Gloucestershire Archives D1180/9/17
Letters written by Percy G Snape between May 1928 and July 1941
I enclose a cheque for £1:1:0, agreed subscription re Canal Association which the Company has paid since 1923.
The Committee have considered your letter. Please will you state exactly how much land you wish to purchase and the price you offer for it. On receiving this information the Committee will consider further.
T&S Canal, proposed abandonment. I enclose the statement of objectors to the memorial of the Gloucestershire County Council dated 3 Nov 1929 praying for an order for the abandonment of the T&S Canal
In reply to your enquiries, in view of the fact that this Company has already reduced its tolls [illegible] and of the small amount of trade now done on this canal, my Committee does not think it would be justified in ? the expense of an application for a private Bill. It does not therefore seem worthwhile answering questions 2 & 3 (legibility poor throughout)
The fees received by you for the year ending Mar 1930 amounted to £3:5:0. I have had to give particulars of the fees paid to the Committee to the Inspector of Taxes. Mr Dudbridge informs me that the assessments are greater than the actual fees paid because the Company pays the taxes on behalf of the Committee. The Inland Revenue authorities therefore treat the tax as an additional payment to the Committee. Please let me have the Assessment and I will send it to Mr Dudbridge.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of September 1930
Tithe. Ref. No. 11581, Benefice of Stonehouse 4/459. I enclose a cheque for £1:16:10 re above; please send receipt.
The Committee wish me to inform you that the nominal rent you pay was fixed for the temporary standing of vehicles; if you wish to erect a building and use it as a garage the rent should accord with that paid by others and should have a tenancy agreement. Please inform me what you would be prepared to pay if permission is given.
The Committee have considered your letter. I must remind you that the cannot give up the tenancy of part only of the property and that a full six months notice is required by your agreement. You also appear to overlook the fact that you have already received a proper notice from the Company to quit, that has been held over from time to time as a mere act of grace. If as is obviously the case you cannot afford the rent the Committee will be quite willing to allow you to give up the premises at once, but cannot accept part only of the property.
The Inspector has written to me about the pump at Framilode and states that he has also written to you and to Mr Sims. Please let me have your views to report to my Committee.
The Inspector has written to me about the pump at Framilode and states that he has also written to you and to Mr Purcell. Please let me have your views to report to my Committee.
I have the account form re Parish of Cainscross - to what purpose does it relate? A form has already been sent to you re the Company's properties at Dudbridge and Double Lock. PS please say what I am to do with the form.
Canal Statistics: I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of October 1930
The Committee accepts your notice to determine your tenancy of the Wharfhouse, Weighbridge, stable and wharf at Ladyday next.
If you let me know the total cost of repairing the pump, the Company will consider making a contribution towards it.
The Committee is prepared to quote you the same figures as on 26 September last. I hope you will make good use of the canal. Please make any suggestion that would work to your advantage. I would be happy to answer any questions that may arise. Continued ...
Continued from 316: The combined canal system is one of our local Industries and in making use of it you are benefiting the trade of the district.
I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of November 1930
I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of December 1930
Tax: I have received forms re above. Please send all particulars of demand notes etc to Messrs Dudbridge & Sons of London Rd, Stroud, as they are dealing with the matter.
Your enquiry of yesterday will be put before the Committee. I hope you will make good use of the canal: please send any suggestion that would improve your convenience. We will gladly answer any questions that may arise. Continued ,,,
Continued from 321: The canal is one of our local Industries and in making use of it you are benefiting the trade of the district.
Thank you for your letter of 6 Jan. The Committee would like to know how the matter you refer to is progressing.
The Committee regrets that you do not wish to use the Canal to supply your coal at present. The locks and towpaths are in good condition and transit of heavy goods by this means is found to be economical and often very advantageous. I would be pleased to give you any information re tolls etc or put you in touch with barge owners. A brief outline of the scope and usefulness of the canal might be of interest to you. Continues ...
Continued from 324: The canal passes through Dudbridge, Stonehouse and Eastington to Framilode on the Severn. At Saul Junction (less than a mile from Framilode) it crosses the Gloucester & Berkeley Ship Canal and is thus in communication with the Sharpness Docks (8 miles) and the Bristol Channel (Forest of Dean and South Wales Coalfields) in the one direction and in the other direction with the Gloucester Docks (8 miles) River Severn, Stourport, Wolverhampton, Tewkesbury, Worcester, Birmingham, Cannock Chase coalfields and the Staffordshire Potteries. PS the total mileage of the canal is 8 miles.
Canal Association. In reply to yours re Bridge Notice, my Company is prepared to agree to the Notice the other Canals will agree to.
We have received the enclosed letter from the Ministry of Transport. The Committee would be glad of your observations on the County Council's remarks especially with reference to the low dams proposed and also in regard to their hint of using the canal as a surface drain to send its contents into our canal. Please reply in time for the meeting of the Committee on 18 February.
The Committee will agree to let you have the whole of the wharf at Ryeford @£2: a year rent subject to your paying the cost of the Company's agreement. There is a meeting on 18 February, please reply by then.
There is no objection to you taking a further supply of water from the Canal to your new works at Ebley on the same terms as your present supply. Please state definitely the size of the proposed pipe. If the supply is to be in addition to your present one, the Committee might agree an inclusive rent.
Redemption of Tithe, Rodborough. My Committee have decided to voluntarily redeem the Tithe. Please send your form of application.
Land Heritage Act 1930: River Severn Catchment Area. I enclose 6d in stamps for a copy of the Draft Order.
I have to inform you that it is the Company's invariable practice to have an agreement. I am therefore afraid that unless you agree to pay the cost of same the matter will fall through altogether. Perhaps you may see your way to falling into line with our other tenants.
The Committee instruct me to inform you that they cannot allow you to store any furniture in the stable as our new tenant will want it.
SC411 T&S Canal: Thank you for the copy of a letter addressed to the Clerk of Gloucester County Council
In reply to your letter, there has been no dividend since 1922
I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of January 1931
I will collect the key of your house on 25 March. I must remind you that the house and wharf must be quite clear of all your property by that time and date, and the weighing machine left in proper working order as the new tenant takes possession at onset. Please remit the balance of rent owing now that you have disposed of your business.
Benefice of Rodborough. I enclose a form of application signed by the Chairman and a cheque for 8s re extinguishment of Rodborough Tithe Rent charge. Please acknowledge receipt.
Dear Madam. I have to inform you that the Company will credit you £3:0:0 against the amount of £62 due from you on 25 March for the Salt House and glass lean to fixed to the wall of the house.
Land Drainage Act 1930. Severn Catchment Area. Largely illegible
Benefice of Rodborough 4/609 Ref. No. 141/403. I enclose this Company's cheque for £3:1:11 re extinguishment of the tithe rent charge of 2s 9d in accordance with your letter of 17 March.
I can inform you that the Committee will agree to your taking a supply of water from the canal to your new premises in Ebley by a 2 1/2 inch pipe . . [remainder illegible].
T&S Canal Abandonment. Certain members of the Committee can meet your Committee on 27 March at the Shire Hall at 2.30pm. The representatives will be Col J R Morton Ball and myself, who will be accompanied by the Clerk and our expert adviser. Signed by Chairman W R Bloxam.
In accordance with the minutes of the Committee, I enclose a letter from the Ministry of Transport dated 7 March with a canal account.
Re: Bridge at Downfield. Messrs Strachan & Co say that they can use Lodgemore Bridge for their heavy traffic and they therefore don't wish to contribute to the cost of a stronger bridge. The extra estimated cost for an iron structure to take a load of eight tons is £150:- and for 12 tons, £166:-. The Gas Co would prefer an iron fabric bridge to sustain the heavier load of 12 tons. My Committee suggest that you might communicate with them and perhaps come to some arrangement as to sharing the extra cost so that the work can be put in hand as we are anxious to replace the present bridge as early as possible.
Re: Bridge at Downfield.(Gashouse Lane). Messrs Strachan & Co say that they can use Lodgemore Bridge for their heavy traffic and the therefore don't wish to contribute to the cost of a stronger bridge. The extra estimated cost for an iron structure is £150:- for an eight ton bridge and £166:- for a twelve ton. I believe the Stroud Urban District Council Surveyor would like a stronger bridge than the present one and my Committee has written to him suggesting he should see you with a view to coming to some agreement about the extra cost as we understand you also favour a stronger bridge than the one we are jointly liable to maintain.
Re your application to rent the Withy Bed at the junction, I can inform you that your offer of £1.0-0 per year rent for the withy bed has been accepted as a yearly tenancy from 25 Mar last, the rent to be paid in advance. Please remit the same.
Wharfhouse at Stonehouse. Your application for the tenancy for the Wharfhouse at Stonehouse was considered by the Committee. I am instructed to inform you that they cannot accept your terms.
I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the months of February & March 1931
Wharfage Stonehouse Wharf. My Committee has instructed me to request you to let me have the particulars of the coal you have deposited in the Stonehouse Wharf, to enable me to clear the books for the year ending December last.
We note that you will shortly be laying the proposed pipe along the towing path at Wallbridge. It has been our practice to appoint a watchman to look after the Company's interests for which in this instance I take it Messrs Jeavons & Co will repay your company. Messrs Jeavons have approached us with a view to hiring our mud flat to assist them in their work which I understand they are anxious to start soon. Before writing to them I should like to hear from you regarding the payment of the watchman.
My Committee will hire the mud flat at 10s per week. As mentioned to your representative, we cannot guarantee that she can transfer a cargo safely and your company must accept all risks.
In connection with the enclosed forms, please communicate with the Company's auditors, Messrs Dudbridge & Sons.
Whenever the towing paths are opened by other parties, the Company appoints a watchman to see they are reinstated and you will recollect that you paid for this when you opened the path at Bond's Mill. I have written to Jeavons stating that I look to them for this expense.
In reply to your letter of 17 April the terms which the Committee cannot accept are those numbered 1, 2 & 4 in your letter of 16 April and the question of subletting would be subject to the agreement which was sent you, which please return at once.
Following my letter of 27 April, it is our practice in similar cases to appoint a watchman to look after the Company's interests. I understand you have undertaken to be responsible for the permanent reinstatement of the towpath to our satisfaction and look to you to carry the expense of the watchman.
I enclose agreements with Messrs C Hooper & Co dated 19 Oct 1887; Apperly Curtis & Co: 12 Jan 1897; Miss Heath (now Hubbard Bros): 19 Nov 1913; Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd: 1 Dec 1917.
Swing Bridge: Gas House Lane. My Committee meets on 20 May. Please send what you have to lay before them.
Swing Bridge: Gas House Lane. My Committee meets on 20 May. Please send what you have to lay before them.
Bridge Gas House Lane. Thanks for your letter of 16 May. My letter of 15th was intended to refer to the swing bridge. My Committee meets on 20 May. Please send what you have to lay before them.
[concerns a tenancy agreement. Too illegible to transcribe]
Stonehouse Wharf. I enclose the Company's agreement re above for signature. I have to hand to you this agreement in exchange for the counterpart and the sum of £1:8:6 being one half of the cost for the agreement and stamps, on payment of all moneys owing for tonnage up to the end of this month. I am also to ask you that the consent of the Company to your subletting the house and the garage to the two parties you mention must not be taken as consent to any further or other assignment, underletting or parting with the premises or any part thereof without the consent in writing of the Company as provided in the agreement.
I enclose the agreement re premises at Stonehouse wharf and a receipt for wharfage for £1:3:0. The £1:8:6 re half the cost of agreement has been sent by me to the Company's solicitors. Please acknowledge receipt of the agreement.
Agreement. Premises at Stonehouse Wharf. Messrs Ward & Son Ltd. I enclose £1:8:6 being half the cost of the agreement and stamps, paid today. They also paid all moneys owing for tonnage (Wharfage) up to the end of this month and signed the agreement, dated for 1 Jun 1931.
Agreement. I enclose a draft agreement re taking supply of water from the canal at Ebley. I would like to present the completed agreement to my Committee on 17 June. Please return the draft agreement and your response as soon as possible.
Re Bridge Gas Works Lane. My Committee meets on 17 June. Do you have anything I can lay before them?
Your notice to discontinue your tenancy of part of the Dudbridge Wharf on 29 September next has been accepted.
Re Workmen's Compensation Insurance Excess Policy No. 12024. I enclose a cheque for £7:7:0 re your letter of 17 June. Please send a cover note.
I have received the following agreements: 19 Nov 1887 the Navigation to Charles Hooper; 12 Jan 1897 The Navigation to Apperly Curtis & Co Ltd and plan; 19 Nov 1913 The Navigation to Mrs C M M Heath; 1 Dec 1917 The Navigation to W H Vowles & Sons Ltd.
The agreement with W Horsfall (Stroud Sanitary Laundry Co) has been completed and dated 15 Jun 1931
I have received your cheque for £6:11:0 as being a proportion of the rent for water from 16 May to 24 June. Before accepting this I wish to have the position cleared up. If you wish to apportion the quarters payment, it must be from day to day, in which case the amount due for the period up to 15th May is more than thirty days overdue and therefore this Company is in a position to call on you to remove the water pipe. If the amount payable is not apportionable from day to day then clearly the whole quarterly rent of £15:- is due. Please tell me your view. In the meantime I am retaining the cheque.
I regret an error in the Tonnage account for May last. I have your cheque for £6:2:0 which is £1:1:8 less than the amount of tonnage £7:3:8 for the month as per particulars enclosed. I would be grateful for a cheque as I close my books at the end of the month. Awaiting your early reply.
Canal Statistics. I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the months of April & May 1931.
Thanks for letter and cheque received this morning. I enclose a receipt for £15:- water rent to 25 March.
The Company half-yearly meeting will be held at Wallbridge Office on Wednesday 22 July at 4.30pm. Please let me know the date for audit of the account.
EE.C. 431 Thanks for your letter of 29 June enclosing a copy of the observations of the Gloucestershire County Council and [other letters] to be placed before the Committee [partially illegible]
Ref : A.G.B./FB/1550. Your letter of 23 June has been sent to the Company's auditors, Messrs Dudbridge & Sons, Stroud.
I enclose a letter from H M Inspector of Taxes at Stroud re Committee expenses. I have informed them the letter has been sent to you. I enclose particulars according to their attendance made to each member of the Committee in the year ending Mar 1931.
Your letter of 29 June will be put before my Committee on 22 July. In the meanwhile, please let me have particulars of your proposals so that I can put the matter clearly to the Committee. Perhaps you could call me at this office.
Thanks for your letter re payment of 42s for . . . Rate . . . .a cheque will be drawn for that amount at the next meeting of my Committee on 22 July. I will arrange for earlier payment if possible. [illegible in places]
Re Bridge Gas Works Lane. Adverting to yours of 16 June I would be glad if you have anything I can lay before my Committee. [legibility poor]
[Letter present but too faint to read]
With regard to your letter which only reached me on 8th, I have inspected the bank in question and find that the position is practically the same as it was in 1925 and the Navigation will do what is necessary provided the work does not endanger the safety of the Canal bank.
Workman's Compensation.1931/2 I enclose form re above. I shall be glad to hear in due course.
It has been reported that you have given several boys permission to enter the enclosed wharf premises of this company at Framilode. You are probably aware that the premises are private and also that the entrance gate is kept closed and also that the Company by their Clerk Surveyor, servants or agents in this respect have full and absolute control over this property and every part thereof. Please let me know by what authority you gave permission in time for my Committee which meets Wednesday next.
Workman's Compensation. Thank you for your letter of 21 July re above, please put the matter forward in accordance with it. I await your reply.
With reference to the new gas main along the towing path from Downfield to Wallbridge (which is about half a mile) the current charge for permission will be £2:10:0 calculated at the rate of £5.0.0 per mile of pipe provided by Act of Parliament. I gather the contractor has left several rough places in the towing path which I would like to point out to him,[legibility poor in places]
Complaints have been made that several boys, holders of fishing passes, are becoming a nuisance when angling in the canal basin at Framilode. I believe the boys are known by your bailiff Mr Clifton Cam. My Committee would be glad if you would ask the Bailiff to see the boys and if necessary warn them off the enclosed premises of the locks.
[Letter present but too faint to read]
I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of June 1931
E.C. 421. T&S Canal. The copy of the observations of the Gloucestershire County Council were carefully considered by the Committee of this Navigation at its last meeting. The members are unanimous in the view that the description of what the GCC proposes to do is still too vague to enable the Navigation to withdraw its objection. They do not understand paragraph ?7 of the CC's observations. The canal as far as Brimscombe can take any barge which this navigation will take and at the present time barges are delivering loads of 36 tons and these same barges can carry 70 tons if there is sufficient water. Paragraph 4 No action has at present been suggested that [illegible] pass in sufficient quantities. Paragraphs 5 & 6. The height of dams might be arranged but adjustable sluices are essential. Paragraph 7 With such adjustable sluices the Council can control the water and regulate the flow so that water in the required quantities can always pass to the Navigation. The right of the CC to discharge floodwater into the Navigation is not admitted.
I enclose the Census of production form re year ending December 1930
Your letter of 28 August will be put before the Committee on 23 September.
Canal Statistics. I enclose the return of traffic carried on the canal for the month of July 1931
Thank you for your letter of 15 September, re the house occupied by Mr Wathen at Framilode. I have not had any written notice from Mr Wathen, perhaps you might see him. Please let me have your reference in time for my meeting on Wednesday.
I have had an application sent in by Mr Knight for your house. Please let me have your views on this and also your intentions with regard to your tenancy of the house you occupy under the Company. My Committee meets on 23 September. PS I am awaiting a letter from Mr F Taylor about his tenancy of the house he holds as tenant under the Company and also your application for same.
Bridge Gas House Lane. My Committee meets Wednesday next. Please let me have anything I can lay before them.
I have received your letter of 15 September on my return from holiday and will bring it before the Committee meeting on Wednesday afternoon, but I am doubtful if it will not be possible for a meeting with Mr Alford for Friday night. Signed by Chairman W R Bloxam.
Your letter of 22 September was considered by the Committee at its meeting yesterday. As we have not yet had any communication from Mr Taylor we are unable to do anything in the matter of the tenancy. In the meantime perhaps you will let us have your references.
Re Stroudwater Navigation Shares. In reply to your letter, shares in this Company were last traded at 30s each.
Your letter of 21 September was considered by the Committee at its meeting yesterday. As we have not yet had any communication from Mr Taylor nothing was done in the matter.