Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/10
Minutes from 22 January 1936 to 20 March 1946
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Gas Co want to relay gas main following damage caused by movement of the canal bank at Bonds Mill. Company deny liability.
Copy of Canal Association’s report on the Water Undertakings Bill produced for future discussion.
No water on Mr Parker’s field on 17 and 18 April. Solicitors to report this to Mr Parker’s solicitors.
Mr Perry of Sharpness Docks Co has inspected Mr Parker’s field and reported thereon.
Sperry Gyroscope Co given permission for tenants of the cottages at their works to use the towpath towards Eastington for six months for £1. On foot only.
Captain Bazeley to pay £2 2s for license for pleasure motor boat at Whitminster.
Stroud Metal Co applied for 1 inch pipe to run along the towpath to the Lock next to the Victoria Inn.
Flight of steps at entrance to warehouse to be replaced by Mr Hopson for £7 5s.
Stroud Metal Co to pay £10 p.a. for taking water from canal.
Mr Perkins to be allowed to rent garage on Stonehouse Wharf.
Census of traffic over Gas Works Bridge to be taken week commencing 31 July.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Income from 1 January £277 12s 3d. After wages, etc, balance £22 13s 5d. No dividend declared.
Continuation from page 107 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/8124/.
Estimates from Mr Woodcock for replacement of Gas Works Bridge were £140 for a 4 ton bridge, £150 for an 8 ton bridge and £170 for a 12 ton bridge.
Stroud Gas Co gave notice of intention to relay gas pipes in canal bank at Stonehouse.
Guttering at Wharf House, Wallbridge, repaired.
Miss Taylor offered to pay £350 for cottage and wharf at Stonehouse.
Ashmore, Benson, Pease & Co to be allowed to discharge rainwater into the canal at Stonehouse for £5 p.a.
Garage at Stonehouse Wharf let to Mr Hack at 2s 6d per week.
Gas Co can undertake repairs to Gas Works Bridge providing they take over liabilities to third parties and future repairs.
Repairs made to cottage and lock house at Framilode. Estimate of repairs needed to Mr Meadow’s cottage to be obtained.
Stroud Brewery Co to be allowed to stack coal on Wallbridge Wharf for £2 p.a. plus £4 p.a. for right of way over wharf.
Stroud Urban District Council told Gas House Bridge would be replaced in the Spring.
Severn & Canal Carrying Co asked for charges for carriage of paper to Stonehouse. Told toll would b 7d per ton.
Hoffmen Manufacturing Co of Chelmsford asked for permission to discharge rainwater into the canal at Stonehouse.
Letter sent by Company to Ministry of Transport setting out future requirements for materials.
Gloucester Corporation to be charged £5 per day for each day canal stopped to traffic while water pipes put across canal at Whitminster, Saul and Framilode, with £3 p.a. rent for each crossing.
Sperry Gyroscope Co requested wayleave to attach water pipe to roving bridge.
Mary Helen Marling claimed share nos, 101,152,153,154,178,189, will of Major W J P Marling.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Income from 1 July 1939 £282 13s 1d. After wages, etc, deficit of £56 1s 3d. No dividend declared.
Water pipes over canal at Whitminster, Saul and Framilode: following a meeting with Mr Scudamore of the Gloucester Corporation it was agreed the clerk would recommend a wayleave sum sufficient to provide £9 per annum to the Committee.
Sperry Gyroscope to be given permission to erect a cable over the canal for 5s p.a. and to place a guard rail at the swing bridge.
Stroud District Fire Brigade granted permission to drill at Wallbridge Wharf.
Requested information sent to Canal Association for use in paper on Control of Inland Waterways during the War.
Bristol Road Bridge was damaged by motor lorry belonging to Messrs Howards Transport Lorries, Alpha Garage, Gypsey Lane, Leicester. Messrs Howards informed they would be charged for any consequent damage.
£200 of holding in 3½% War Stock to be sold to cover overdraft of £87 16s 1d from bank.
Gloucester Corporation considering paying £135 for wayleaves for water pipes at Whitminster, Saul and Framilode.
Messrs Daniels estimate of £118 for replacement of Gas Works Bridge with an 8 ton bridge accepted as requested by Stroud Gas Light & Coke Co.
Messrs Howards to be charged £64 for repairs to Bristol Road Bridge.
Small leakage at the western end of Parker’s Field, Whitminster, attended to, and some new planking laid on Shallow Lock Bridge.
Bristol Road Bridge damage repaired by Mr Hopson but debris not removed.
Defense measures being prepared for various bridges over the canal.
Sperry Gyroscope Co erected fencing across towing path at Roving Bridge. Chairman had written pointing out need by traders to use towpath.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Income from 1 January £243 8s. After wages, etc, balance £8 3s 8d. No dividend declared.
Mr Hopson unable to obtain the services of a driver and it was unlikely that he would do so, therefore he withdrew his offer to remove the debris from Bristol Road Bridge. The Insurance Company’s Inspector informed. Company to remove debris for price quoted by Mr Hopson, £25.
Agreed that claims for compensation should standover Home Defence Work.
Pair of upper gates and stone quoin damaged by enemy bomb at Blunder Lock, Newtown, 20 August.
Col Ball proposed brother as committee member.
Gas Works bridge replaced and account sent to Gas Co.
License for the purchase of timber to effect repairs to Blunder Lock following damage by enemy action not yet received.
Parklands Estate, Mrs Best, to be allowed to take water from canal. Rent £5 5s p.a.
New kitchen grate fixed at Wallbridge Office.
Mr Hopson to sub-let part of Wallbridge Wharf to Stroud Brewery Co.
Slight soakage from the canal into Mr Parker’s field. Company will deal with as soon as possible.
Wall at Blunder Lock reinstated and construction of new upper gates in hand.
Military allowed to carry out work at Lock House at Dudbridge.
Any works carried out which may affect canal traffic should be reported to Ministry of Transport.
Sperry Gyroscope proposed to carry out some work on swing bridge at Bonds Mill.
£135 received from Gloucester Corporation for waterpipes crossing canal. Work has commenced at Saul and Framilode.
Repairs sufficient to pass traffic completed at Blunder Lock.
Changes to Lock House at Dudbridge of such a character as to cause depreciation in annual value of property. Company entitled to compensation.
Clerk to provide information to Local Fuel Overseer regarding coal.
Company not to claim compensation for changes to Lock House at Dudbridge.
Stroud Gas Co received boat load of coal via Servern & Canal Carrying Co.
Details of canal sent to the Regional Canal Advisory Committee.
Messrs Daniel paid £118 10s for replacement for Gashouse Bridge.
Stroud Gas Co paid £136 2s 5d towards cost of replacement of Gashouse Bridge.
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General Half Yearly Meeting. Income from 1 June 1940 £603 8s 7d. After wages, etc, balance £105 6s 5d. No dividend declared.
Mr Cookley given permission to lay a ½ inch pipe in the towpath at Framilode providing soil replaced firmly. Fee to be 10s p.a.
Ministy of Transport’s Fire Prevention Order and Anti-Gas Measures to be considered by Chairman.
South-Western Regional (Defence) Advisory Committee requested representation of Navigation on the Birmingham Committee.
Letter from Mr H W Collingwood re salvage of ingots of aluminium from the canal at Bristol Road Bridge.
Temporary repairs to Gashouse Bridge due to damage by John Mowlem & Co. They accepted liability.
Stroud Rural District Council applied for permission to discharge storm water into canal at Cross Bridge, Stonehouse.
Bristol Road Bridge wall repaired and 26 aluminum ingots recovered and brought to Wallbridge warehouse.
Mrs Skipton had sublet to an old iron dealer. Committee directed that she must get rid of undertenant as soon as possible.
Cost of repairs to Blunder Lock following enemy action, £160 15s 8d.
Fire watcher appointed at Eastington to patrol the district.
Clerk to attend Canal Defence (Advisory) Committee South Western Region meeting in Gloucester on 29 May.
War Department Blockhouses on canal property at Eastington and Whitminster to be assigned a rent of £1.
Hoffman Gloucester Ltd of Stonehouse to be charged £10 per week for taking water from the canal.
Tidesman Pockett reported that tide gate at Framilode needed repair. An estimate for fixing a dam in the chamber of the upper gates to be obtained.
First quorate meeting since May 1939 approved all previous memoranda of proceedings.
Hoffmans Gloucester Ltd to pay £400 p.a. for water.
Stroud Gas Co want to replace two 4 inch pipes by one 9 inch pipe, but this would increase intake capacity. To be charged £10 per inch of pipe.
Robert Johnson Carruthers Little claimed share nos.3,13,31,32,33,34,35,38,54,55, will of Glara Gertrude Little.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Income from 1 January £310 10s 3d. After wages, etc, deficit of £16 3s 4d. No dividend declared.
Continuation from page 167 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/8153/.
Repairs to be made to swing bridges at Saul and Framilode.
Ministry of Supply at Bristol authorized by District Valuer regarding charges to Hoffman Gloucester Ltd.
Chairman and G W Morton Ball inspected Framilode Stop Gate dam on 2 September and found everything satisfactory.
Gas Co agreed to pay £60 p.a. for use of water.
Mr Marling’s resignation from committee accepted with regret.
Ministry of Mines to rent part of Stonehouse Wharf at £3 12 s per annum for storage of coal for winter supplies for the Rural area.
The Essential Work (General Provisions) Order 1941, the Committee would not apply for the canal to be scheduled owing to the present conditions of the waterway from siltage, weeds etc.
Two insurance companies paid £179 6s for the repairs to Bristol Road Bridge and recovery of aluminum ingots.
Messrs Mowlem to undertake repairs to Gashouse Bridge.
Ministry offered £150 p.a. for supply of water to Hoffman Gloucester Ltd; Company wants £200.
Notice of Requisition by Stroud Urban District Council for Dudbridge Wharf served on Company.
Ministry of Works, Bristol, told waterway not capable of accommodating 100 ton barges.
Gloucester Fire Brigade informed that only one pump had been used to pump out the dam at Framilode on each occassion. Only prepared to pay £5 5s for pumping.
J J Joyner applied to by Stonehouse Wharf. Company only willing to rent for £50 p.a.
Pill boxes at Whitminster and Westfield, Eastington, to pay 2s 6d rent p.a.
Mrs Shipton asked if she could quit Dudbridge Wharf House.
Mr Lisle and representative of Ministry satisfied that stop planks would be unnecessary.
Pickfords damaged Saul Bridge while hauling machinery for the South Gloucestershire Internal Drainage Board. Claim to be sent to Engineer of Board for compensation.
Committee accepted Ministry of Supply offer of £150 p.a. for supply of water to Hoffman Gloucester Ltd at Stonehouse.
Clerk to ask for plan of two huts, and proposed water tower and lavatories, being erected on Dudbridge Wharf by Stroud Urban District Council.
Sanitary Inspector of Stroud Rural District Council had written to tell the Committee that they intended removing the iron railings between Ryeford and the Double Locks. Committee to appeal.
Mr Hopson to be paid £78 15s 11d for making dam at Framilode.
Roadway over Nutshell Bridge repaired.
Stroud Urban District Council’s site plan for Dudbridge provided showing huts, proposed lavatories and water tower. The lavatories for staff use only, not public conveniences. The water tower well away from any property.
£200 of 3½% War Bonds sold.
Chimney, roof and spouting being repaired at Lock House, Framilode. Tall chimney on lean-to only to be rebuilt to necessary height.
Ministry of Works and Buildings to supply Navigation with plan and section of the proposed crossing of a petrol pipe at Whitminster Pound.
Company’s present employees are above present age group for call up.
Stroud Rural District Council informed Committee that iron railings between Ryeford and Double Locks were property of Ryeford Saw Mills and not the Navigation.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Income from 1 July 1941 £294 8s 6d. After wages, etc, balance £51 12s 11d. No dividend declared.
Iron railing next to the Company’s property at Bath Road, Wallbridge removed by Ministry of Works and Buildings. No action to be taken.
Plan and section of petrol pipe across Whitminster Pound received from Ernest Ireland Ltd.
Lockkeeper White died. Miss White asked about occupation of lock house. Cristopher Smith to be considered as new lockkeeper.
B J Hooper and Sons of Ebley to place small boat on canal for carrying out repairs. License to be 10s. Same fee to be charged to Mr Daniels for pleasure boat on canal at Dudbridge, but not to include locks.
Christopher Smith appointed Lockkeeper.
Mr Daniels could use his boat as far as Long Pound for £1 p.a.
Stroud Urban District Council have taken over Messrs Jackson’s tenancy of warehouse and other facilities at Dudbridge Wharf.
Stroud District Water Board proposed placing pipe in towpath at Stonehouse.
Mrs White to vacate Lockkeeper’s house 13 June.
Navy League, Sea Cadets Corps given permission to use Wallbridge Basin and take boat to the Junction Saul, provided no bridges to locks worked.
Mr Dolphin to cultivate the lockside at Dudbridge Lock for 1 year at rent of 1s p.a.