Ordered at the next Meeting that the Revd Mr Pettat be desired to meet the Committee in Stonehouse Church Yard to point out the line of the Canal.
Ordered that Mr Grazebrook do waite on the Revd Mr Pettat and desire him to meet the Committee in Stonehouse Church Yard on Thursday Morning the 24th Instant at Ten o Clock to point out the Line of the Canal.
The Committee mett the Revd Mr Pettat and settled with him the line where the Canal is to pass through the Church Yard.
Committee met Revd Mr Pettat to discuss glebe land in Bedersfield.
Agree'd with the Revd Mr Pettat for his Glebe Land in Beddersfield for the Annual Rent of Twenty Shillings.
Ordered that Mr Grazebrook and his Son do waite on Mrs Phelps of Dursley to treat with her for such Lands as she is Intitled to in reversion after the Decease of Mrs James ~~ also that they do waite on Mr Stephens on Monday next, & on Mr Pettat, and Mr Knight, Mr Halliday & Messrs Cook & Hawker & also on Henry Wyatt Esqr.
Agreements reached for the purchase of land from Mr Dymock, Mr Knight, Richard Pettat and Mr Halliday, but not with Mr Stephens, Mrs Phelps or Mr Chance.
Mr Andrews to exchange for land purchased from Mr Pettat.
Taken and subscribed the 24th day of August 1779 at the George Inn in Stroud Rich; Capel Hum Jeffrey Saml Webb R Pettat
Mr Dimock attended the Committee on the behalf of John Andrews Esqr who agrees to exchange his Land for Mr Richard Pettat, and that the Company are to give Mr Andrews at the Rate of £95 per Acre for the over plus of his Land that shall be taken.
Mr Ellis Reported that he had waited on Mr Richard Pettat, but had not absolutely settled with him in Regard to the Taxes.
Mr Ellis is desired to Settle Mr Pettats Taxes with Mr Turner, and also John Andrews Esqr with Mr Dimmock.
Mr Ellis has not Yet an Opportunity of Meeting Mr Turner to settle the Taxes with Mr Pettat; that he be desired to gett it done by the next Meeting and that Mr Dymock be desired to attend at the same time to finally settle Mr Andrews, and also that our Clerk do bring the particulars of the measure of each piece of Land to be exchanged.
Ordered that Messrs Ellis, Hollings & Grazebrook be desired to meet Mr Dymock and finally Settle the Taxes with Mr Andrews, and Mr Pettat.
Ordered that Mr Colborne be employed to draw the Conveyance of Mr Pettats Land to Mr Andrews.
Mr Colborned produded a Rough Draft of the Conveyance of Mr Pettats and Mr Reddalls Lands, which are approved, and ordered to be engrossed and executed as soon as Possible, and at the same time that Mr Pettat be paid in full for his Land.
Mr Richard Pettat has executed the Conveyance of his Land, and the purchase money paid.
Ordered that Mr Ellis be desired to apply to the Revd Mr Pettat to treat with him for Land to be procured in exchange for what will be wanted out of the Church Yard.
Pettat will not allow the canal to be cut through the graveyard at St Cyr’s Church until an equivalent piece of land can be purchased in exchange.
Ordered that Mr Ellis be desired to waite on the Revd Mr Pettat to Settle with him for his Glebe Land at Thirty Years purchase.
£30 be paid to Rev Pettat for the churchyard and make him a deposit of £10 for the land taken out of the churchyard till such time as an equivalent piece of land can be procured.
Rev Pettat expects to be paid £35 for his Glebeland.
The cutters are to proceed to cut through Stonehouse churchyard without further delay, £18 7s having been paid to Rev Pettat.
Agreed with the Revd Mr John Pettate Vicar of Stonehouse, to Pay him Three Shillings per acre per annum for all Land taken in the Canal and Towing Path in the Parish of Stonehouse in Satisfaction of all Tythes due from the Proprietors for the said Land.
We do ascertain and determine the value of the orchard and rack hill belonging to Mr Holiday Phillip in the parish of Stonehouse in the said county of Gloucester for himself, and after his death to Mrs Mary Brown and Doctor Sandford to be Eighty Seven pounds and Ten shillings per Acre And we do ascertain and determine the value of the corner piece of arable land there, belonging to the said Mr Holiday Phillips to be Sixty Nine pounds which said several pieces we do order and direct shall be paid for so much thereof as the said Company of Proprietors shall take to for the purposes of the said navigation by the said Company of Proprietors into the hands in the names of Thomas Pettat Esq and Robert Sandford Esq the interest thereof to the said Holiday Phillips for his life and afterward to such person or persons as the said lands are limited by the will of the late __ Phillips deceased Uncle of the said Holiday Phillips.
Clerk reported that he has paid the Rev Pettat for the tithes in the parish of Stonehouse and has waited on the Rev Davies to settle the same in the Parish of Easton, but he refuses to settle till the Company agrees to pay tithes for the brickyard and banks.
Ordered that our Clerk do waite on Thos Pettat Esqr to inform him that we are ready at any time to Comply with the orders of the Commissioners relative to the Land of Mr Holliday Phillips, in case he and Mr Sandford approve of being Nominal Trustees for the money when Paid into the Funds.
Our Clerk Reported that he has waited on Thos Pettat Esqr to know if he approves being a Trustee for the Money for Mr Phillips Land when paid into the Funds; Mr Pettat says he has no Objection provided Mr Sandford will be Joint Trustee with him.
Thomas Pettat Esqr attended on behalf of Mr Holliday Phillips, when it was Agree'd that Mr Phillips be paid the Sum of £55..6..3 in full for Interest to the Day and all and every Damage he has sustained by the Navigation, on his giving full and proper Discharge for the same.
Ordered that our Clerk do apply to Thos Pettat Esqr to enquire if the Revd Mr Sandford is in the Country and if he can be found that our Clerk do waite on him with the Deed in order for him to execute the same.
Our Clerk Reported that he hath waited on Thomas Pettat Esqr who has inform'd him that the Revd Mr Sandford is not in the Country but that he will take care to get the Deed executed by him; Mr Phillis and Miss Brown having already Executed it.
Our Clerk Reported that Mr Pettat hath inform'd him of Doctor Sandford being taken dangerously Ill, which have prevented the Deed being executed.
Our Clerk Reported that Mr Pettat hath informed him of the recovery of Doctor Sandford, in consequence of which he hath sent the Deeds to him in order for him to execute the same.
Reverend John Pettat has applied to have the water drained from Stonehouse Churchyard.
Rev John Pettat, vicar of Stonehouse, complained of water flowing from canal into graves in churchyard.
Mr White, instead of accepting Committee's proposal, proposes to leave settlement to Rev Mr Pettat, Mr Dimock and Mr Cole or any two of them.
Clerk to apply to Mr Pettat for warrant against Samuel Hodges for taking fish in canal.