Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/16
Letters written by Percy G Snape between April 1925 and May 1928
Please have cut back the branches overhanging the Canal opposite your house as soon as possible.
Please have cut back the trees overhanging the Canal at your (?) at Ebley as soon as possible.
Please have cut back the willows overhanging the Canal at your premises at Stonehouse as soon as possible.
If it is not pressing I shall bring the matter of the boundary at Bristol Road Lock to the Committee Meeting on the 20th.
If you require places to park your omnibuses in the District we have wharfage space at Wallbridge, Dudbridge, Stonehouse and Whitminster which I shall be pleased to show your representative if he is in the area.
Re Workmen's Compensation Insurance 'Excess' Policy 83345: Thank you for the 'Excess' Policy 86331 and the rebate cheque for 14/8.
Re Bengough Estate, I enclose a rough tracing of the land in question. The plan I showed you does not clearly define the Canal property and I have omitted all colouring.
We cannot reduce your yearly pipe rent of £10. If you could continue to use the Waterway it would be to our mutual advantage so please let me know if I can assist this. Would you be open to tender for small quantities from time to time?
Would you guarantee the £250 bridge at Lodgemore for 7 to 8 ton load if a new pivot is put in and the extra cost of the new pivot?
Please have the trees and ivy cut back as soon as possible opposite Dudbridge Wharf as they are almost in the Canal, a small fence having rotted and given way.
The Committee accept your offer of £2 for withy loppings at the Junction. Please forward £1 and inform Mr Fredericks of the arrangement to pay the further £1 when you start cutting.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic carried on this Canal during August 1927.
Giving estimate of costs for Lodgemore Bridge.
The Committee thanks you for your letter of 15th August re traders on this Canal Framilode to Stonehouse.
Please pay your Stonehouse Wharfage Account for £4-5-0 as soon as possible. What coal tonnage was deposited on the Wharf from August to October?
The enclosed Notice of Assessment of Tax on Directors' Fees states the amount on which tax is payable is £25. Fees paid to the Committee 1926/7 were £17-17-6 with tax paid of £4-10-0, total £22-7-6. Should the assessment (?) this?
Lodgemore Bridge: I am instructed to order the Bridge as per your 28th September estimate of £275-0-0.
The Committee has inspected the water course taking the overflow at the Coffin Weir and could not find any leakage.
Please have cut those trees and branches overhanging the Canal at Eastington Park which are inconveniencing navigation.
We have sold the withy loppings to Mr Apperley if he sends me £1 now and pays £1 to Mr Fredericks when he starts cutting. Talk this over with Mr Fredericks. I have not heard back from Mr Apperley.
What will you offer the Committee for the land at Framilode?
Please quote me for (illegible).
I need to hear from you re withy lopping at the Junction before my Committee Meeting. Perhaps make me an offer to rent the withy bed.
Your letter will be before the Committee at its next meeting. If you made an offer for the two cottages I would put it to them.
Rain filtering from your Bridges at Stonehouse Court and Ryeford is causing inconvenience to towing path users and the Committee consider that something should be done. The towing path under the Bridges also needs attention.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic carried on this Canal During September and October 1927.
Please remit your Council's promised £50 towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your Council's promised £100 towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised £25 re T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised £10 re T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please note the two tall trees at the boundary of the Orphanage and Smith Roger's Works at Ebley which will damage the Canal and hinder trade if they fall.
Thank you for your letter re the trees at Ebley. I note that arrangements are being made for their removal.
Please remit your promised £150 towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised £2-2-0 re T&S Canal for ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised £10 re T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised £3-3-0 re T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised contribution towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
The Committee accept your offer to rent the withy bed at the Junction with certain conditions.
Thank you for your cheque for £25 re T&S Canal.
Thank you for your letter re T&S Canal.
Please remit your promised contribution of £2 re T&S Canal for years ending 25th March 1927 and 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised contribution of £1 re T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please remit your promised contribution of £1 re T&S Canal for year ending 25th March 1928.
Please let me know the position re my letter of 8th November so that I can inform my Committee.
Please reply to my last letter re the withy bed at the Junction as I have a meeting of my Committee shortly.
The Committee declined your offer for the garden ground at Framilode.
The Committee declined your offer for the garden ground at Framilode.
The Committee consider that as you have not met the conditions you must now pay the full £2 before touching the bed.
The Committee consider that what you propose is quite in order.
Thank you for your letter re Mary Jane Hallewell deceased. I suggest contacting Little & Bloxam, our solicitors, as to the special formalities required as to the shares.
Enclosing copy Minutes as requested.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic carried on this Canal during November 1927.
The Committee has fixed the next Meeting for 26th January at 3pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting at 3.30pm.
Re 4% Second Preference Stock account Sir William H Marling and others: As we have received no dividend since the final Dividend for the year ending 31 December 1927, could I have a line from you for my Audit Committee this week?
Particulars re Dudbridge Wharf. (see 456)
Please find enclose particulars re Dudbridge Wharf as requested. (see 455)
Re your request for dipping water from the Canal, we usually issue a Licence on payment of 2s 6d per year for the trespass.
I have sent your letter to Dudbridge & Sons, our auditors.
I regret we cannot see our way to subscribing to the Gloucester Harbour Board.
The Committee has not considered the question of continuing the present arrangement which was for 1927-1928. We shall not consider approaching the current contributors until we hear the decision of your Committee on the application hinted at in your letter.
The County Council have asked for a cheque towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal and I should be glad of your contribution.
The County Council have asked for a cheque towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal and I should be glad of your contribution.
The County Council have asked for a cheque towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal and I should be glad of your contribution.
Please quote for 43 pieces of English oak each 10' 6" x 12"" x 3""
Please quote for 43 pieces of English oak each 10' 6" x 12"" x 3""
Thank you for your letter re T&S Canal which I shall put to my Committee.
Please remit your promised contribution of £2 - 10 - 0 towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for year ending 25 March 1928.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic carried on this Canal during December 1927.
Thank you for your letter re the Dock at Eastington. Would you amend your offer of £20?
The actual deficiency figures do not come to us. We suggest getting the figures from the County Council. Our role is to try to collect the £600 promised for 1927/28 of which your contribution is part. Particulars of the other amounts were sent to you on the 13th April.
I am instructed to send you £250 collected on account of contributions towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for year ending 25 March next.
We are in communication with the Public Bodies and Traders who have promised or paid contributions towards the £600 we undertook to try to collect during the past year for the upkeep of the T&S Canal. Such of the balance as is collected will be sent to you by the end of March. Several promised amounts are outstanding.
The work at Lodgemore Bridge will be commenced on Monday 12th March.
Enclosing quotations for Lodgemore Bridge Planking.
Please supply as per your quotation 43 planks of English oak each 10' 6" x 12"" x 3"" at 5/6 per foot cube. "
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic carried on this Canal during January 1928.
As the County Council are pressing, please send your contribution towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal as soon as possible.
The Committee thinks your offer of £20 for the Dock at Eastington is too little. Please give me a call.
The Committee accepts your estimate of £5 - 7 - 6 for work at the Lock House Framilode provided work starts at once.
Forwarding a further £117 towards the amount we undertook to try to collect for the T&S Canal for 1927/28.
Thank you for your letter re the T&S Canal.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic carried on this Canal during February 1928. Please send more forms.
I cannot put your letter re the T&S Canal to the Committee until after Easter as they have scattered for the holidays.
The County Council is pressing. Does the Rural District Council's contribution towards the T&S Canal still stand?
I regret that your letter re Balance Sheets, etc has been mislaid. Please send a copy before my Committee meets on Wednesday.
I return form duly signed as requested and Income Tax receipts for year 1927/28.
The Committee say that two weeks dredging would cost £19-£20 per week in wages. They are willing to do this if you will contribute one week's wages.
One of the trees on Eastington Park Estate near the Canal at Pike Bridge is leaning over the Canal and should be cut down as it would damage the Canal if it were to fall. Inspection would show that the matter is urgent.
We regret that we are still unable to state (?) we hope to collect towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal. Several of the larger contributors in the past have not given definite replies.
The new Lodgemore Bridge is finished. Please send your Company's contribution of £180 - 7 - 6.
One of the trees on Eastington Park Estate near the Canal at Pike Bridge is leaning over the Canal and should be cut down as it would damage the Canal if it were to fall. Inspection would show that the matter is urgent.
Acknowledging receipt of Counterpart Tenancy Agreement with Mrs Penn dated 8th September 1920.
I herewith enclose as requested by the Committee (?) from the Minister of Transport (?) Canal account for the year ended (?) of December 1927.
The dredging will be commenced tomorrow (Tuesday).
Re T&S Canal, has the Ministry made any decision?
Can you let me have your contribution towards the T&S Canal for year ended March last.
Enclosing Statistics of Traffic carried on this Canal during March 1928. (Copy)
The Committee will accept your offer of £20 for the superstructure of the Dock at Eastington provided that it is paid in full before the roof timbers are removed. (Copy)