And We do hereby Order that a duplicate of this Bye Law be made out and our Seal affixed to the same and recorded among our proceedings for making compleating supporting and maintaining the Stroudwater Navigation agreeable to the Act of Parliament in that Case made and provided.
This resolution to be considered as a Bye Law under power of Act of Parliament and receive seal of Company.
Byelaw order of 1784, placing a fine of 5s on absent Proprietors, rescinded.
Resolution to be considered as a Byelaw.
Ordered that the Notice respecting the Bye Law made at the last General Meeting be wrote on a Board and fix'd up at the Entrance of the Canal.
Bye law stopping vessels unloading in locks put into execution.
From 1st June next bye law that at least 3 able and efficient persons belonging to and attending every barge.
Bye law to be added to Table of Rules and Orders.
Many infractions of the byelaw which requires that no vessel shall be navigated on the canal without three men at least being attendant thereon during the Navigation thereof.
Application to be made to the magistrates to enforce against them the byelaw that takes cognisance of such an offence.
Mr Barker, proprietor of the vessel which had been navigating with sails in defiance of the byelaw, having stated such proceeding was without his knowledge or consent, ordered that the prosecution against William Rowley and others be discontinued .
As byelaw respecting the navigating of vessels with sails sometimes inconveniences barge owners, it is rescinded.
It appears that our Bye Law of the 12th of April 1808 had been and still continues to be violated to the great inconvenience of individuals and to the danger of the community at large, in order therefore to first stop any Person navigating on this Canal leaving the Bridges improperly turned or left unsafe we order that information be laid against Owner Richard Lloyd of the Edward for negligently and wilfully leaving two Bridges improperly turned and that our Clerk do lay information before the Magistrates accordingly.
William Graves, master of William Wild’s barge, is to be prosecuted for the breach of the byelaws in carrying sail hoisted through the locks and bridges.
Bye Laws and Orders to be transcribed on parchment and sent to Lechlade and Siddington.
And also the Penalty of ten Shillings for using Shafts shod in Iron on the Canal according to the Bye Law of 9th April 1788 in that respect.
Byelaw enacted that any vessel entering or leaving the Stroudwater Canal at the G&B canal should have previously given an account in writing to the Collector at Framilode.
Details of the fines and byelaws to be printed and distributed by Mr Purcell to the master or owner of every vessel as such vessel enters the canal.
The byelaw giving agents of the Company of Proprietors the power to direct where cargo may be landed at Company wharfs on pain of fine to be repealed.
Enacted byelaws for the use of the horse towing path.
A byelaw enacted for preventing damage to land adjoining the towing path of the canal, that if any person passing through any gate on the line of the towing path leaves the gate open they shall pay any sum not exceeding 40s.
New byelaw enacted to ensure correct use of the locks by boats and vessels, penalties to be put in place for non-compliance.
Bye law to be enacted that master or owner of every boat, barge or other vessel coming into Navigation to allow nearest clerk to copy ticket containing account of cargo.
Ordered that it be enacted as a Bye-law for the good and orderly using of the Stroudwater Navigation that no Barge Vessel or Boat called a Worser using the said Navigation shall pass through any Lock on the same Navigation without having a Guard or Fender attached to the Stern in order to prevent Injury to the Locks and that the Master or Owner of such Vessel shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings for every Offence, Such Penalties to be recovered in manner directed by the Act of Parliament for regulating this Navigation.
Penalties on masters, owners and managers of vessels incurred in violation of byelaws, giving false account of quantities on vessel, whence brought and where intended to land to be strictly enforced.
And that in the Event of any future Vacancy or Vacancies in the office of Chief Clerk or other Clerk or Servant of this Company - The general Committee do proceed to the Election of a Clerk or Clerks under such regulations as to his offices, Salaries, duties, residence or otherwise of as should be observed to be expedient by them, and that they do report thereon to the next following General Half yearly meeting of the Company of Proprietors, with such recommendation as to Byelaws or other regulations for the management of the Concerns of their Company as they shall see fit.
New Byelaw that master, owner or person in charge of a boat which is empty, or has cargo not delivered in 48 hours of arrival, who shall remain opposite wharf for 2 hours after being requested to remove it, to be fined 20s and charged 5s for every hour they remain.
Ordered that our Solicitor be prepared with the several Bye Laws on the Subject mentioned by Mr Sherwood and have them ready to be submitted to the next General Half Yearly Meeting.
The following Bye Laws were agreed upon: That all and every person or persons who shall without any lawful cause or reason open any Swivel Bridge upon or over the said Navigation or who shall unnecessarily swing any such Bridge or do any damage whatever to the same shall forfeit and pay the sum of Five pounds as and for a penalty for every such offence.
Byelaws to be printed after inspection.
Mr Fryer reported that the Bye Laws has not yet been inspected by himself and Mr Gurney.
STROUDWATER CANAL NAVIGATION: BYE LAWS Made at the General Meeting 9th of April, 1778, For the better ascertaining the Tonnage of Coals which shall be Navigated or carried up the Stroudwater Navigation.
BYE LAW Made at a General Meeting 26th October, 1780, For Regulating Vessels passing on the Canal.
BYE LAW Made at the General Meeting 11th October, 1791, IV.
BYE LAW Made at the General Meeting 12th April, 1808, Relative of leaving the Swivel Bridges open on the Stroudwater Navigation.
AND WE do hereby order and direct that a Copy of this our Resolution, be made out and our common Seal affixed thereto, and that the same be recorded as a Bye Law amongst our proceedings for regulating the Stroudwater Navigation.
BYE LAW Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, held at the GEORGE Inn, Stroud, on Wednesday, the 24th Day of April, 1822, Imposing a Fine of £5, on all Persons who shall refuse to place any Goods, &c., on the part of the Wharf pointed out by the Wharfinger.
Bricks, Corn, Sand, Slate, Pantiles, Stone, and Merchandize of every description, direct and point out to the Masters, Owners, or Mangers of every Boat, Keel, or other Vessel, and to every other Person or Persons who shall bring any Goods, Stone, Timber, or other Merchandize into or upon the said Wharfs of the said Company of Proprietors, where and upon What part of such Wharfs the same shall be landed and placed: And in case any such Master, Owner, or Manager of any Boat, Keel, or other Vessel, or any such other Person or Persons whatsoever, shall refuse or neglect to obey the direction of such Agents or Wharfingers in that respect, or shall place and lay the same on any other place on the said Wharfs than as so directed and pointed out by such Agents or Whar- fingers, every such Master, Owner, or Manager, or such other Person or Persons as aforesaid, so refusing or neglecting or otherwise offending as aforesaid, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the said Company of Proprietors the sum of Five Pounds, to be levied by distress and Sale of the offenders Goods and Chattels, returning the overplus, if any, after deducting the charges of such distress and Sale, to the Owner or Owners of such Goods and Chattels, BYE LAW Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, held at the GEORGE Inn, STROUD, on Wednesday, the 24th Day of April, 1822.
BYE LAW Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, held at_ the GEORGE Inn, STROUD, on Wednesday, the 25th Day of April, 1827, For the good and orderly using of the Horse Towing Path.
BYE LAW Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, held at the George Inn, Stroud, on Wednesday, the 25th Day of April, 1827, To compel Masters of Vessels to Muzzle their Horses used in Towing Vessels, XII.
BYE LAW Made at a General Half-Yearly Meeting of the Pro- prietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, held at the GEORGE Inn, Stroud, on Wednesday, the 27th Day of October, 1830.
BYE LAW Made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, held at the GEORGE Inn, STROUD, on Wednesday the 23rd day of October, 1833, To compel Masters and Owners of Vessels to attach a
ORDERED that it be enacted as a Bye Law, for the good and orderly using of the Stroudwater Naviga- tion,— That no Barge, Vessel, or Boat using the said Navigation shall pass through any Lock on the same Navigation, without having a Guard or Fender atta- ched to the Stem, in order to prevent injury to the Locks, and that the Master or Owner of such Vessel shall for every neglect herein, forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty Shillings for every offence, such Penalties to be recovered in manner directed by the Act of Parliament for regulating this Navigation.
In Witness whereof of this said Bye Law has been put into writing under the Common Seai of the Com- pany in the presence of such General Assembly and in accordance with the provisions of the said hereinbefore recited Act, passed in the sixteenth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Third.
It was in accordance with the Provisions of the said recited Act, and for the good government of the said Company, and the good and orderly using of the said Navigation, ORDERED AND ENACTED by such General Assembly, as a BYE LAW XVIII That the Master, Manager, Captain, Owner or other Person having the rule or command of any Boat, Barge, Keel, or other Vessel, passing upon the said Navigation or any part thereof, shall produce and shew forth to the Surveyor and to every Wharfinger or other Officer or Servant for the time being, of the said Company, when requested so to do by such Surveyor, or any such Wharfinger or other Officer or Servant, the Let-pass Ticket or Document containing an account of the number of Tons carried in or conveyed by any such Boat, Barge, Keel, or other Vessel; and in case such Master, Manager, Captain, Owner or other Person having such rule or command as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to produce such Let-pass Ticket or Document, such Master, Manager, Captain, Owner or other Person having such rule or command as aforesaid, shail forfeit and pay the sum of Five Pounds as and for a Penalty for every such offence.
'” It was in accordance with the Provisions of the said recited Act and for the good government of the said Company and the good and orderly using of the said Navigation, Ordered and Enacted by Such Assembly as a Bye Law.
In Witness whereof this said Bye Law has been put into writing under the Common Seal of the Com- pany in the presence of such General Assembiy and in accordance with the Provisions of the hereinbefore recited Act passed in the sixteenth year of his late Majesty King George the Third.
IN Witness whereof this said Bye Law has been put into writing under the Common Seal of the Company in the presence of such General Assembly and in ac- cordance with the Provisions of the said hereinbefore recited Act passed in the sixteenth year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Third.
In Witness whereof this said Bye Law has been put into writing under the Common Seal of the Com- pany, in the presence of such General Assembly, and in accordance with the Provisions of the hereinbefore recited Act, passed in the sixteenth year of the reign his late Majesty King George the Third.
It was in accordance with the Provisions of the said recited Act and for the good government of the said Company and the good and orderly using of the said Navigation, Ordered and Enacted, by such Assembly, as a Bye Law, XXII.
THAT any Person obstructing, opposing, or hindering any Agent, Lock-Keeper, or other Servants belonging to the Company, in the execution of their duty, or in fully and completely carrying out these Bye Laws and Regulations into effect, shall be liable to a Penalty not exceeeding Five Pounds.
Mr Fryer and Mr Gurney promised to select the Bye Laws prior to the next Meeting.
Mr Fryer reported that he and Mr Gurney had not selected the Bye Laws but they are requested to do so against the next Meeting.
Ordered that the Bye Laws selected by Messrs Fryer and Gurney be printed copies.
Ordered that Mr Hawker do immediately after the General Meeting proceed to carry into effect the order regarding the Bye Laws made Mch 17th 1845.
200 copies of byelaws and penalties to be printed.
Ordered that the following Bye Laws be added to the former ones and printed: That no Line or Rope be fastened to any Hand rail, Paddle Start, or any part of a Lock Gate under the Penalty of Forty Shillings nor less that Twenty Shillings.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: Jas Sherwood 1 Quarters Salary: 20£..-..- Edwin Cooper Auditor ½ year Salary: 7..19..6 Jno Burbidge 2 months Salary: 10..-..- J P Brisley, Printing Bye Laws & Stationery: 3..16..- George Wathen Law Expenses: 287..5..10 Repairs to Canal: T & J Budding: -£..2s..-d Jno Overbury: -..2..6 Willm Knee: -..5..6 Geo Williams: -..5..- Jno Andrews: -..4..6 Goudon: =..10..6 Jno Dymock: 2..7..6 Wm Montague: -..15..6 Danl Gubb: -..19..5 Jas Giles: -..15..6 S Wallis: 3..5..- Dan Hoskins: =..6..11 Jno Ferrabee: 1..3..3 Rd Bushell: 1..14..- Fredk Nurse: 3..14..- F Frankin: 1..11..6 [Total for repairs] 18..2..7 Ordered that the Half Yearly Meeting be held on Friday the 24th day of October next at the Committee Room at Wallbridge.
Two bye laws of 16 June received the seal of the Company