Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/9
Minutes from 17 September 1919 to 18 December 1935
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Messrs Strachan & Co. Ltd paid £180 towards new Lodgemore Bridge. £150 to Messrs Daniels towards contract of £275.
Mr Sibly to pay for one week’s dredging at Stonehouse Bathing Pool.
Stroud Educational Foundation’s proposal re lockside at Foundry Lock. Lockside and facilities permanent works of canal. Not wise to sell land.
Stroud Urban District Council proposed widening at Wallbridge. Solicitor to take necessary steps.
Formal notice to quit wharf premises, Bristol Road, to be given before application from Mrs Tudor’s son-in-law and daughter could be considered.
Letter to Canal Association from Ministry of Transport. Great Western Railway Co not to proceed with application for warrant re abandonment of Kennet & Avon Canal.
Clerk to accept Mr Critchley’s offer of £20 for superstructure of dock at Eastington. To hand over purchase price before roof and pillars dismantled.
Ethel Hallewell and Thomas William Avery Ackrill claimed share no.122, will of Mary Jane Hallewell.
Thames & Severn Canal Special Account, £171 16s 1d. Outstanding contributions £76 1s. £170 to County Council. £537 paid to date. Letter in full to County Council. £550 promised.
Capt Bush promised to report to his father re tree(s) at Eastington Park.
Clerk to inform Mr Winterbotham of Stroud Educational Foundation of Committee’s decision to advise present owner of small plot of land that he did so at his own risk. Neither Navigation nor tenant of adjoining field would pay compensation for any damage.
Mr Frederick Spiers to be tenant of wharf premises at Bristol Road from 24 June.
Mr Critchley paid £20 for Eastington Dock superstructure. Roof and pillars levelled.
Gloucestershire County Council Highways Committee’s application to deposit road material at Wallbridge Wharf granted subject to wharfage charge of 8d per ton and that material deposited on wharf be moved by end September. If further use of wharf is required after September, application to be made to Committee.
Four members present. No quorum but matters requiring immediate attention.
Thames & Severn Canal Special Account £60 6s 5d. £63 drawn to Gloucestershire County Council. Payment of £600 complete, promised for year ending March 1928 towards maintenance of Thames & Severn Canal. Financial assistance 1928/9.
Letters in full continued on page 309.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 January £678 2s 7d. After wages, etc, balance £50 1s 5d. No dividend declared.
Minute continued from page 306 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9959/.
Stroud Educational Foundation fence at Foundry Lock: Clerk to convey to tenant substance of Mr Winterbotham’s letter 5 July re fence.
W. Clerk to inform Mrs Penn that if £3 12s 6d, balance of rent for Stonehouse wharf due for March quarter not paid by September meeting, notice to quit given to proceed.
West Gloucester Power Co’s proposal to fly cable over canal at Pike Bridge agreed to. Costs to be met by Power Company.
Application by Mr Avery to rent or lease part of Wallbridge Wharf. To be offered at £35 a year, 21 years’ lease terminable at end of 7 or 14 years.
Mr Avery had obtained other accommodation.
Tree had fallen into canal at Blunder Lock. Company removed tree, account to Mr Bush.
Stonehouse Ocean Bridge damaged by heavy motor lorry owned by Messrs Lalonde Bros & Parham. Repaired by Navigation. Account to Messrs Lalonde.
Mr Brunsdon using the Stonehouse Cross Bridge for heavy traffic. Responsible for any damage done.
Mrs Penn had not paid rent due on wharf premises at Stonehouse for two quarters 24 June, 29 September.
West Gloucester Power Co request of permission to erect cable over the Forked Pound at Eastington granted subject to signed agreement.
£201 in credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. Letters in full. Council to be recommended 24 October to keep open lower portion of canal to 25 March 1930 on payment to County Council of £550 instead of £600. Navigation’s reply 27 September 1928. Hope to send sum for year ending 25 March 1929. Impossible to promise sum for 25 March 1930. Every effort to be made to continue amount promised for current year. Request for Navigation to give County Council list of contributers and amount of contributions. Council want to see what trading concerns wish to contribute to keep canal open. No supply of individual amounts from Traders without their permission.
Mr Humphries, Joint Clerk, given month’s notice from end September last. Probable employment with County Council.
Messrs Lalonde had offered £5 towards repair of Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse. Mr Bloxam to write to Messrs Lalonde.
Highways Committee to pay wharfage charge, 8d per ton re 1481 tons of stone deposited on wharf at Wallbridge, £49 7s 4d. District Surveyor clearing away deposit in November. Request to Committee to reconsider charge for use of wharf for further period, as in June last.
Clerk to prepare list of all paying for pipes to canal, with details of charges.
County Council retaining Mr Humphries for further indefinite period.
£7 10s accepted in full settlement of claim against Messrs Lalonde for damage to Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse.
Notice from County Clerk re Roads Improvement Act 1925 changed to Company’s property at Bristol Road. Clerk to obtain tracing of site.
Some trees at Eastington Park, fallen into canal, removed by Company’s workmen at Mr Bush’s request.
Increased charge to Stroud Gas Co for three pipes to canal from works at Downfield, £10 to £60 per annum from 1 January 1929.
Mr W H Gardener’s offer of £2 cash for crop from withy bed at Junction accepted.
Mr Humphries engagement reluctantly terminated.
Letter and plan from County Council Surveyor re Roads Improvement Act 1925 discussed.
Stroud Gas Co offered £30 rent p.a. for pipes to canal. Committee to insist on £45 p.a.
Stroud Gas Co to pay £45 p.a. for three pipes at Downfield.
Mr Sibly agreed to Wycliffe College paying £20 instead of £10 annual rent.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 July 1928 £692 2s 2d. After wages, etc, balance £21 14s 9d. No dividend declared.
Continuation from page 323 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9966/.
Mr F A Little and Mr G A Evans re-elected to Committee.
£203 9s 6d in credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. £200 to Gloucestershire County Council. Clerk to ask Thames & Severn Canal contributors for financial support 1929/30.
Copy of Bridges Bill before parliament to be handed to Mr. Bloxam.
Stroud Traders Association request for use of wharf at Wallbridge during “Shopping Week” granted.
Letter from Messrs Strachan & Co re charges for entrance by gates at Wallbridge.
Company’s £1 1s subscription to Canal Association continued.
£143 9s 6d in credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. £100 in favour to Gloucestershire County Council year ending 31 March.
Mr Lambert to 1s per ton wharfage charge for coals sent by railway fpr Lodgemore Mills for use of Wallbridge Wharf.
National Children’s Home, Ebley granted permission to use canal for special occasion.
Woodwork of windows at Wallbridge office to be painted. £2 6s.
£43 9s 6d in credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. £250 still to go towards £550 promised year ended 31 March 1929. No contributions from Sharpness New Docks Co.
Mr S Smith also to be charged 1s per ton wharfage charges at Wallbridge Wharf, not usual 1s 7d.
Company’s claim for insertion of properties in special list for rating purooses rejected by Wheatenhurst Rural District Council. Company to lodge objection re No.227, House at Eastington (lock house), No.436 Docks at Eastington (Company Depot) and No.242 House at Framilode (Dock House).
Stroud Gas Co granted permitted to attach main to outside of Dudbridge Bridge for annual payment of £2.
£193 9s 6d in credit of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. £75 in favour of Thames & Severn Canal Special Account, completing Company’s contribution year ending March 1929. £250 to Gloucestershire County Council. Letter to Gloucestershire County Council informing them of result of appeal to Public Bodies and Traders towards upkeep of Thames & Severn Canal to 31 March 1930. £380 instead of £550. Decision of Sharpness Docks Co. not to contribute £150 main cause.
Mr Smith had paid wharfage charge at Dudbridge £5 3s 1d.
Tenancy of wharf house at Dudbridge transferred to Mr John Perks.
Towpath gates at Hilly Orchard put in order.
Government put in Public Telephone at Lock House (the Post Office) at Framilode.
Application from Messrs Copeland Chatterson & Co for permission for club employees to bathe in canal at Hilly Orchard. No objection under proper supervision and signed agreement.
Mr Margetson, Chairman since July 1922, resigned. He proposed, and Mr S S Marling seconded, Mr W R Bloxam to be elected Chairman of Company. Carried unanimously.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 January £676 1s. After wages, etc, balance £75 15s 5d. No dividend declared.
Letters from Mr Gardom re T&S Canal, and Committee’s replies, recorded in full. County Council to be recommended to proceed with application for abandonment of canal. Preferential rates for traders in Stroud from Railway Companies, as Stroud now considered a port but no contributions from traders to Thames & Severn Fund. Circular sent from Committee to traders.
Committee agreed that Stroud Gas Co that 12 months notice instead of 6 months could be given for easment at Dudbridge.
Rates appeal re Dock and premises at Eastington granted. Appeal for lock houses at Eastington and Framilode not granted.
Mr Turier’s estimate for repairs to weighbridge at Dudbridge, £6 15s, accepted.
Clerk to obtain receipt for 8s tax deducted from wayleave rent, £2, for pipe by Eastington Bridge by Stroud Water Co.
Canal Inspection report for lower section: Clerk to replace Framilode Lock balance pole and heel post of outside top gate at Dock Lock.
Circular letter about T&S Canal sent to Public Bodies and Traders. Clerk to apply for contributions towards upkeep of canal to 25 March next.
Weighbridge at Dudbridge repaired by Mr Turrier, £6 15s.
New balance pole fitted to Framilode Lock.
Possible sale of weighbridge at Wallbridge to Mr Say at £2 per ton. Clerk to ask Mr Dilloway of Gloucester for better price.
Tall poplar tree, fallen across canal at Eastington Park, now removed.
Mr Hopson’s estimate £6 17s 6d for outside painting of wharf house at Dudbridge accepted.
Mr Norman Anglin asked for Company’s charges for mooring house boat for winter. Clerk to inform him of tolls. Mooring at place selected by surveyor at own risk and undertaking not to interfere with any traffic on canal.
Letter from Messrs Abdella Mitchell protesting against closing of T&S Canal. Ruin of business. Enquiry as to further action re application for closing of canal. Reply explaining that canal was under control of County Council.
Weighbridge at Wallbridge offered to Mr William Say of Gloucester, £6.
Chairman and Major Little inspected damage done by large tree fallen across canal at Pike Lock. Garden fence of Lock house, weir and canal bank damaged. Estimated cost £23. Major Bush could have repairs carried out but to Company’s satisfaction.
Canal inspection report covering Stonehouse to Wallbridge read and discussed.
Norman Anglin to moor boat on Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
No satisfactory offers for weighbridge at Wallbridge. Matter to stand over. Tree at Pike Lock. £23 to put right damage. Mr Workman of Ryeford, who is deemed liable, would like to do work himself.
No interference at present with Highways Committee’s occupation of wharf at Stonehouse.
Recent floods and gales necessitated repairs to slope of towpath at Dudbridge, canal bank being repiled, and debris removed from canal waterway. Roofs of several properties damaged by gale, with repairs required at Bristol Road Wharf
Thames & Severn Canal. £75 to be paid to Thames & Severn Canal Special Account. £250 to County Council. Contributions to date £190 2s.
Master of Wheatenhurst Union Institution permitted to cut withies and keep lops.
Minutes continued on page 353.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 July 1929 £508 17s 3d. After wages, etc, balance £159 11s 10d. No dividend declared.
Continuation from page 351 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9980/.
Tenant of wharf house at Wallbridge, Mr Lee, behind with rent £4 5s.
Desirability of lodging application for abandonment of canal to be discussed at next meeting. Proposal of Col Ball.
No formal application for abandonment of T&S Canal as yet by Gloucestershire County Council. Committee not to proceed with proposed abandoment of canal.
Double Locks cottage let to Thomas King Minett, rent £9 p.a.
Mr E J Pearce to have key to wharf gates at Wallbridge.
Clerk to ascertain whether Mr Butt of Junction would rent withy bed there.
Clerk to pay £1 1s, reduced subscription, to Canal Association.
£8 19s 2d, account against the late Mr G de Lisle Bush for removing trees from canal at Eastington Park settled.
NB Placed between pages 355 and 356 of Minute Book 9. Very sketchy typed notes.
Confimed mintes from August 1950 to June 1951.
Stroudwater Navigation Company. Abandonment of the canal.
Baffle at Top Lock at Newtown.
Letters to Ministry of Transport re bridge at Bristol Road Wharf.
Wharf House at Wallbridge to be sold. Stonehouse Wharf for sale.
Sluices at Ebley Mills broken. Messrs Marling sent letters.
Towpath last closed in 1937.
Thames & Severn Canal Special Account £67 2s. £130 to Gloucestershire County Council to complete £380 payment to March 1930. Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co. had not paid £15 contribution.
Tenancy agreement with Thomas King Minett, Double Locks cottage.
Withy bed at Junction to be offered to Mr Butt at £1 a year for three years.
Application from Mr Brocher to rent crib at Framilode refused.
Application from Messrs Ward & Son for wharfage room at Stonehouse. Space of wharf to be let at 2s 6d per sq yard p.a.
Messrs Dudbridge & Sons, auditors, to provide copy of accounts to Ministry of Transport.
Mr Butt declined offer of withy bed at Junction on terms in Company’s letter. Pockett to see if Mr Cabe of Hardwick will purchase withy crop.
£6 paid by Messrs Foreman & Sons for willow tree on mud tip at Stonehouse.
County Highways proposed building line and road improvement at Dudbridge. Company’s solicitors to give formal notice of objection to Clerk of County Council.
Reginald Benson Jacomb and Charles Reginald Jacomb claimed shares nos.69,135,142,143,155,187,192, will of Rev Canon John Wood and share no.200 jointly owned by Rev Canon John Wood and Miss Fanny Wood.
Tidesman Pockett reported that Mr Cabe would purchase withy crop at Junction next season.
Brocher still making unauthorised use of Company’s property at Framilode. Clerk to write and erect posts and wires to prevent trespass.
Mr A Bailey to become tenant of cottage at Bristol Road at £7 10s p.a. No inside repairs.
Governor’s offer for extinguishment of Stonehouse Tithe, £1 16s 8d, accepted. Form of application for redemption signed by Chairman.
Immediate repair of leakage of water from canal towpath at Eastington Mills. Advisable to pile towpath on field side. Clerk to see Mr Woodcock of Gas Company for contribution towards cost. Gas main under towing path.
Lady Makins asked permission to take water from canal at Newtown.
Letter from Mr Sibly re dredging of canal opposite school bathing house.
Letter from Mr D Smith of Ebley. Wish to move one of Wycliffe College boats to Ebley pound. Allowed on payment of 10s. Company lock keeper to pass boat through locks. Usual tolls and lock keepers’ charges for other excursions up or down canal.
Permission to be given to Lady Makins to fix six inch pipe to overflow weir at Blunder Lock. Rent £10 p.a.
Draining of clear water into canal from proposed bathing pool in grounds of Ryeford Hall School allowed for rent of 1s p.a.
Application by County Council to Ministry of Transport for abandonment of T&S Canal considered. Formal rejection to Ministry of Transport. Also application for leave to abandon Stroudwater Navigation.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 January £553 9s 1d. After wages, etc, balance £144 13s 3d. No dividend declared.
Counsel’s opinion on abandonment of T&S Canal to be taken re Clause 45 of Railway & Canal Traffic Act. £66 19s 7d, balance due paid to Thames & Severn Canal Special Account plus balance of £27 9s and £94 8s 7d Bank Interest sent to County Council. Special Account closed.
Permission granted to County Highways to drain surface water into canal at Hilly Orchard for 1s p.a.
Letters from Mr W Jenkinson and Severn & Canal Carrying Co asking for Company’s tolls on stone.
Mr Smith’s application for free pass for his barge, Perseverance, loaded with 30 tons of coal from Brimscombe to Ebley not granted.
Report from Mr Cullis on abandonment of T&S Canal read and discussed.
Letter from Mr W H Lewis of Priding, Saul, re selling of warehouse and land at Framilode. Request to Mr Lewis to state exact details of purchase and offer.
Mr Brunsdon requested permission to erect shed on wharf at Ryeford. Present rent 5s a quarter. Purpose of shed and proposed rent requested.
Letter from Canal Association about Ministry of Transport intention to include in Expiring Laws Continuance Bill, to be introduced and passed in 1931, the Canals (Continuance of Charges Powers) Act 1922, with a view to further prolongation of operation of Act.
Letter from Mrs Penn, purporting to determine her tenancy of wharf and weighbridge. Reply that she had no power to give up part of premises.
Notice from County Council re building line of main road at Dudbridge read and discussed.
Letter from Rural District Council of Wheatenhurst re repair of well at Framilode.
Offer of £4 by Mr Harris for weighbridge at Wallbridge not acceptable.
Mr Brunsdon offered £1 a year rent for permission to erect shed on Ryeford Wharf. Not considered adequate. Stonehouse Tithe Redemption.
Notice given by Mrs Penn, 16 Dec 1930, of her intention to quit Stonehouse Wharf accepted.
Well at Framilode is on Mr Purcell’s land. Company willing to make some contribution to be made towards cost of repairing pump.
Whole of Ryeford Wharf let to Mr Brunsdon for £2 p.a.
Mr Cullis to be paid his fee £10 10s for opinion on T&S Canal abandonment.
Notice of Stroud Gas Co’s application for special order to take over Gas Works at Painswick. Chairman to consider if Navigation would object.
Mr Perk’s application to rent portion of Dudbridge Wharf not agreed to.
Page blank.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 July 1930 £519 14s. After wages, etc, balance £184 19s. No dividend declared.
Mrs Penn not allowed to store any furniture in garage. Stonehouse wharf premises let to Mr Vick.
Letter from Ministry of Transport re T&S Canal. Suggested that interview be arranged between Navigation and County Council.
Severn & Canal Carrying Co quoted for traffic but did not know if they could secure same.
Noted that Stroud Gas Co had power under their Act of Parliament to lay pipes under and along towing paths of canal.
Swing bridge at Downfield, next to Gas Works, requiring replacement. Messrs Daniels invited to send in three estimates for a cone and cap to replace present spindle and cup, to sustain weight of 4.8-12 tons.
Mr Cale’s offer of £1 for standing withy crop at Junction accepted.
No objection to Stroud Sanitary Laundry Co taking further supply of water from canal to new works at Ebley, if size of pipe definite. If new supply in addition to present one, possible inclusive rent.
Voluntary redemption to be made of Tithe at Rodborough.
Mrs Penn allowed £3 off arrears of rent for shed on the weighbridge at Stonehouse and the glass lean-to against the house.
Stroud Sanitary Laundry Co to be charged £30 p.a. rent for 2½ inch water supply pipe from canal to new laundry premises at Ebley.
Messrs Daniels estimate for worn fabric of bridge at Downfield too sustain weight of 4 tons £175 + £168 8s 2d, Total £343 8s 2d; 8 tons £200 + £168 8s 2d, Total £368 8s 2d; 12 tons £225 + £168 8s 2d, Total £393 8s 2d.
Ministry of Agriculture has scheduled canal as main river under Land Drainage Act 1930.
Chairman and Col Ball to meet Clerk and Mr Cullis on 27 March at Shire Hall, Gloucester re T&S Canal.
Stroud Sanitary Laundry agreed to rent of £30 p.a.
Messrs Ward & Son applied to rent premises at Stonehouse Wharf. Committee did not accept their terms.
Town Surveyor, Manager of Gas Works and Secretary of Messrs Strachan & Co discussed repairs to bridge at Downfield. They are to report to their Committees and then to Company. Messrs Strachan unwilling to contribute. Thames & Severn Canal.
Report of interview 27 March at Shire Hall re abandonment of T&S Canal. Comments to Ministry of Transport, copy to County Council.
Mr Cabe to rent withy bed at Junction, £1 a year.
Repairs to swing bridge at Framilode.
Only two members of Committee present. No quorum.
Stonehouse Wharf tenancy: Clerk to inform Mr Ward that Company would not do any repair to property or have weighing machine tested. Another 60 sq yards of wharf adjoining that let to Mrs Penn included in tenancy agreement at same rent. Messrs Ward to pay all wharfage charges on coal placed there to date of Tenancy Agreement.
Notice given by Stroud Rural District Council to discontinue tenancy of part of wharf at Dudbridge 29 Sep accepted.
Weeding of canal Lodgemore to Gas Works in hand.
Only four members of Committee present. No quorum.
Agreements with Stroud Sanitary Laundry Co. and Messrs Ward & Son Ltd completed.
Stroud Urban District Council to make no contribution to construction of new bridge at Downfield (Gas House Lane).
Mr Pearce of Wallbridge granted permission to let some ducks out on canal at Wallbridge but not to fix small door in entrance gates at Wallbridge.
Chimney in lock house at Dudbridge repaired. Two chimney pots fixed.
Census of production form received from Ministry of Board of Trade.
Bridge at Shallow Lock needs one of outside beams strengthened.
Chairman had endeavoured to obtain coal traffic to Lodgemore or Fromhall Mills. Messrs Strachan ordered two large loads for Lodgemore Mills to put into stock.
Stonehouse Wharf House roof gutters, skylight and wash house roof to be repaired by Company’s workmen.
Stroud Divisional Labour Club Ltd granted yse of canal for bathing and boating. £2 rent for bathing, 10s for each pleasure boat.
Notice from Court of Sewers re River Frome at Saul.
Letter from tidesman Pockett re boys angling in canal at Framilode Lock. Clerk to write to Mr Stallard, Clerk of Severn Fishery Board.
Mr Hopson’s estimates for repairs at No.13 Wallbridge accepted. Lean to £6 15s, wall £3 15s, verges £1 2s 6d.
Clerk instructed to write to Stroud Gas Co re new gas main laid in towing path from Downfield to Wallbridge, half a mile. Extra rent payable. £5 per mile of pipe. £2 10s a year.
Stroud Gas Co thought Stroud Urban District Council should contribute towards cost of new bridge at Downfield.
Minutes continued on page 393
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 January £477 8s 3d. After wages, etc, balance £218 4s 10d. No dividend declared.
Continuation from page 391 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/10003/.
Only two members of Committee present. No quorum.
Cottage at Framilode, rented by Mr F Taylor, vacant 25 December next. Application to rent by son-in-law of Mr W C Wathen, occupier of adjoining cottage. Several applications received.
Gas House Lane Bridge: Repairs to be made to existing bridge. Erection of new bridge postponed. Clerk to ask Messrs Daniels re any alteration in prices 24 February.
Cottage at Framilode occupied by Mr T Taylor let to Mr Wathan at £8 p.a.
Clerk to return list of areas marked by Catchment Boards under Land Drainage Act 1930 to Canal Association.
Lee Conservancy Board asked for contribution towards costs of Derating Appeals. No funds available.
£2 contribution to well at Framilode.