Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/17
Letters written by Percy G Snape between May 1928 and July 1941
A month's notice has been given to Mr Humphries that his services as joint clerk to the Committee and the T&S Canal Committee will be dispensed with as from the end of September last.
In June last my Committee went very carefully into the charge of 8d per ton for the use of the Wallbridge Wharf, to which you agreed. They regret that they cannot reduce for the further period as the circumstances are the same now as they were in June last.
Mr Humphries has not yet been successful in finding employment. He has not had anything up to the present offered him by the County. Mr Aldridge has instructed me to retain his services for a while after the 31st, the date on which his notice expires. Kindly give me your instructions with regard to the Stroudwater.
Wayleave to West Gloucestershire Power Co. I have received your letter re above.
T&S Canal. In reply to your letter, My Committee assume that it is a list for the promised contributions from both the Canals which you ask for. They have instructed me to give you the totals, distinguishing the traders contributions from those promised by public bodies. They do not think it proper to supply a list of individual amounts promised without first obtaining permission.
Ref: F.S. 1375 I enclose statistics of traffic carried on this canal during the months of Aug and Sep 1928.
Please remove your rowing boat from off this Navigation's river bank as it is endangering the property of the navigation.
Stroudwater Navigation. List of pipes to canal.
Your letter will be placed before the Committee at its next meeting
I have had an offer of £2: for the crop of withies at the junction from Mr E. Gardner of Epney. Do you know anything about him. Is the crop worth more than £2 or is that in your opinion a fair price.
Your letter will be considered by the Committee. Is £2: your best offer for the crop?
Rating & Valuation (Apportionment) Oct 1928 Stroud Urban District Council. Please advise me of any special form that may need to be filled in by Canal Companies submitting claims under the above.
Stonehouse Court Bridge. Thank you for your cheque for £7:10:0 re above.
Providing a list of the Chairman and members of the Committee.
I enclose Key No.3 of this Company's Seal Box. Please acknowledge receipt.
We are revising the charges made for use of pipes from the Canal to various properties. We find to our astonishment that your Company pays only about a tenth of that charged our other friends which you will agree is out of all proportion when the number and size of the pipes is considered. When we last revised the charges the trade in coal on the canal to your order must have had a considerable bearing on the rental fixed. From 1 Jan next the charge for these pipes viz. 2"
West Gloucestershire Power Co Wayleave. I enclose the two agreements which have been duly signed and sealed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
Withy bed at the junction. Your offer has been accepted on the understanding that you pay Lock keeper Pockett £2: cash before commencing to cut the crop. I have written to the lock keeper.
Mr Gardner's offer has been accepted. Please get the money before you allow the crop to be cut! PS I am meeting Mr Gardner today.
I enclose an account re removal of trees from the canal at Eastington Park as you desire.
[Detailed account amounting to £8:19:2]
Wallbridge Wharf: To Wharfage Charge re deposit of road material 1481 tons 8d £49:7:1 ?
Please send the balance of your rent due last 29th September. The Committee are pushing me very hard in the matter and I am sure they intend to take some action.
Mr Aldridge has been unable to find employment for Mr Humphries. He has instructed me to inform Mr Humphries that his services will not be required after the end of the present month.
Ref. F.S. 1376 I enclose statistics of traffic carried on the canal for the month of October 1928
Thank you for your letter of 12 Dec
The Committee meet at 5 o'clock on Wednesday. Please pay your outstanding rent by then or I feel the Committee will take action.
The General Half yearly meeting of this Company will take place on 3 Jan 1929 at 3.30pm
Ref. F.S. 1376 I enclose statistics of traffic carried on the canal for the month of November 1928
I enclose our usual advertisement of our half yearly meeting - it should appear in the Citizen on 12th Jan.
The accounts will be ready for audit by 15th January
As the Company books are being prepared for audit, please advise me if there will be any interim dividend for the coming year.
I am being pushed to obtain a further payment on your outstanding rent due September last. Please settle your account this week as I have to report to the Committee
Thank you for your letter. In 1911 this Company purchased £500 North British Railway 4 1/2% Convertible Preference 1875. The Certificate No: 3016 dated 4 May 1911 is made out in the name of W H Marling Bart and others.
We realise the increase of the charge for the pipeline from £10 to £60 must appear very large to your directors but it is perfectly in line with the amounts paid by other users. Our canal is fighting for its existence and we must try to get every penny we are justly entitled to. Continued ...
Continued from 136: If without injury to your Company you could meet us halfway with £45 you will be helping us at a time of need and come more in line with other users.
Please send a reply to my letter of 14th as my Committee meet this Wednesday.
My Committee thanks you for your letter of 21st.
In reply to your letter, we regret we are not in a position to subscribe.
Please forward to Messrs Dudbridge & Sons all the certificates of reduction of Tax you have received up to now for the year ending 5 Apr 1928 re this Company.
I regret I am unable to discover the Certificate re dividend paid by the London & North Eastern Railway Co. Dividend received Mar 1928. I have written to the bank to forward to you those certificates that they receive.
For my meeting next Wednesday. Income Tax. I enclose the form signed as requested. If we are liable for any Land tax please send particulars so I can draw up a cheque
In reply to your question, no dividend has been paid since the date mentioned.
I enclose statistics of traffic carried on the canal for the month of December 1928
Thames & Severn Canal. I am instructed to send you £200 collected on account of contribution towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for the year ending 25 Mar next.
I regret to inform you that owing to the circumstances of the canal we are compelled to reduce your wages to £1:0:0 per week from 8 March next until further notice.
Thank you for your letter of 28 February. The last transfer of shares was in 1925 at ? Per share. The last dividend paid in 1922. In the circumstances I should think the shares have not risen in value. [legibility very poor]
T&S Canal. This Company has again been asked by the County Council to ascertain whether the sum collected by the Public Bodies and Traders this year will again be forthcoming for a further twelve months to end 31 Mar 1930. Please let me know as soon as possible if the support you have given in the past can again be looked for. The next meeting of the Committee is on 20 March.[signed Jack Margetson, Chairman]
T&S Canal. This Company has again been asked by the County Council to ascertain whether the sum collected by the Public Bodies and Traders this year will again be forthcoming for a further twelve months to end 31 Mar 1930. Please let me know as soon as possible if the support you have given in the past can again be looked for. The next meeting of the Committee is on 20 March.[signed Jack Margetson, Chairman]
I enclose statistics of traffic carried on the canal for the month of January 1929
I enclose a demand note from Mr W. Hooker re Director's Fees. I await your instructions.
Mrs C H Bonamico. I enclose a letter from Messrs Vandercom Stanton & Co re above. I have acknowledged receipt of the letter.
Thank you for your letter enclosing £2:0:0 re rent due last 29 Sep. The amount outstanding for that quarter and the next quarter is £10:18:11. The auditors have to be met for an explanation to be made to the proprietors. Something must really be done quickly.
My Committee has granted your request on the understanding that no responsibility should rest with this Company in the matter, your Society post a man in charge and also that the job be closed by 8.30 pm.
Ministry of Transport: I enclose a letter dated 28 Feb 1929 from the Ministry of Transport re this Company's account for the year ended 31 Dec 1928
Premises at the Bourne. Wall & Hook. Please find herewith file of papers re above. Awaiting your instructions.
Thames & Severn Canal. Please reply re above for my Committee as the matter is urgent.
Thames & Severn Canal. Please reply re above for my Committee on 17 April
Thames & Severn Canal. Please reply re above for my Committee on tomorrow afternoon.
Thames & Severn Canal. I am instructed to send you £100 collected on account of contribution towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for the year ending 25 March 1929
Please send details of coal delivered to Lodgemore Mills via Wallbridge Wharf in the quarter ending 31 Mar 1929 so that I can prepare the wharfage charge.
Geoffrey Brinkworth was employed by this Canal for several years ending in the early part of this year. He always appeared to be conducting himself in a decent and becoming manner.
I enclose statistics of traffic carried on the canal for the month of February 1929
Rent £14:11:9. The Committee has instructed me to write to you re above and to request you to remit the above [details of account attached] I have to report in the next few days.
I enclose the account of wharfage charges Wallbridge as requested. In the circumstances the Committee decided to make you a charge of 1/- per ton. Please remit a cheque.
Re my letter to you of the 17th April, I would be glad to have a reply [legibility very poor]
Rating & Valuation(Apportionment) Act 1928 Stroud Urban District Council. Wheatenhurst Rural District. I enclose a notice dated 6 May re above signed by Mr R C Stuart Clerk to the rating authority.
T&S Canal. I have just phoned the County Accountant and I understand a balance sheet has been sent to you. Please reply re above for my Committee on Wednesday next.
I enclose statistics of traffic carried on the canal for the month of March 1929
The Committee consider your difficulty to be between your good selves and Messrs Strachan & Co, You know our charge for wharfage at Wallbridge has always been 1s 7d per ton. Under the special circumstances my Committee is purposed to assist you by reducing the charge from 1s 7d to 1s per ton.
The Committee is prepared to grant the Gas Co permission to attach its main to the outside of Dudbridge bridge subject to the payment of the annual sum of £2: and to the work being carried out to the satisfaction of our Surveyor, all expenses in connection therewith and completion of the necessary agreement being borne by the Gas Company.
The Notice of rejection of the claim of this Company for insertion of properties in draft Special List was considered by my Committee. The Company desires to lodge an objection to the rejection of its claim with respect to the following:- No. 227 House at Eastington on the grounds that is occupied rent free by the Company's Lock Keeper who resides there for the purpose of attending to the lock; No. 436 Docks at Eastington on the grounds that they are occupied and used by the Company as part of its undertaking; No 225 Framilode on the grounds that it is occupied rent free by the Company's tidesman who resides there for the purpose of attending Continued ...
Continuing from 173: to the sluices etc, controlling water flowing into or from the River Severn.
I enclose letter and forms from the Clerk to the Assessment Committee re Canal property at Chipman's Platt and Framilode.
T&S Canal 1928/9. Referring to our correspondence, my Committee request you to remit your promised contribution to the upkeep for the year ending March 1929.
Whole sheet illegible
I enclose statistics of traffic carried on the canal for the months of April and May 1929
I regret the error in ? ? ? the accounts and enclose receipts for the Bathing Station and for the Boating, which includes the charge of 5s for the Boathouse and receipt for £10: special donation. The Committee much appreciate your kindness and I have to express their thanks to you.
The cheque is for the balance of £550 contributed during the past year towards the maintenance of the T&S Canal.
T&S Canal. I report the result of our appeal to Public Bodies and traders for support towards the upkeep of the T&S Canal for the year ending Mar 1930. Unfortunately the amount we hope to collect is considerably less than last year's viz £350 instead of £550, largely due to the decision of the Sharpness Docks Co not to contribute £150 as they have in the past.
The next meeting of the Committee is on Thursday 25 July.
I have looked at the minutes and have also spoken to Messrs Little and gather that the Committee have in the past (but not always) appointed its own Chairman. He has been appointed at a half-yearly meeting on more than one occasion, but I believe wrongly. Clause 47 refers to the appointment as follows [continued next page]
Continuing from 183: " the Chairman who shall be chosen by themselves"" etc - this being the only reference to the appointment of a Chairman
With reference to your letter of 24 July, the Company has had its claim unallowed. The Company has appealed ?nothing further. [poor legibility in places.]
The Company does not object to your felling the trees across the canal provided that no damage is done & no obstruction to the traffic thereon.
Cheque £26:16:4. The above amount has been drawn for the payment of workmen's wages, as follows:[breakdown of account supplied]
T&S Canal. I will place your letter before the Committee at the next meeting. Every effort has been made to bring before the traders the effects closing the T&S Canal would have upon the Railway rates.
The Inspector of Weighbridges has cancelled the stamps on our weighbridge at Dudbridge and states that before restamping this machine it will be necessary for us to provide new weights with only one adjusting hole in them. Those at present attached to the machine have two adjusting holes. If possible, let me have an estimate for the necessary for my next meeting on 18 September.
Rating Appeals. I return three forms of objection duly completed and signed.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of June 1929
Referring to your circular letter of 9th, my Committee does not meet until 18 September. Our Chairman thinks that in view of the financial position of the Canal and the very small amount of rates at stake in our case, he would not be justified in committing to any response without the approval of the Committee.
Our man reports that the wall of the garden at our Lock House at Eastington has been damaged by one of your engines. I take it that you will see that the wall is put in order.
I have received your letter enclosing the following: [lists 5 agreement documents made by Stroud Water Company at various times 1888 to present] to be sealed at the next meeting of the Committee.
The Committee has decided that future meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month
The Committee has decided that future meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of July 1929
The Committee has accepted your estimate of £6:15:0 re Dudbridge weighbridge. Please undertake the necessary as soon as you can and let me know when you will require our men. Will you write to the Inspector and tell him what is taking place.
I enclose a letter from the Inspector of Taxes dated 24 September. No account has been kept of the amount paid to each member of the Committee, the £1.12.6 is entered in full.