Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/17
Letters written by Percy G Snape between May 1928 and July 1941
The Committee have considered your letter: while believing the Company has done all it can in the matter as a last effort an extract from your letter will be sent to every public body and tradesman who may be interested.
Re: call of Mr P G Snape for jury service, could he be excused on the grounds as he is now the sole official in charge of the canal office, and canal business is sometimes of an urgent nature. [signature illegible but not Percy Snape]
Thank you for your letter. Mr Snape will attend his summons on 16 October as if he is likely to be there a few hours I think it can be satisfactory arranged.
For my meeting next Wednesday. Income Tax. I enclose the form signed as requested. If we are liable for any Land tax please send particulars so I can draw up a cheque.
Your letter of the 24 [?has been passed] to the Company's auditors Messrs Dudbridge & Sons of . .also Notice of Assessment ?under Sale . . . B for the year ending 5th Apr 1930 - Parish of Cainscross - Number 168. Will you kindly . .[remainder illegible]
Account for the removal of trees from the canal at Eastington Park last year. The work was done through our Lock keeper at Eastington. Please send a cheque.
Enclosed please find Mr Hobson's estimate of £3:15:0 for repair of damaged wall at Eastington Lock house. I await your reply.
T&S Canal. Regarding the supply of water to the waterway by Painswick stream, there are times when the supply from that stream is sufficient for our purposes: it is more often that the upper reaches of the canal are entirely dependent on the water from the T&S Canal. I enclose as requested a copy of the circular letter sent out by this Company on 30 September last.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of August 1929
Our lockkeeper John White reports that the large Poplar tree at Eastington Park has fallen across the canal, towing path weir and garden at Pike Lock at Eastington. The canal is obstructed to all traffic and the weir and garden fence are damaged. I give early notice so the obstruction can be removed and repair of the damaged weir can be put in hand without delay'. I understand there are barges detained: at the time of writing no claims for damages.
T&S Canal. Referring to the circular letter of 5 Mar 1929, please remit your promised contribution of £100 towards the upkeep for the year ending 31 Mar 1930.
T&S Canal. Referring to the circular letter of 5 Mar 1929, please remit your promised contribution of £100 towards the upkeep for the year ending 31 Mar 1930.
T&S Canal. Referring to the circular letter of 5 Mar 1929, please remit your promised contribution of £5:- towards the upkeep for the year ending 31 Mar 1930.
T&S Canal. Referring to the circular letter of 5 Mar1929, please remit your promised contribution of £2:2:0 towards the upkeep for the year ending 31 Mar 1930.
T&S Canal. Referring to the circular letter of 5 Mar1929, please remit your promised contribution of £10:- towards the upkeep for the year ending 31 Mar 1930.
T&S Canal. Referring to the circular letter of 5 Mar1929, please remit your promised contribution of £25:- towards the upkeep for the year ending 31 Mar 1930.
The Committee has considered your letter: the canal is navigable as far as Stroud. They are willing to allow your to moor your boat in the canal at any point approved by the surveyor upon payment of 6d per week and the usual tolls and provided that no interference with the traffic in the canal is caused and that your speed does not exceed 3 miles per hour. The usual tolls from the junction at Saul to Stroud are 24s return. . . .perhaps you will let me know . . [Legibility of remainder very poor]
The Committee considered your letter. As Thursday is not convenient for you, we will revert to Wednesday at 4.00pm as most members prefer that hour and it might probably allow you to attend.
I regret to inform you that owing to circumstances we will be unable to retain your services after 15 Nov next. If things improve we will be glad to re employ you.
I regret to inform you that owing to circumstances we are compelled to avail ourselves of the arrangement under which you will attend to the tides and lock at Framilode for the use of the Lock house, garden and paddock free of rent and rates the arrangement to be terminable by either party giving the other a fortnight's notice in writing. The arrangement to date from 16th Nov next. Please reply as soon as possible.
[rough jottings] Cainscross Co-op Society £ 3:3:0 Apperley Curtis & Co £15:0:0
T&S Canal. Referring to the circular letter of 5 Mar1929, please remit your promised contribution of £25:- towards the upkeep for the year ending 31 Mar 1930.
I herewith enclose a letter of 1st November from the Inspector of Taxes Stroud
Re Committee tax. I have received yours re above. The matter is Messrs Dudbridge's [illegible] Please communicate with them.
My Committee instructs me to inform you that the estimated cost of repairing the damage caused by the fall of your poplar tree is £23. The late Mr de L'Isle Bush agreed to pay the cost (£8:19:2) of removing two of his trees from the canal in 1928, the account for which has been rendered more than once. My Committee requests that you give these matters your attention.
Re: Weighbridge at Wallbridge. My Committee offers you the bridge at £6:- as it stands. We understand that it is usual that payment is made in advance. We await your reply.
I have discovered the enclosed plan of the canal. Please return it when finished with it.
My Committee has considered your letter. This Company has nothing to do with the management of the T & Canal which is managed by Gloucestershire County Council. It is interested in the through traffic from the T&S Canal and for this reason that when the GCC intimated some years ago its intention to close it, this Company undertook to collect contributions from public bodies traders and others to the expense of keeping it open. Owing to the amount of these subscriptions having diminished considerably during the last two years, the GCC decided to close it and we understand that an application to the Ministry of Transport for leave to do so has been made. The matter is now entirely in the hands of the GCC to whom you should apply. Your predecessors in business promised a contribution of £20 per year for two years but neither of the amounts was paid.
Inspection has shown a large hole in the roof of a lean-to shed adjoining the stable on Stonehouse Wharf let to Mrs Penn. The shed was in a dilapidated condition and her attention was called to this. She informs us that workmen employed by the county [illegible . . ] might have been in the habit of making use of that shed without permission and in spite of instructions and that the tiles were deliberately removed by them for the purpose of allowing the smoke from the fire which they make in there to escape. They have also taken the door off its hinges and caused other damage. My Committee will be glad to hear that [illegible . .] the annoyance does not continue and that the damage has been made good.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the months of September and October 1929
Rev Canon John Wood Deceased Shares in the Company changed hands in 1925 at 30s each. No dividend has been paid since 1922. There are seven shares standing in the name of the Rev John Wood in the Company's books. Certain special formalities are required in the ? and transfer of shares by Act of Parliament. Please contact our solicitors Messrs Little & Bloxam of Stroud.
I will complete the form as soon as I have obtained the necessary information.
Royal Commission of Transport. I enclose your completed form. The position of the canal is somewhat peculiar as it is more or less [? continuous with ] the T&S Canal which is managed by the Gloucestershire County Council, who have obtained permission to close the upper part and have now lodged an application to close the portion running from Stroud to Chalford. If this lower portion is abolished the general opinion seems to be that the Stroudwater Navigation will be unable to keep open. I think this fact should be brought to the notice of the Commission.
I have received Policies No 18351990 and 14744966, with thanks.
Your letter has been placed before the Committee and further enquiry has been made of Mrs Penn who adheres to her statement set out in my letter of 25 November last.
Re: T&S Canal. We are sending you a cheque for £250:- today towards the maintenance of the T&S Canal.
Wharf House at Wallbridge. I reported today that you had paid £2: in account of quarter's rent due in respect to your tenancy to 25 Dec 1929. I am instructed to ask you to remit the balance £2:5:0 to prevent the usual steps being taken to recover it.
Re Tax. Please communicate with Messrs Dudbridge & Sons of Stroud re above. I understand the Demand on Land Tax will be before the Committee at its next meeting on 19th.
Re Tax. Please communicate with Messrs Dudbridge & Sons of Stroud re above. I understand the Demand on Land Tax will be before the Committee at its next meeting on 19th.
T&S Canal. As my Committee intends to complete the payments of the contributions to the County Council re above for the year ending March next, please may I have your promised contribution of £15.
T&S Canal. As my Committee intends to complete the payments of the contributions to the County Council re above for the year ending March next, please may I have your promised contribution of £50 to complete their promised contribution of £100.
In reply to your letter I am directed to inform you that you may cut the withies and keep the lop.
T&S Canal. As my Committee meet next Wednesday, please reply to my letter of 7 February.
T&S Canal. As my Committee meet next Wednesday, please reply to my letter of 7 February.
I enclose my cheque for £1:1:0 as a reduced subscription from the navigation which you agreed to accept in Sep 1925 in view of our financial position.
Agreement, Cottage at Double Locks. I return the Counterpart re above signed by T K Minnett at Messrs Workman's office at Ryeford. He understands that the rent commences on 1 Mar next and I have arranged to hand him the keys of the cottage on Friday night 28th inst.
Your letter will be considered by the Committee at their next meeting. Wharfage: I ?gather that it was in September 1927 when . . . . . The Company's wharf at Chapman's . . . .£4:11:0 which you paid by cheque . . 17th Oct 1927 . . . [most of remainder illegible]
Ref: F.S. 1375. I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the months of Jan and Feb 1930
I am instructed to inform you that there has been no dividend since 1922 and there does not appear to be any prospect of any future dividend.
The Company is prepared to grant you three years' tenancy of the withy bed at Saul Junction at a cost of £1:- per year payable in advance - such tenancy not to include elm trees adjacent to the ?, subject to agreement
I am instructed to inform you that the Company cannot agree to let the cut at Framilode for any purpose or to give any rights over it.
I am instructed to inform you that the Company is prepared to grant you wharfage room at Stonehouse at a ?total of 2s 6d per sq yard per annum payable in advance subject to a proper agreement being drawn up and you pay half the expense.
I enclose a cheque for £120:- balance of £380:- balance of £380:- which we undertook to try to collect towards the maintenance of the T&S Canal for the year ending Mar 1930.
Re: Albert Gascoigne. I have received your demand for payment of 13s 6d claimed on behalf of Mr Gascoigne but as I have not yet been able to obtain a detailed account from him and until I get particulars I cannot say whether anything is due from this Company. If you can let me have details before the 16th April I can submit them to my Committee who meet on that day.
The Committee instructed me to send you the enclosed letter from the Ministry of Transport dated 3 March.
Re: willow tree on our mud dump at Stonehouse, I will put your letter before my Committee. In the meantime, as your are cutting trees down, perhaps you can meet me on the spot. Giving a day's prior notice.
The Committee accept your offer of £6: for the willow tree at Stonehouse and I await your cheque.
Re T&S Canal. As the matter is urgent please will you remit your promised contribution of £15: towards the upkeep of the canal for the past year. Please put the matter before your directors as yours is the last outstanding contribution and I am anxious to complete the payment.
My Committee requests you to please send your cheque for Jan and Feb tonnage as the matter is urgent.
The Company has no objection to your erecting scaffolding poles on the towing path outside Lodgemore Mills provided that no unnecessary damage is done to the path, that no obstruction to traffic is caused and that the path is restored to its present condition after removal of the poles. Please take great care that no damage is caused to the gas main under the path.
In reply to your letter, the matter is in the hands of Messrs Dudbridge & Sons the Company's auditors and I await their communication.
Ref: F.S. 1375. I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of Mar 1930.
Re Tithe 95 etc Stonehouse. Please send a form of application for my Committee on 28 May. PS I regret that the account and letter were filed with other accounts for payment at the meeting and overlooked. Please accept my apologies.
The Committee agrees to accept you as tenant of the cottage occupied by Mrs Williams at Bristol Road at the same rent (£7:10:0) now paid by Mrs Williams subject to the signing of our usual tenancy agreement at your expense.
Legibility very poor, refers to a letter received from you and mentions Mr Bailey
The Committee will accept Mr Bailey as tenant subject to an agreement being signed at the same rent as Mrs Williams. I have written to Mr Bailey and Mrs Williams
The matter of your continued use of the Crib for landing from your boat and other trespass at Framilode has again been reported to the Committee. I am instructed to give you notice that this must be immediately discontinued.
Stonehouse Tithe Rent charge. I enclose 11d cash instalment due from us on 1 April last and a form of application for redemption of our tithe signed by the Chairman of the Company.
Income Tax. I have received your letter of 29 May. As I am unable to discover the form I should fill in please forward one to the Company's Auditors Messrs Dudbridge & Sons
Income Tax. I received your letter of 13 June re above which is having my best attention. Please forward a form as I am unable to discover the one you refer to.
The Company will allow you to use the Ebley pound only for the purpose of boating on payment of a fee of 10s which will include the passing of the boat from the Stonehouse pound to the Ebley pound and its return, providing that due notice is given so that the Company's lock keeper may be in attendance to pass the boat through the lock. The payment of this fee does not allow of any other locks being used and in the event of intending to make an exercise up or down the canal the Company's usual tolls and lock keeper's charges would be payable and a special permit would have to be issued by this office.
My Committee considered your letter yesterday and I am instructed to inspect the premises and report. I could meet your representative on the spot any day except Monday 21st. Please make an appointment.
Thank you for your letter. As the Company will let the cottage please send the quarters rent and the key by return of post if possible.
I have the draft agreement re tenancy of house at Bristol Road for your perusal. I could meet you here any day except Monday 28th. Please make an appointment.
The Committee has considered your letter. The weeds in the Canal are being cut in the ordinary ?course and the part opposite your bathing place will be done shortly.
I called at Lodgemore to see Mr Stuart as you suggested and in his absence saw Mr Allison. He stated that they had no room for a barge load. There is about a barge load of coal in stock and apparently they are using coal from one end and having it replaced so the bulk of the coal is never touched. If this continues it does not seem likely to take coal by water for the future. I have communicated with the Chairman and he suggests I should report this to you.
In reply to your letter, in the case of ordinary stoppage of the canal for repairs etc about one month's notice is given, but the Company being a statutory undertaking cannot bind itself to give any definite notice in the case of emergency. Permission was granted to the Laundry in 1903 to take water through a 1 inch pipe "subject to the usual conditions on which such privilege is enjoyed by other parties"". One of such conditions is that the Company may lower the water in or empty the Canal without any liability to the person taking water and that the Company shall under no circumstances be bound to maintain any particular supply of water. The Company would no doubt let you have a written agreement in the usual terms on your paying the costs of preparation and signing."
re: Excess Policy No 7328 Workman's Compensation Insurance. I enclose the Company's cheque for £8:18:6 in order to maintain continuous cover. The wage statement will be prepared and sent to you. Awaiting your reply.
re Rent of Wharf house at Stonehouse: the account stands as below [detailed account, considerably in arrears] . The Committee will feel compelled to take action. Please remit the amount owing so as to enable me to report to the Chairman. The books are under audit awaiting report.
The general half-yearly meeting of the Committee will be held on 23 July at 4 pm.
Thank you for your letter of 3 July. I apologise if I misunderstood Mr Allison.
I have to inform you that the Committee are not satisfied with your reply to my last letter and something will have to be done and that quickly. It is a very unfortunate position to be in but the books are going forward in a day or two. I have put the 10s enclosed with your letter to your credit in the rent book.
In reply to your enquiry, the rent paid last June was in respect of easements at the Valley, Brimscombe, Stroud and pipe at Chalford.
T&S Canal. In view of the application of the County Council for leave to abandon the T&S Canal, the Committee of Stroudwater Navigation has decided to pay over to the Council the balance of moneys collected by the Navigation towards the upkeep of the Canal. A separate account for the purpose was established in 1925. I enclose a cheque for £94:8:7, the balance in the account including interest.
Thank you for your letter enclosing one pound towards the rent due from you to this company, which I have placed to your rent account. The Committee directed me to remind you of the amount outstanding which they wish you to pay by the date of the next meeting when the matter is again reported on.
The Committee has no objection to the clear water draining from the proposed bathing pool to the Canal provided that the pipe where it enters the Canal is fixed to the satisfaction of the Company and on payment of 1?- a year rent in advance to keep the matter alive in our books. It is to be understood that in the event of abandonment of the canal the arrangement will cease without any notice being given by the company.
Subject to an agreement and a rental of £10: a year the Committee has no objection to your fixing a six inch pipe to the overflow weir at Blunder Lock, the work to be done to the satisfaction of the Company.
Workman's Compensation Insurance. I enclose form re above showing the amount of wages, ?services for the year ending June 1930, £616.3.1. I await your reply.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of June 1930
The Committee wishes to lodge an objection to the proposed abandonment of the T&S Canal on the grounds that closing the canal would deprive the Stroudwater Navigation of a supply of water on which the Navigation entirely depends at certain times of the year to keep open its upper portion, apart from the loss of through traffic. The Committee also makes formal application for a warrant authorising the abandonment of and an order releasing the Company of Proprietors from all liability to sustain and from all obligations relating to this Navigation. Signed W H Bloxam, Chairman
I enclose a copy of a letter I am today writing to the Ministry of Transport
T&S Canal. The Committee wishes to lodge an objection to the proposed abandonment of the T&S Canal on the grounds that closing the canal would deprive the Stroudwater Navigation of a supply of water on which the Navigation entirely depends at certain times of the year to keep open its upper portion, apart from the loss of through traffic. The Committee also makes formal application for a warrant authorising the abandonment of and an order releasing the Company of proprietors from all liability to sustain and from all obligations relating to this Navigation. Signed W H Bloxam, Chairman
Workmen's Compensation. Thank you for your letter. Please proceed with preparation of a new policy.
As requested by Messrs Dudbridge & Sons whose letter I enclose, I return the draft agreement, dated 23 Dec 1925, by the Navigation to E W Lee & Co.
A copy of my letter of 1 August was sent to the clerk of the Gloucestershire County Council at the same time as the letter was forwarded to you. The statutory provision under which the Company of Proprietors of this Navigation propose to apply for a warrant and order for abandonment is Section 45 of the Railway & Traffic Act 1888 and the grounds of such application are that if the GCC obtain an order to abandon the T&S Canal, the effect would render this navigation unnecessary as the Proprietors would be unable to keep it open for traffic and in the course of time it would become derelict.
I enclose a letter which I have received from Mr J J Marling re 'Director's Fees' Income Tax Assessment year 1929/1930. Below is an account of amounts paid to each of the Committee for the year ending 30 Mar 1930 [detailed account follows, £17:17:6 in all]. The figures were requested by and given to the Inspector of Taxes.
I enclose a letter received today from Mr S S Marling re Directors Fees Income tax assessment Year 1929/30 [repeats detailed account from previous letter.] The amount £17.17.6 was not distributed evenly. It was paid to gentlemen of the Committee to defray expenses and according to their attendance. The Inspector of taxes has the particulars as above.
Thank you for your letter enclosing Excess Policy No: 12024 and a cheque for £ 3:19:8.
Thank you for your letter enclosing £1. Your account stands as follows {detailed account now c. £38:10:1 in arrears]
Thank you for your letter which will be shown to the Committee at the next meeting. As this Company are not carriers we are unable to give you freights. Perhaps the following would be able to help you [names three carriers]. Continued …
Continued from 287: PS We have wharves at Whitminster, Eastington, Stonehouse, Dudbridge and Stroud and there are wharves in the Canal above Stroud to Chalford at Stroud, Brimscombe, Bourne and Chalford. I will be pleased to help you if I can.
Thames & Severn Canal. In the absence of the Chairman, I acknowledge receipt of your letter which will be passed to him immediately on his return.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of July 1930
I have received your letter and have to inform you the Chairman is away. An important matter like this must be reviewed by the Committee who will meet in a fortnight's time when your application will be reviewed.
Your letter will be placed before the Committee on the 25 September.
The Committee is prepared to offer you the following figures per ton of stone from Saul junction [detailed list of wharfs and charges] and a through rate to the T&S Canal 7d: the canal joins at Wallbridge. The wharf at Ryeford is let. There is a minimum charge of 11s per boat load any distance. Continued ...
Continued from 293: Below the Junction to our tidal lock at Framilode is a distance of 7/8 of a mile. The charge would be 7 3/4 per ton, minimum 10s per boat load. I am unable to send you a map of the canals. There is a through route to Wallbridge, Stroud on to Chalford; we pass 50 ton barges to Stroud, beyond that point, long boats.
I am instructed to inform you that the Committee does not see its way to granting your request.
Thank you for your letter. The bridge over the canal is only a wood one and has been there for some years. Certainly it would not be fit to take the proposed load. My Company would be unwilling to take the risk. The only alternative means is by the Canal. The bridge was only constructed to take light or ordinary traffic. Perhaps the Stroud Gas Co may be able to help you
The Committee has considered your letter. It is not aware that any water has been discharging into the canal from the field you mention and certainly no permission to do so has been granted. From past experience it is clear that in the case of surface water whatever the depth of the catchpit there is a certain amount of silt in suspension which necessitates extra dredging. The Committee is not prepared to give unconditional permission to lay a 6' pipe to discharge into the canal. To assist the County Council it would be prepared to grant permission subject to an agreement (to be prepared at the expense of the CC) determinable on either side by six month's notice and to the payment of 1s annually provided that no drainage but only surface water is discharged into the canal.
With reference to: Notice of Acct. No. 168 Cainscross, please give me the name of the occupier.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of August 1930
Re: Tax: Committee for year ending 5 Apr !931. My Chairman (Mr Bloxam) has asked me to send you the enclosed account re above. The next Committee meeting is on 15 October: I do not know whether they would expect me to produce the notices on that day. I notice the total is £20:10:0 for the year ending 5 Apr 1931 against 17:17:6 actually expended last year.