Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/17
Letters written by Percy G Snape between May 1928 and July 1941
Timber: Enclosed is a Certificate to Purchase.
My letter gave the estimated cost of replacing the swing bridge plus girders fixed at each end to increase capacity.
Whitminster Bridge: The Committee will not accept a sum smaller than that quoted by Mr Hopson for clearing debris from Canal
Cheque required for stated half year's rent re Wharf and Premises at Dudbridge.
Your Notice of Assessment of Taxes has been sent to Dudbridge & Sons.
Timber: form returned with details of timber required.
The Agreement with Mrs Best has been received; her signature is required plus the costs and the first year's rent in order to complete and exchange the Agreement.
The Agreement and receipt for the first year's rent enclosed.
Re your letter of 26 September, it is difficult to estimate our requirements (for what?).
Re your letter of 19 Sept, we don't require any (what?) here during period mentioned.
Please supply 1 ton of cement to lock at Eastington for repair as a result of enemy action.
The Company has been responsible for the bridge since the canal opened, but, since you took over the Mill, traffic on the bridge has increased beyond what it was constructed for. I will put the matter before my Committee.
I claim any repayment of tax due to the Company re tax year ending 5 April 1940.
If you won't pay the total amount claimed, the Navigation's solicitors will be asked to deal.
Receipt acknowledged of duplicate Grant of Right to Lay Pipes dated 30 Sept 1940 between The Navigation and Gloucester Corporation..
Answers to questions 1-5 in your letter of 19 Sept including names of businesses etc on Canal, dredging done, and amount of traffic on the canal.
Reply to your letter of 23rd pointing out reasons for a stronger bridge than the Navigation required to build.
As you have not let us have the information required, the Committee could not consider the matter. The Company can agree nothing which would obviate it's Statutory Liability to maintain a swing bridge.
Your lorry has seriously damaged the Bridge over the canal at Whitminster. Your company is held responsible for any repairs and for the removal of any debris from the canal.
Acknowledgement of receipt of Corporation's cheque for crossings of the canal with their water pipes.
Mr Hopson's estimate for repair of the bridge over canal at Whitminster; 3 alternative ways of getting up the debris plus costs. Continued over to letter no. 922
Continued from letter no. 921: Or you make your own arrangements to clear the debris.
Gas House Bridge: Payment of your account delayed: we have not received their share from the Gas Company.
You are not allowed access to Wallbridge Wharf through the Canal Offices private door. The small bridge is unsafe and closed. Ask your landlord, Mr Pearce for access through his property.
Lock Cottage at Dudbridge: I await the Forms you mention.
We shall investigate the points you raise and reply when we can say something.
Answers to questions posed by Severn & Canal Carrying Company re the route of the canal from Dudbridge through to the G&B Canal, the present condition of the canal, the only traffic being the Bristol firm of Butler & Co's tar boat to the Gas Works, the size of the locks, their conditions and their water levels, the lack of mechanical dredging equipment, the size of boats that can best use the canal Continued to letter no. 928.
Continued from letter no. 927. If there was no the mud and silt, and the insufficient supply of water since the closure of the Thames & Severn Canal.
Gashouse Bridge: a full explanation of the contents of the previous letters between the two as to why it was not possible to set out the actual cost of the bridge.
Whitminster Bridge: estimate from Mr Hopson for repairs of the bridge and bank, but not for removal of debris from canal itself. Suggestions as to how the removal of debris can be dealt with (a) - continued onto letter No. 931.
Continuation of letter no. 930: (b) and (c)
Continuation of letters no. 930 and 931: The canal closed since the 20 August due to damage to a lock. I understand that the Ocean Accident Guarantee Company wish to contact you.
Accident at Whitminster Bridge; a copy of letter of 11 Nov has been sent to your London Office.
I can't find the letter to which you refer, can you let me have a copy for my Committee to consider on the 18th.
Enclosed demand received from Collector of Taxes. Awaiting your instructions.
Your enclosures have been sent to our Auditors for their attention.
Gas House Bridge: Please let me have a cheque for your portion of the total cost as Daniels require payment.
Invoice setting out the apportionment of costs attributable to Stroud Gas Co re Gas House Bridge replacement: made up of estimates from Messrs Daniels and Ryeford Saw Mills, plus wages, Hopson's account and sundries.
Invoice setting out the total costs re replacement of Gas House Bridge.
Information on the state of the Thames & Severn above Stroud and the Stroudwater Navigation. No local carriers, Severn & Canal Carrying Co willing to act as carriers in this district.
I shall place your letter before the Committee at their meeting on the 19 February.
The Collector has sent us another demand for payment of Income Tax within 14 days.
Anti-gas Measures: Answering a letter referring to specific points (a) to (d) as to the condition of the canal.
Answering a letter setting out the premises owned by the Company.
Conditions on which the Committee will allow a telephone line to be erected to their block house.
Information on bridges carrying classified roads which the Canal Association has asked to be forwarded to ?
Conditions on which the Committee will allow a half inch land pipe to be laid at Framilode.
Details of the two canal carriers who have used the canal in the past twelve months.
Unlikely that earth moving machinery will be required.
Three bridges: Dudbridge, Pike, Bristol Road, carry classified roads.
Details of the canal length, its condition, size of locks, recent traffic, location of wharves, continued on to letter 953
Continued from letter 952: and to whom the wharves are let.
Concern and surprise at Mr Snape's name being put forward to serve; in view of smallness of staff, and no member of the Committee could be put forward.
We understand the importance of a Regional Advisory Committee: as in previous letter, Mr Snape could not serve on it due to smallness of staff, and no committee member (most of them getting on in years) could serve on a Regional committee.
No objection to retain the wire for duration of the War; submit your query re the bridge to the next Committee Meeting; not aware of any boat, try Severn & Canal Carrying Co in Gloucester Docks.
Mr & Mrs W C Elers' M/S Trust: information given on their capital holding and the likelihood of any future payments.
One of your lorries has damaged bridge over the canal at Downfield.
The railway timetable doesn't allow me time to get to Worcester for the visit of Mr Frank Pick.
I can't find your letter re the appointment of Mr Cadbury and myself to the Committee. Please let me have a copy.
My Chairman will meet Mr Pick here on the 10th relating to the dredging of the waterway.
Re damage to Gashouse Bridge at Downfield. In view of the danger and urgency of the repair, you will be charged the cost of the contractor, Mr George Matthews of Ebley, who is carrying out the work..
Please can you call and pick me up on Tuesday next.
Acknowledgement of your letter of 3rd instant.
Telephone wire across the canal: suggested date when the rent should commence.
Gashouse Bridge: we will let you have particulars re damage to canal bank and towing path in due course.
Acknowledgement of money received from your company for three months ending 28 February 1941.
Any overflow of water into the canal will be a nuisance coming from your sewers into a pound with little water in it.
Information re damage to Bristol Road Bridge by Howards in April 1940 and General Roadways in October 1940 and suggesting Collingwood gets in touch with Howards and General Roadways Insurance companies.
Reasons why the Company should not contribute anything towards the repair costs of the swing bridge.
As you did not comply with the Lease in determining the tenancy, you are liable for payment of the rent up to the 24 January 1943
Mrs M H Daubeny and Mr W L Mellersh deceased. The death has been registered in the share book and I return the share certifications nos. 2 and 125.
Income tax return has been sent to Messrs Dudbridge, auditors, for their attention.
Income tax return 1941-2 enclosed. The Collector has been informed it has been sent to you.
Whitminster Bridge: The dive salvaged 26 ingots of aluminium, now stored in contractor's premises at Wallbridge.
Copy of contractor's, Mr Hopson, letter of 10 May re the 26 ingots of aluminium being part of the debris cleared from under Whitminster Bridge and stored at Wallbridge.
The square footage of the roof of the shed at Eastington; and details of firewatcher, his duties and his area.
Blunder Lock: damage by enemy action: repairs completed, to whom should the claim be made.
Enclosed copy of Railway & Canal Traffic Act 1888.
Dudbridge Wharf: we will try to find a tenant for the wharf and depot.
Police, Employment and Offences: the Company has no police force.
Your sub-letting is illegal, for the reasons given. You must get rid of your under-tenant.
Pill Boxes on Canal Bank: I return the two completed forms
Bristol Road Bridge and Canal at Whitminster: A further 6 ingots of aluminium were recovered by a garage owner at Whitminster. We suggest you get in touch with the insurance company.
Gashouse Bridge: When can you meet me on site to view the damage done to the bridge and canal bank?
Public Utility Undertakings (war damage): The questionnaire is returned as requested.
You may carry out your fire engine practice as per the conditions set out.
Fire watching: The Ministry has made queries, as set out, plus a query, as set out, from Mr Snape.
Water from the canal for domestic use: your request will go before the Committee, please let me have details, as set out, and a plan.
Firewatching: re a request from the Ministry concerning the Eastington scheme and whether it had received approval from Gloucester Rural District Council.
Schedule of reserved occupations and protected work: re questions (a) and (b) none of our staff will be affected
I urgently need a timber supply application form for timber, dimensions set out, to repair swing bridges carrying roads across the Canal at Saul and Framilode.
Storm water at Stonehouse: Can you propose how to avoid discharge of sewage into the canal?
In view of the change in our understanding of amount of water you require, as per details set out, we are suggesting the Agreement should show an increased charge per week, and that we cannot guarantee any particular quantity of water.
Major C de L'Isle Bush deceased: Enclosed account setting out cost of water taken from the Canal at Newtown, Eastington, for half year and due 25 March 1941.
Blunder Lock, War damage: Details of damage and suggested cost of repairs written in the company's accounts for the half year ending December 1940
Fire Prevention (Business Premises) Order 1941: No approval of scheme required as Eastington is outside the area to which the order has been applied.
Answers to queries about number of men employed, whether there is traffic on the canal, and clothing supplied. Therefore a requirement for coupons.
Workmen's Insurance Compensation: cheque for premium enclosed.
Enclosed Certificate to supply timber received from the Ministry.
Audit: Date of the half yearly meeting at the Canal Offices.