cirencester to Lechlade.
Re-arranged date for inspection of T&S Canal from Cirencester to Lechlade.
10 Shares put up for auction were withdrawn when reserve price not made.
Receipt of papers read at the Canal Conference.
Prior warning being given of GW Railway Co's hint of handing T&S Canal over for an unnamed sum to Stroudwater Navigation Co, which we couldn't do without help. Your traffic would be cut off should T&S Canal be closed.
From page 357: Would pay you to help us. Details of G&B Canal have made percentage offerings for specified areas and likely your Committee will be asked to do same. Together we should be able to keep canal in working order, develop trade and be free from Railway control. This is strictly private.
Bonds Mill Bridge damaged by William Millard's boat Goodwill. Please report in writing on damage by return.
Re your letter about damage to Bonds Mill Bridge, enquiires are being made and I call on you on Thursday.
Enclosed half year's balance sheet. Please send me copy of the amount to be charged to Income Tax.
Please call on me. I have found out Mr Clark's charge for the steam launch to Lechlade and back, but didn't like to make further arrangements prior to speaking to you.
Re requirement for a free ticket for the boat in the inspection of T&S Canal from Siddington to Lechlade
Request for a wagonette to Highworth Station to pick up seven men off the 11.35 am train on Wednesday 30th.
Details of arrangement for inspection of T&S Canal from Lechlade to Cirencester.
Details of arrangement for inspection of T&S Canal from Lechlade to Cirencester.
Notice given of intention to take out an Action and to be responsible for any damage if he continues to turn donkeys out onto towing path.
Please look at and comment on finished piling. Also re your tenant called Thomas and his abusive conduct towards Mr Fallows and his men and his injuring of the work you are paying for: next time we shall have him to Whitminster.
Immediately remove the rubbish you have deposited on a landmark stone midway between Webb & Spring's yard and the lock house on the towing path, or the Company's solicitors will take out an action against you.,
If you turn out your donkeys again on the towpath between Ryeford and Stonehouse and they again do serious damage treading down the banks, I shall take out a summons against you.
Your abusive interference with company's employee and vile language will lead me to taking out a summons against you if you interfere again. You damaged Mr Kimmins' property.
Thomas with the loaded boat to call on Mr Fallows at Eastington. I shall be at Stonehouse wharf about 3pm.
I will put money left from the £5 for piling work at Ryeford to putting ashes on the path which has been made.
The water pipes are fixed to Ryeford Bridge. Please give instructions for stone to be put where road has been opened, so that I can report the work completed.
In removing your rubbish from the boundary stone at Ryeford you have damaged it. We shall put this right and charge the cost to you under the Act whereby you are liable to a fine of £5.
Mr Sanders has returned the money paid when the boat went up on Monday last.
Is your canal wharf to be made into a Cattle Market? It will interfere with the canal trade and your tenants are already complaining.
From enquiries it appears that the dividend warrant you sent with your letter has not been presented at the bank. I shall have to bring this before the next Committee meeting on the 19th.
Recent rains washed large quantities of sand into the canal. Please carry out the promised work at Ryeford Bridge and I can arrange for a man to assist you. If nothing is done I shall put the matter before my Committee who will pass it to Mr Vizard.
Please remove rubbish lying on the Company's wharf as an office is to be erected there.
Bill enclosed for rectifying damage you did to the boundary stone at Ryeford. Please pay in next few days or matter will be put before my Committee.
The work you have done at Ryeford is not sufficient. Please put in curb stones, I have good stones at Wallbridge wharf, let me know the length and I will send them to Ryeford plus a man to assist you. My Committee are going down the canal and would like to see the completed work.
Bill enclosed for piling at Ryeford. I advise you stop your tenant, Thomas, from putting in short lengths of timber against the new rails and filling in with soil as this will put you to further expense.
Your intention not to use edging stones will mean that you will soon require to carry out further work. I am sorry if you mistook in my letter the word insist for request.
Please give me a call as this is a matter between the two of us. I note the rebate per ton you set down. Please refer to my original memorandum as I thought it was a lower rebate per ton.
Don't touch the damaged wall at Stonehouse Wharf. Ask Smith to bring the damage to the notice of the engineer with a view to it being repaired by the Midland Railway Company.
If you continue to turn your donkeys onto the towing path I shall enter an action against you.
Sorry to hear of your illness. The only important business at meeting today was the T&S Canal question which Mr Hooper will explain to you. The Canal inspection is put off until 5 July.
Re the unpaid Dividend, my Committee has instructed me to hand the Dividend Warrant onto the manager of the County of Gloucester Bank who will communicate with you thereon.
Details of boats able to navigate the Stroudwater Canal, plus charges from Stroud to the Junction and to the Severn at Framilode, and for the return. The Manager, Thomas Sanders, has been asked to give The Hon Richard the information.
Cheque for your salary enclosed. Receipt required. Rent receipt to follow.
Cheque for your salary enclosed. Receipt required.
Surprise you felt nothing had been said about charging for stone put on wharf. Cannot use the Company's property for depositing goods for free unless they come by water. Please recall our conversation - details set out - and settle the matter at an early date.
Postal order enclosed for Report of Canal Conference - receipt not required.
I do not have any maps of Stroudwater Canal to send you. Enclosed: a list of tolls and distances. Shall be pleased to give any further assistance I can.
Problem in passing up the lock. Oliver Sittington should have charged you and he will be responsible for this cost. Mr Fallows instructed not to lock up the Bottom Lock but to lock up the next one to enable you to come up at any time.
Receipt: £5 from Kimmins for materials and labour in piling bank at Ryeford May 1888.
Pass enclosed for steam launch to go from Wallbridge to the Junction and return. Also costings per mile for repairs from 1878 to March 1888.
Two points to enter Stroudwater Canal - Sharpness or Framilode, charge stated; also charge for entering T&S Canal. Advised to write to Thomas Sanders, Brimscombe as to state of T&S Canal, as partly in hands of GWR and greatly neglected in places. Details given of vessels able to use Stroud Water Canal; advised to let Mr Sanders know the width of boat plus what it draws.
Please write to Mr Robbins, address details given, whether he can take a House Boat from Stroud to Lechlade, plus the charge; and if known, the charge on the River to London.
Bill enclosed for working on dockside and use of sawpit at Eastington Canal Yard. You can pay Mr Fallows.
Enclosed three Canal Shares executed by Sir W H Marling Bart for you to execute and the Power of Attorney; all to be returned together with the 3 share certificates and receipt for the enclosed cheque.
Acknowledged transfer etc for shares sold to Sir W H Marling, also old share certificates and postal order for Power of Attorney.
Details given of overall rate for coal from Framilode or The Junction made up of rate on coal from Cirencester to Stroud, added to Stroudwater Navigation Co's rate. Special rate given for house coal anywhere on the canal up to and including Dudbridge Wharf including wharfage. Rate doesn't apply to steam coal or small coal of any kind.
Request from Stroud Local Board of Health for boats to fetch Rowley Hall stone in the rough (not broken): needed for their meeting on Wednesday next; probability of an Order being given which will require boats to fetch some at once. Suggest looking to see what can be done to get coal for Brimscombe Gas Works carried by canal; also look at getting business of Allen Bros of Cirencester off railway and onto canal.
Mr Pearce has told me you are changing to Clee Hill hard stone, I should be grateful if you would try Rowley Hall hard stone, which I told you about some time ago; this would also help the Canal keep up its tonnage as we are fighting hard to keep it open to Cirencester. Details of prices given from Stroud.
Three share certificates enclosed now in your name in the transfer book
I will place your letter before the next Committee meeting. The account will apply only to coal delivered on the Stroudwater Canal.
Mr Fallows reports that the gates can hardly be opened because of mud in Whitminster Lock; also mud below Junction Lock; also rushes and other growth on the bank from Whitminster Lock to Walk Bridge. Your kind attention will oblige.
You will have to make a charge of 3d per ton extra for the stone on the T&S Canal. I don't know of any round timber being sent from Ryeford. They are awaiting some from the Manchester Ship Canal Co. We might arrange a rate for this special trade if you let me know what it is.