Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/17
Letters written by Percy G Snape between May 1928 and July 1941
As no communication was received from Mr Taylor, the Committee could not deal with your letter.
Acknowledgement of your father giving up his tenancy at Framilode and a reminder to hand over the key
Enclosing receipt for rent. The key of the land rented by your father will be sent to this office when tenancy ends.
Your letter will be put before the Committee at its next meeting.
Enclosing return of traffic on the canal for August and September
If you cannot regulate the water you will be passing to this navigation, the Committee must continue to object to the closure of your navigation.
It is clear that both parties have interpreted the agreement as referring to the length of pipe not of the towing path
The Committee have agreed that we should meet.
Re Wall at Framilode, I enclose a cheque for £2 towards the cost.
As you did not agree to pay for the Agreement, the Committee did not consider your application. The house is let.
Return of list of Catchment Areas. Navigation is concerned with one marked in red.
Re Bridge Gas House Lane. Information required for Committee. Messrs Daniels' estimates etc based on 24 February.
In reply to your letter of 6 October, my Committee regrets it has no funds available.
Proposed Swing Bridge, Gas House Lane. Any alteration likely to be made in prices submitted?
Tenancy Agreement house at Framilode. Re Mr W C Wathen. Signed counterpart and 12s 6d costs enclosed.
Re your wish to give up your Tenancy 29 October. The Committee agree. Kindly forward the month's rent.
Re cottage at Framilode. Signed Agreement received, Costs £1 5s. I shall have to bring matter before Committee.
You agreed, letter 28 October, to take house @ £8 a year. Costs of Agreement. Committee prepared to relieve you of liability. £1 1s towards costs, if paid immediately.
Canal from Walk Bridge to just below lock at Junction maintained by Sharpness Docks Co. Company willing to allow Board £2 10s re portion down to Framilode.
Re Gas Mains rent. Company prepared to accept rent in terms mentioned. Extra £2 10s from 24 June last.
Agreement re house at Framilode. £1 1s from Mr Price and form of Agreement and Counterpart enclosed.
Thames & Severn Canal. Re interview 3 November between Navigation and Mr Alford, copy of letter to Ministry of Transport enclosed.
Thames & Severn Canal. Stroudwater Navigation withdraws its objections to Abandonment of T&S Canal, subject to right at any time to continue flow of water from one canal into the other.
2s 6d for each canoe. T&S Canal navigable Stroud to Chalford, Stroudwater Canal joins T&S at Stroud.
Thames & Severn Canal. Receipt of letter 31 December with copy of letter to Gloucestershire County Council 12 December.
Re F A Little deceased. Return of 8 Share Certificates. Probate of Will enclosed. Next Committee Meeting 27 January.
General Half Yearly Meeting on 27 January. Kindly let me know date for audit of half yearly account.
Canal Statistics. Enclosing return of traffic on canal October, November and December 1931.
Re Taxes. Kindly communicate with Messrs Dudbridge & Sons, Company's Auditors, Lansdown, Stroud.
Re F A Little. Return of Probate of Will and new Certificates for Shares nos.16,19,51, 56,64,82,83,120, 140,146,172.
Enclosing 8 Certificates in names of R J Caruthers-Little and Miss A M Sale, shares nos. 14,28,29,30,89,95,109, 95,109,116.
Agreement for tenancy of cottage at Framilode received, also cheque for rent and £1 5s costs.
No dividend since 1922. No prospect of future dividend.
Return of form unsigned. Mr Wathen is liable for rent to 25 March 1932. I believe there has been no furniture in the house.
Re River Frome. Company's lock keeper instructed to see you there. It is impossible for us to widen the river without risk of weakening original canal bank under Act of Parliament. More could be done on opposite side. Any work you do interfering with canal will be at your own risk.
Thanks for your estimate for new casement 15s and repair of chimney 25s in cottage at Framilode. Accepted..
Enclosed Canal Statistics, January, February, March 1932.
Acknowledging receipt of your letter, 12 May.
Further to your letter 12 May. Last sale September 1925 30s per share. No dividend since. Shires nominal only.
Re cottage at Double Locks, Ryeford. Estimate accepted. Kindly clear guttering, as wall of passage and plaster will be affected. Express wish of tenant.
Stroudwater Canal open for traffic to Thames & Severn Canal at Stroud, open to Chalford only. Charge 2s 6d per canoe single journey. Mr J Smart, Chalford, would charge you for taking canoe to Thames at Cricklade or Lechlade by road. Tel: 82 Brimscombe.
General Half Yearly Meeting for Stroud Navigation on 27th July.
Enclosed letter from Messrs Vandorcem, Stanton & Day re Miss E S M Stanton deceased. Probate not enclosed. Formalities as to shares.
Receipt of Certificates Nos.7,62 re Miss E S M Stanton. Messrs Little & Bloxam Company Solicitors.
Enclosed Probate of Will of Miss Ethel Sophia Martha Stanton.
Enclosed Probate of Will of Miss Ethel Sophia Martha Stanton.
One of struts of Posting Station, Wallbridge, Bath Road is on Canal Company land. No permission given.
Strut of your Hoarding resting on Canal Company land.
Re letter re Billboarding Station. I take it your Company would arrange for any trespass outside Midland Company's site.
Policy No. 16516108 Stroudwater Navigation. Item No.5. Tenant of private house has had gas stove installed.
Receipt of letter 28 Jun, Enclosed cheque for £6.
Re Billposting Station. Further conversations on matter.
Committee has no comments or proposals.
Canal Statistics. Enclosing return of traffic on canal April, May and June.
Rent for pipe under canal at Downfield increased to £30? From Sept 1921.
Salaries Wages June 1932 £56 10s 8d.
Your estimates higher than those of man usually doing work but Committee accepts them for cottage you rent, £3 17s 6d.
Proposed Storm Overflow Wallbridge. Your letter considered by Committee. No objection.
Acknowledgement of your letter 3 August.
Thank you for your letter 5 August, enclosing cheque for 7s 2d. Completed Wages Statement enclosed.
Unclear. Thank you for your letter 2 August.
Re Swing Bridge at Stonehouse. King Post broken. I would be glad of your observations.
Stonehouse Bridge. Your estimate 85s of 21 April accepted.
Re Musk Rats. No trace of animal so far. If we do we will let you know.
Aqueduct carrying water from weir leaks where it crosses the "rean""
Re Value of Company shares. Last sale September 1925 at 30s per share. No dividend since. Future Dividend unlikely, shares nominal only.
Canal Statistics. Enclosed are Returns of Traffic on Stroudwater Navigation for July, August, September 1932.
Stonehouse Cross Bridge. Bridge will suffer structural damage unless some metal is put on it.
Re your letter of 28 November. I enclose letter,19 November, from Messrs Keith, Bailey & Rigg.
I enclose Balance Sheet for past three years. Difficult to state value of shares. No market, no dividend since 1922. Traffic on canal diminishing. Suggested value 30s per share as in September 1923.
Estimate for new WC at Wharf House, Dudbridge, £15, 10%, 30s extra rent per annum, to be paid by you.
Re Mr John Perks, Dudbridge Wharf. I enclose Mr Hopson's estimate, £15, copy of my letter to Mr Perks and his reply. Mr Hopson prepared to start work on receipt of order.
Further letter from Messrs Keith Bailey & Rigg re value of shares in Company.
Re WC at Wharf House at Dudbridge. I note that you will pay 30s extra rent per annum. Mr Hopson to proceed with work.
Stonehouse Cross Bridge. Thank you for letter 18 November. Before Committee 21 December. Please give me idea of cost.
Re Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co. Letter from Messrs R H Behrend & Co re Agreement between Company and Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co 12 Jan 1897.
Re Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co Ltd. I enclose plan. Please return as soon as possible..
Re Barge Stanley. Your barge Stanley, at Framilode, sunken with mud and water. Could cause serious obstruction in middle of pound which would have to be dredged at considerable cost. Please have barge pumped and moorings made fast.
Stonehouse Swing Bridge. Company not liable to make up roadway as per your estimate. Three inches of local stone on crown of bridge, layer of tarmac to bind it, all that is needed. Similar Council work about £2 7s 6d.
Re Mr E P Little deceased. Letter re value of shares 28 Dec 1932. Last sale Sept 1925 at 30s per share. No dividend, no likelihood of one in future.
Canal Traffic Oct, November 1932.
Re Musk rats. Mr Cookley, Coal Merchant of Framilode, reported, !0 January, that he killed a young Musk Rat in his coal yard 31 December.
Water main in Bath Road damaged by your workman. Water forced on to roof and through windows of Wharf House. Company will hold you responsible.
I shall be unable to meet you until after 26 January. Please send me a plan marking boundary you propose.
Charge £3 10s for this year.
Re Stonehouse Bridge. Amended estimate of £4 10s accepted.
20s received. Not clear.
Canal Statistics. Return for December enclosed.
Dead musk rat found in Tidal Lock at Framilode, River Severn.
I enclose your Certificate of Service in Royal Navy.
Employees of County Council taking water cart across Company's wharf at Wallbridge. To pump water from River Frome to Bath Road without permission. Surface of wharf badly cut up. Suggest a suitable acknowledgement.
Reply to letter 13 March. Satisfactory, provided you consult me before starting to lay any material.
Permission to occasionally take cart through Wallbridge Wharf to Messrs Strachan's Mills at Lodgemore granted.
Present rental low. Saving of 12s 6d a year by removing cabin sign post. 2s 6d due 25 April.
You have been accepted as tenant from 25 March. Same terms as late Mr Emerson, £2 8s a year.
Thanks for your letter 15 May. I have notified Mr Brown.