Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/17
Letters written by Percy G Snape between May 1928 and July 1941
I am instructed to suggest I meet you at the wharf to go into the matter.
Royal Insurance Policy: I am obtaining an estimate for repair to the cottage at Framilode struck by lightning
Key No. 5 of this Company's seal box returned.
Death certificate for W J P Marling deceased returned plus seven share certificates.
Seeking immunity for the proposed works. Continued letter 806.
Continued from letter 805 - Can we meet on site to discuss this point.
You may lay rainwater pipes to discharge into the canal subject to certain conditions - Continued in letter 808
Continued from letter 807 - and an annual rental. Please supply a plan of the proposed work.
In view of little use of canal it is difficult to supply estimate of future iron and steel tonnage requirements. The figures set out below are rough estimates.
The Company owns no land on off-side of the canal, so no point in sending you a plan.
Information on the nominal value of shares for purposes of probate of a deceased person (name illegible)
I am instructed to give you prior warning to make any alternative arrangements necessary as a result of the replacement of the Gashouse Bridge with a new one in the Spring. May take up to a month..
I am instructed to give you prior warning to make any alternative arrangements necessary as a result of the replacement of the Gashouse Bridge with a new one in the Spring. May take up to a month..
S H Clutterbuck deceased: Acknowledgement of death certificate of Mrs M C Clutterbuck and two share certificates. Shares now in name of Mr C F Raikes and Mr Macdonald.
Income tax demand note has been sent to Messrs Dudbridge & Sons.
Income tax demand note re 20/81147 enclosed for your attention.
Enclosed certificates of deduction of income tax from rents re wayleaves with General Post Office, Stroud Water Company re pipe at Eastington Bridge, and pipes at Dudbridge, Ryeford and Stonehouse Bridges.
Major W J P Marling deceased. Enclosing seven share certificates, probate of the will and correspondence.
Water supplies: My Committee is prepared to consent to laying of water pipes shown on plan subject to certain conditions as set out below.
The rent payable half yearly in advance is considerably overdue. Six months notice required for termination of the agreement.
The wayleave rent is payable under an Agreement dated 13 February 1892. Mr Hooper says he has a receipt for deeds etc including this one which was handed over to you on the purchase.
I find your rent for half year October 1939 to April 1940 has been paid.
Charles W Marling deceased: I acknowledge receipt and return Probate of the Will and six share certificates.
Canal crossing, Stonehouse works: Committee agreed to you erecting a cable across the canal at an annual wayleave rent of 5s.
Permission given for temporary guard rails at the swing bridge next your works at Stonehouse.
Wharf and Premises at Dudbridge: any reduction not accepted, but will let you sublet the whole or part of the Wharf.
Towing path at Dudbridge: there is no right of way for the public.
The committee sees no reason for reducing the already moderate rent.
Fire Drill at Wallbridge Wharf: permission granted as confirmed by telephone the other day.
Iron and steel requirements: enclosed form for estimate of requirements for April to June. May replace a wooden swing bridge with heavy girders.
Acknowledgement of six months wayleave rent re foot passengers use of towing path at specified area.
Water mains to rural parishes south of the city: Will the Corporation invest a sum to produce the same amount of income per annum as a capital sum?
Certificate enclosed for deduction of income tax re wayleaves for Government telephones.
Please send the certificate of deduction of income tax which was not sent with your warrant no. 14282.
Let me have the considerably overdue rent for the pipe by the side of the Eastington Bridge.
Post Office telephones, Posts and Wires: Certificates of deduction of income tax from rents for year ending 31 Dec 1939 enclosed.
If your lorry damaged the bridge crossing at Whitminster, you will be held responsible for such damage.
Same content as for letter no. 840, with additional sentence that a letter has been sent to your garage in Bristol.
I have been instructed to write to you that your figure to demolish the old carpenter's shop and take away the debris at the canal depot Eastington could not be agreed to.
Supply to Parishes in Gloucester Rural District to south of city. Our chairman will be pleased to meet your chairman.
Income tax return. Your form has been sent on to Messrs Dudbridge & Sons for their attention.
Re your letter of 23rd: no action taken place.
Enclosed contract note re sale of £200 of 3½% war stock for your inspection and also transfer for execution and return.
Enclosed contract note re sale of £200 of 3½% war stock for your inspection and also transfer for execution and return.
Damage to Whitminster Canal Bridge. We shall refer the matter to the Company's solicitor.
Enclosed contract note re sale of £200 of 3½% war stock for your inspection and also transfer for execution and return.
Acknowledging receipt of cheque for proceeds of sale of £200 of 3½% war stock.
Gas House Bridge: formal notice of start of work about 14 June. Also quote of figures for a heavier bridge if required by Gas Company, the two companies to pay half each - continued in letter 852..
Continuation of letter 851: time problems arising if 12 ton bridge required.
Canal Bridge at Whitminster: The damage is considerable; also debris still in the Canal.
Estimate of requirements of iron for Sept to Dec 1940 and for year 1941.
Only ordinary maintenance works to the canal and canal buildings etc. The repair of the bridge at Whitminster is in hand.
The estimate for the cost of repairing the bridge.
Replacement of Gas House Bridge will start on the 14th June.
We hold you responsible for the cost of temporarily fencing off Whitminster bridge,
Mr Hopson's estimate enclosed for work to Whitminster Bridge.
Permission asked for specified timber to repair bridges at Stroud Gas Works, Whitminster and Framilode.
Cannot give a date when the work to Gas House Bridge will start because of contractor difficulties.
The 8 ton Gas House Bridge ordered from Daniels, but cannot give a date when it will be completed.
Explanation of cost of certain items in estimate to repair Whitminster Bridge.
Actual application made for specified timber with dimensions for repair to bridges.
Explanation of how specifications for timber have been worked out and that nothing else can be used.
Under The Control of Iron & Steel (No. 8) Order 1940 no licence or Departmental Authority necessary providing "For Home Civil Requirements"" is stated on order."
Can your staff inspect the bridge as our staff is very limited?
Timber: Ministry of Transport Certificate to Purchase enclosed.
Cheque enclosed for premium for Workmen's Compensation Excess Policy No. 45360/T.36347
Your letter re confirmation of our order for Gas House Bridge as specified at specified cost acknowledged.
Half yearly meeting fixed for 24 June 1940 at 3.30pm.
The books are ready for audit.
Should like a reply re Howards Transport and Damage to Whitminster Bridge for our meeting on the 24th.
Illegible. Continued on to letter no. 875
Continued from letter no. 874, illegible.
Wages return enclosed re Workmen's Compensation Excess Policy No. 45360/T.36347
Mr Hopson is removing the debris from the canal.
Work on replacement of Gas House Bridge will start on the 12th.
Work on replacement of Gas House Bridge will start on the 12th.
Acknowledgement of receipt of Notices and claim forms re defence works [block houses] on the banks of this canal.
Company's cheque for annual subscription enclosed.
Re Gas Works Bridge replacement: please supply and deliver half a ton of cement for the foundations.
Cheque re Workmen's Compensation Insurance Adjustment enclosed.
No wood wool required during period mentioned.
Re timber obtained from Ryeford Sawmills for repair as a result of air raid damage.
Specifications of timber required.
Blunder lock bombed. Canal closed. Work to start when all necessary materials obtained.
Acknowledgement of their letter of 24th August.
Services at the Canal Bridge mentioned are maintained by the Authorities concerned.
Account enclosed re Gas House Bridge.
The account for replacement of Gas House Bridge.
Mr Hopson's account for repair of wall on Bristol Road Bridge enclosed. The Company have to remove debris and would accept the figure quoted by Mr Hopson.
Detailed answers to letter of 21st August about the repairs etc required to Blunder Lock.
Expired Acquisition Licence No. 7563 returned. New licence required for timber re Blunder Lock etc.
In reply to your letter about 1 ton (of what?) required for quarter ending 31 December next.
Forms enclosed for application to purchase timber for gates at Blunder Lock.
Reply required to my letter of 2nd, to go before the Committee Meeting on Wednesday next.
Acknowledgement of your letter of 4 Sept, I regret the typist's error in the account.
The Committee agree to you taking a supply of water from the canal at stated rent and signed Agreement.