Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/9
Minutes from 17 September 1919 to 18 December 1935
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Agreement with Board of Trade as to their taking over control of canal sealed and duly attested.
Canal Association asked for names of representatives willing to serve on proposed panel of experts and persons of commercial experience to assist Minister of Transport on matters affecting canals. Mr Jack Margetson nominated with Chairman.
Stroud Electric Supply Co applied for permission to lay fresh electric cable on crown of bridge at Dudbridge, under footpath. Permitted on condition that proper Agreement should be drawn up by Company’s solicitors at expense of applicant.
Private L Pockett, tidesman at Framilode, applied for increase in wages. Mr Snape to see him and report.
Mr Snape applied for advance in salary for himself and Mr Humphreys. Clause in Agreement with Board of Trade prevented any increase of salary to Manager. Chairman to write to Mr Sidney Preston, Chairman of Canal Control Committee.
Death of Sir William Marling Bart. On Committee of Navigation for 39 years. Expression of cordial sympathy to be sent to family.
Counterpart of agreement with Board of Trade signed by Sir Wm Francis Marwood received.
Mr Bloxam to deal with question of new Agreement with Stroud Electric Supply Co. for permission to run new cable over Dudbridge Bridge.
L Pockett’s application for increase of 10s a week in wage agreed. Further duties beyond present ones.
Letter from Dockers Union requesting advance in rate of wages. Mr Snape to learn what they really wanted and to find out how authorities of other canals were acting in similar case.
Minute continued on page 5.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 April £326 3s 1d. After wages, etc, balance £43 17s 4d.
Col J R Morton Ball, Major R J Caruthers Little, Mr John Margetson appointed to Committee.
Following take over meeting Half Yearly Meeting adjounred sine die.
Continuation from page 4 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9831/.
Repair work at Westfield Lock arranged.
Mr G M Taylor’s offer to buy house at Wallbridge declined.
Increase in salaries of Mr Snape and Mr Humphreys by 16s 6d per week from 1 September. Same terms as other County Officials, one moiety of £60 per annum and 20% on present salaries to begin on 24 June.
Mr Dudbridge explained working out of Accounts. Decision to adjourn half yearly meeting of shareholders until result of government control realized.
George Minett, Dudbridge lock keeper, had violently assaulted the ganger, George Cook. With shorter hours being worked, men must be punctual in beginning work. Minett discharged but had not left lock house, asserting he would not get fresh quarters. Subsequently wrote he would quit 25 November. Promise of a house. George Cook to take his own course as to prosecuting Minett.
Notice to shareholders. In consequence of Navigation being taken over by Board of Trade, accounts would be made up to end of year and a meeting of shareholders held subsequently.
Agreement with Stroud Electric Supply Co read, sealed and attested.
Correspondence with Secretary of Dockers Union and Secretary of Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Co and Mr Manning Lewis of Berkeley Canal. Clerk to write to Mr Abel Evans, Secretary of Dockers’ Union. Advance of 5s a week reasonable. If not agreeable, matter would have to be decided by Canal Control Committee.
Repairs carried out at Westfield Lock.
George Minett obtained house in Randwick. Wife refused to go. Not large enough for family. Mr Bloxam to deal with it.
Stroud Gas Co complained of rate for tonnage on ashes sent down canal. Rate reduced from 7¾d to 6½d per ton.
Broken paddle at Dudbridge Top Lock thought to be damaged by barge bringing coal to Gas Co. Captain denied doing it. Absence of proof. Decision not to press claim against Company.
Certain workmen complained that 5s a week advance conceded in November and agreed to by Dockers and General Workers Union was unsatisfactory. Question could not be reopened. Settled with Union and approved by Canal Control Committee.
Correspondence with County Surveyor re slip at Eastington. Navigation could not be held responsible for repair needed.
Canal Control Committee sanctioned payment to Mr Snape of same War Bonus as Gloucestershire County Council pay under Arbitration Award.
Considerable obstruction on Minett’s part. Police called in. He had at last gone out of lock house at Dudbridge and removed furniture and effects.
Slip at Eastington discussed. Water from waste weir at the Dock Pound runs in a cutting in the bank of the garden of the dock house to a ditch along side road. Retaining wall of weir course on the upper/Stroud side is built of stone, slightly curves and ends just outside the garden fence where it finishes with a straight joint. From this point a 14 inch brick wall commences with a straight joint and continues to the archways of the culvert which conducts the water from off the land on the other side of main road to ditch. Pitch pine baulks on top of wall. Wall has slipped.
At one time land water from other side of road flowed over road into the ditch. A culvert was constructed, road raised and brick retaining wall built to maintain raised position of road. Culvert, one arch only, put under road about 50 feet from Stroud end of ditch to form a course for the water in the land on opposite side to gravitate into culvert and thence into ditch.
Culvert not sufficient to take water. Enlarged to two arches, road again raised, pitch pine baulks put on top of 14 inch brick wall to bring side of ditch up to raised surface of road.
At times culvert does not take all the water. Water backs up, runs over road, over side of ditch. Some years ago County Council put in 12 inch pipe to relieve culvert.
Place always subject to flood. Further raising of road necessary. Culvert and water course should be kept clear of silt.
Note. Foundation of 14” inch wall appears alright but top 3 or 4 courses will have to be rebuilt and pitch pine baulks put back in place.
Chairman to bring up subject at next meeting of Highways Committee at Gloucester.
Letter from Mr Armitage, agent for Captain Bengough. Complaint of an encroachment at Eastington, clay being taken there by Company’s servants. Always used as spoil bank for depositing soil. When clay taken by Navigation surface made good. No harm to property. Mr Bloxam asked to draft letter for Mr Snape to send in reply to Mr Armitage.
Circular letter from National Transport Workers Federation. Long programme of their requirements. Mr Preston, Chairman of Canal Control Committee, invited Navigation to attend conference in London or to send him views of Board on same subject. Not possible to attend London meeting but generally proposals should be rejected.
Chairman asked Mr Preston for further grant to enable thorough dredging of canal. Replies received asking for information as to pre-war dredging and its cost.
Clerk produced statement of account and balance sheet of Thames & Severn Canal, year ended 30 September 1919. Amount of tolls received by Company re through traffic over Stroudwater Navigation to and from Thames & Severn Canal year ended 30 September 1919 to be ascertained.
Canal Control Committee had remitted necessary funds under Agreement with Board of Trade.
Damaged wall of highway at Eastington. Mr Bloxam and Mr Margetson to meet Mr Gardom and Col Sinnott on spot 27 February.
No further use of spoil bank on land owned by Capt Bengough.
New bottom gates required at Blunder Lock. Estimates for timber required and necessary preparations. Material for repairs at Pike Lock in hand. Week’s stoppage of Navigation.
Letters from Mr Preston, Chairman of Canal Control Committee and Manager of Berkeley Canal. Decision to obtain estimate for thorough steam dredging of canal from Bomford & Evershed, to lay before Control Committee.
Edward Francis Broderip and Reginald Thomason Gould claimed shares nos.3,13,31,32,33,34,35,38,53,54,67,74,85,148,196, will of Edmund Broderip
Mr Dudbridge produced accounts 1 Sep – 31 Dec 1919. Subsidy from Government. Interim dividend of 20s. Proposal that financial year should begin 1 January to coincide with Accounting periods of Board of Trade Control.
Mr Bloxam with Mr William Davies inspected slip of wall adjoining highway at Eastington. Wall probably put up when canal was constructed. Mr Gardom suggested calling in an expert such as President of Institute of Civil Engineers to decide on liability for the repairs. Letter to Mr Gardom. Highways Committee of County Council bound to maintain its roads so as not to cause damage to adjoining properties, especially when it had raised road above original level. Canal Company only bound to maintain wall in state sufficient to support ordinary traffic at time wall was built, as in case of bridges. Each party to bear one half of cost of repairing wall.
No estimate from Bomford & Evershed Ltd re cost of dredging canal owing to illness of Mr Evershed.
District Secretary of Dock, Wharf and General Workers Union requested further increase of 7s per week for employees of Navigation. Decision to consult Chairman of Canal Control Committee.
Canal Association had sent Report of Proceedings of a Deputation for the Minister of Transport. Desire for extension of period of control received most sympathetically. Government agreed no action would be taken before 31 August.
Agreement on Financial Year commencing 1 January.
County Surveyor accepted that repair of wall at Eastington should be carried out at joint expense of County Council and Stroudwater Company. Wall to be 18” thick instead of 14”. Cost of extra width, £15 10s, to be borne by County. Navigation to pay £27 15s, one half of Mr Hopson’s original estimate, and County £43 5s.
Bomford & Evershed unable yet to inspect canal with view to dredging needed. Mr Evershed’s continued absence from business.
Chairman of Canal Control Committee sanctioned increase in war wage of 5s from 1 January. Further shilling from 1 April.
Letters from Canal Association and Chairman of Canal Control Committee re proposed taking possession permanently by Government of canals at present controlled under D.O.R.A under Section 3.(i)6 of the Ministry of Transport Act. Mr Preston had referred inquiry re terms and conditions to the Ministry and would write again when he had received a reply.
Severn Fishery Board agreed to continue their tenancy of Angling on the canal for present year.
Mr Evershed hoped to be well enough in 3-4 weeks to estimate cost of dredging canal.
Pockett, tidesman at Framilode, applied for further increase of war bonus 18s a week in addition to present wage of 25s, bonus of 6s a week and value of house he lives in, rent and tax free. Pockett permitted to have Post Office. Addition of 5s a week ample.
Formal application at once to be taken over by Transport Minister under Sec.III(i) of Ministry of Transport Act, using same formula adopted by Sharpness New Docks Co. Assuming transfer based on terms and conditions of present control arrangement and no less favourable.
Mr Evershed of Bomford and Evershed had inspected canal re estimate for complete dredging. No plant suitable for work. No quote but 3s 3d per cube yard probable cost.
Request to Chairman of Control Committee to sanction employment of extra gang of four men for work under Mr Snape. Removing worst obstructions to take probably 12 or 14 months.
Canal Control sanctioned increase of 5s a week to tidesman Pockett.
Minutes of Canal Association meeting 4 June. Minister of Transport had appointed committee to consider future of Inland Waterways of country. Mr Neville Chamberlain MP to be Chairman. Terms of reference to deal with questions.
1 What portion of the Waterways should be taken over and on what terms?
2 What should be the form of ownership?
3 What improvements should be carried out in such acquired portions?
4 How to secure any extra value of the frontage to the body making the improvements?
5 How cooperation between transport by water and rail or road could be best developed?
Formal application made.
Messrs W H Vowles & Sons complained that swing bridge at Stonehouse was in a dangerous condition. Unsuitable for heavy traffic to Brush Works. Messrs Vowles not contributing to cost. Mr Bloxam to consider position.
Messrs Dickinson & Cox’s lease of Stonehouse Wharf expiring 29 September. Committee to accept as yearly tenant Mrs Penn, for some years undertenant. Rent £28 as now.
Request to Canal Control Committee to add £25 per annum to £150 last agreed as Mr Snape’s salary.
Mr Preston did not think it any use to ask for extra cost of dredging canal.
Repair of swing bridge at Stonehouse £61 12s 2d. Messrs Vowles & Sons to pay half, asking for estimate of any future expenditure.
Mr Sibly application to construct a bathing pool close by and open to canal at Stonehouse agreed. Rent increased to 25s a year.
Correspondence with Ministry of Transport discussed the future of the Navigation after cessation of control on 31 August. Decision to apply to take possession of undertaking with view to obtaining sanction to raising later tolls and charges. Chairman to communicate by phone with Mr Manning Lewis who was in London dealing with whole question on behalf of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal.
Re-appointment of present Committee, including Mr Jack Margetson, membership lapsed.
Mr Hopson applied to place a Mortar Mill outside warehouse he rented.
Messrs Hoole & Price granted permission to ride bicycles on towing path in going to fish in canal. 2s 6d a year.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 January £1154 9s 11d. After wages, etc, balance £232 1s 9d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Mr Sibly to pay increased rent of 25s per annum if desired bathing pool constructed to satisfaction of surveyor.
Mr Hopson allowed to erect Mortar Mill outside warehouse with a gas engine to drive same. £2 2s a year extra rent from 24 June last and extra Fire Insurance Premium increase. To occupy no more ground than at present.
Application 30 July for Ministry of Transport to take over whole of undertaking under Ministry of Transport Act 1919 with view to obtaining sanction to an increase in rates and charges. Formal notice 13 August 1920 to take possession on and from 4 September 1920 of Stroudwater Navigation.
Each canal company to give 14 days’ notice of increases. If, during interregnum, receipts of canals do not meet working expenses, Minister prepared to consider applications for assistance to a limited extent.
Further notice 4 September 1920 confirming notification on 3 August. Sealed Direction that on and from 20 September 1920 tolls, dues, and charges in operation 31 July should be increased by 150%. Ministry of Transport telegraphed increase on 4 September. Published in the ‘Citizen’ 7 September.
Committee to meet 20 September to consider increase in charges for easements, quit rents, etc.
Agreement with Mrs Penn as to premises at Stonehouse.
No notes.
Emergency meeting 20 September considered increases in water easements and quit rents. Several of parties concerned demurred to increase. Letters discussed. Some new rates reduced.
Increase of 150% in rates notified to users of Navigation. This increase, with higher rents and increases in charges for easements and quit rents, should insure continuance of undertaking.
Application for financial assistance 1-20 September. Minister of Transport willing to grant advance of £36, loan for working expenses. Accepted on following terms. 1. Loan repayable in twelve months. Interest of 1% over bank rate. 2. Company will endeavour to maintain transport undertaking efficiently.
Ministry prepared, if necessary, to consider, in light of Company’s financial position, remission, in part or whole, of liability for interest on principal on this loan.
Gloucester Harbour Board asked for increase of annual subscription from £3 to £6. Navigation had representative on Board. No increase. Right to have a representative not of great importance.
Miners’ strike stopped all coal traffic for past 10 days.
Formal acceptance of loan of £36 granted by Ministry of Transport as financial assistance on cessation of Canal Control, accepted by Company on 16 September.
Clerk to obtain necessary timber for repair of deck of swing bridge at Whitminster. Instructed to report on swing bridge at Downfield.
Messrs Apperly Curtis & Co agreed to pay £60 a year for 6 inch pipe to canal at Dudbridge from 24 June 1920.
Mr W Grey-Robinson to discontinue arrangement for pipe to canal if Company charge higher rent. Notice to remove pipe accepted. Letter to be sent by Mr Bloxam.
Messrs Smith Rogers & Co. objected to pay £10. Offered £6 or would remove pipe. Notice accepted. Letter to be sent by Mr Bloxam.
Messrs Hubbard Bros of Bridgend had not yet replied as verbally promised.
Sir Percival Scrope Marling Bart, Samuel Stanley Marling and William John Paley Marlingclained share nos. 10,77,78,94,108,121,141,151,152,153,154,164,168,169,170, will of Sir William Henry Marling Bart
Letter from Messrs Abdella & Mitchell Ltd enclosing account for £11 14s 5d from Joseph Bloomer & Sons for testing and partly renewing chain for crane at Dudbridge Wharf. Navigation to pay £6 14s 5d.
Application from A O Ward & Co for permission to lay sewage pipe under Company’s wharf at Stonehouse. Cheaper alternative and less objectionable by taking sewage pipe in other direction and passing under Midland Railway branch.
Cost of repairing bridge by Gas Works approx £122 10s, half payable by Gas Co. Bridge totally unsuitable for heavy traffic to Gas Works, Sewage Works and Fromehall Mills. New bridge cost about £350. Decision to sound Urban District Council and Gas Co for ⅓ each of cost of new bridge.
Lady Beauchamp, Ebley Court, refused permission to ride bicycle on towpath between house and Stonehouse.
S Hopson, tenant of warehouse on Lower Wharf, Stroud, to have new agreement in place of separate ones now running.
Abdella Mitchell & Co. Ltd agreed to pay £5 toward cost of renewing crane chain at Dudbridge Wharf.
Any fresh agreement with Mr Hopson to have plan showing space he might occupy and be at Hopson’s expense.
Repairing or renewing Gas House Bridge considered but adjourned.
Manager of Stroud Sanitary Laundry protested at increased charge for water. £25 to be demanded.
Messrs Winterbotham Strachan & Playne given permission to deposit ashes on the lower part of wharf at Wallbridge for £5 p.a.
Messrs Smith Rogers & Co willing to pay £7 10s a year for water supply. Charge not less than £10 of which notice was given.
Minute continued on page 39.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 July 1920 £1404 11s 11d. After wages, etc, balance £394 3s 2d. Divident of £1 declared.
Continuation from page 37
Notice from Post Master General to determine agreement re Telephone by 13 April 1921.
Death of Mr A J Morton Ball. Resolution expressing regret and offering sincere condolences to his family.
Urban District Council decided not to undertake any part of expense of repairing or renewing swing bridge at Downfield. Committee to enquire into possible liability of Council and others interested.
No reply from laundry at Ebley or Messrs Smith Rogers & Co re increases in charge for water easements.
Stroud Housing Contractors applied for space on Lower Wharf at Wallbridge for blockmaking. To be charged 1s 6d per sq yard per annum for portion occupied from 7 January. Six months notice on either side.
Increase of charges to General Post Office for telephone poles, stays, etc, discussed. Decision to inform Department that Ministry of Transport had directed Company to increase tolls, etc, by 150% to meet increased expenses. Wayleaved to be increased accordingly.
Ministry of Transport requested copy of Canal Accounts ‘for information’.
Mr Hopson to reduce area occupied by him in front of warehouse from 93 sq yards to 66 sq yards on which to erect a shed for his scaffold poles. Wish to extend land for the Mortar Mill at the rear by 27 sq yards sanctioned. He agreed to pay cost.
Question of Gas House Bridge adjourned till next meeting.
Stroud Housing Contractors to be charged 1s per sq yard per annum for say 300 yards. Agreement with Mr S Hopson to stand.
Letters from D & W Addy and John Ritchings regarding transfer of Wharf Room to latter. Same rate, 1s 6d per sq yard per annum for additional space.
Manager to do necessary repairs at the Double Locks. Ordering of timber for stop planks left till next meeting.
Agreement with Post Master General as to new telephone charges
Mr Sidney Preston announced discontinuance of Canal Control Committee on 31 March. Chairman’s reply.
Should Gas House Bridge be renewed altogether on stronger and up to date lines or only repaired? No help from Stroud Urban District Council. Decision to repair existing bridge merely.
Neighbouring Canal Authorities not insisting on increased wayleaves for telephone post etc. Committee should not increase rates.
Mr Richings to pay 1s 6d per sq yard per annum for additional 20 sq yards on wharf at Stonehouse.
Decision to do without new stop planks, cost £22.
By stopping the canal for five days, repairs at Newtown Lock could be carried out.
Because of coal strike little use made of canal just now.
Chairman and Mr Snape attended meeting at Gloucester convened by Mr Manning Lewis at request of Dockers’ Union to discuss hours and wages. Nothing agreed.
Repairs to Ryeford Double Locks’ gates and paddles sanctioned.
Piling and sheeting of canal bank against River in Framilode pound for about 60 feet had given way. Men engaged on work since completion of repair of Walk Bridge about 14 days. Weight of bank had drawn land ties. Sheeting and piles fell outwards into the River. Ties and some piles being replaced and made longer.
Mr Dudbridge explained accounts agreed to by Price Waterhouse & Co, auditors for Government.
Stroud Swimming Club granted permission to hold display at Framilode Lock 1 August. Club committee responsible for any damage.
Mr Manning Lewis met at Wallbridge boat owners and coal users of district re charge of 3d per ton for use of tip at Sharpness which had become necessary by action of joint Railways concerned.
Request for cheque for £94 19s, overpaid by Government during period of control.
New oak heels fixed to top gates at Newtown Lock costing extra wages £12 10s. Heads much worn but could go on for some years.
Two new top paddles fixed at Ryeford Double Locks.
Three applications received for house at Dudbridge now occupied by A Simmonds. Enquires to be made re Mr Tanner’s application on behalf of Mr Ashenford.
Repairs to bottom gates and paddles at Blunder Lock. Timber in stock. Making and fixing of new pair of bottom gates postponed till later period.
Stoppage of canal to fix new middle gates at the Double Locks postponed to enable coal to be supplied to mills directly miners resume work. Over 700 tons of foreign coal brought from Sharpness for Gas Works at Stroud and Brimscombe.
John Raymond Morton Ball of Stroud claimed shares nos.4,11,36,47,87,112,128,129,131,160,163, will of Alfred John Morton Ball
Messrs F Steel & Co. Ltd applied to place additional electric cable on Company’s land for 50 yards by their mill at Ebley but withdrew request. Decision to place fresh cable on their own wall, about 9 feet above ground.
Mr Harrison granted permission to take, by cart, a small quantity of water from canal at Gas Works Bridge for his gardens for nominal charge of 1s per annum.
Canal weeded and mown from Ocean Bridge at Stonehouse to Wallbridge.
Tenancy of cottage at Dudbridge arranged with Mr Ashenford. Mr Tanner carried out necessary repairs, as agreed. Suggestion that Company might repay him 25s he paid towards cost of agreement refused.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 January £1198 19s 19d. After wages, etc, balance £383 7s 11d. Dividend of £1 declared.
Chairman had written to Mr Henry Hooper re coming on Committee. Mr Hooper could not accept position. Mr Gerald Evans of Stanley Mills willing to serve.
Canal weeded a second time from Ryeford to Double Locks. Rapid growth in hot weather.
Middle longditudinal beam of swing bridge at Stonehouse broken at spindle bearing in centre of main carriage beam causing nose to drop. Clerk to write to Messrs Vowles & Sons Ltd. Must pay half cost of putting bridge right.
Highways Committee of County Council using wharf at Stonehouse for storing coal, brought by railway, for their steam rollers, transport, etc. In past Company took no notice of Council’s steam rollers on their wharves, considering stone traffic on canal. Now making wharf depot for plant used for general purposes over large area, including delivery of stone from all railway stations in district. It was time they repaired surface of road cut about by them. Enquiry of Highways Office re stone by water showed that no stone has been delivered by canal since December 1920. Payment of 10s a week must made for area restricted to suitable space agreed with Mr Snape.
Messrs Strachan & Co took exception to charge of 1s 9d per ton for railway borne coal hauled to their mills over Company’s wharf. To be paid as in past.
Messrs Bowater asked why 2s 1d per ton charged for haulage over and storage on wharf. Firm likely to do business over Navigation. Good policy to waive extra 4d for depositing on wharf. Total charge 1s 9d per ton.
Letters from Canal Association re action Government proposed to take re continuance of present increased tolls and rates after 15 February 1923. Chairman to write to Ministry of Transport supporting views expressed by Col Rayner of Trent Navigation re urgency of this vital matter
Messrs W H Vowles & Sons to pay half cost of repair of swing bridge at Stonehouse as before.
County Council Highways Committee to be asked for full rent for Stonehouse Wharf from 1 January.
Messrs E T Ward & Son asked to quote for delivery of coal from Staffordshire to Chalford. Owing to tolls now in force on canals, if brought up canal, freight charges would be about 4s 7d per ton more than Railway freight. Mr Ward thought trade would be done if canal tolls (colliery to Chalford) reduced by 1s 5d, reducing canal charges by about 2s per ton. He would meet the 2s 7d.
Mr Smart of Chalford gave like information. If present tolls remained in force, he would have to get supplies by railway to compete with other merchants who have their (Staffordshire) coal by railway.
Mr Ward applied for a special rate for Forest coal to the Electric Supply Works at Bowbridge. Wanted 1s 3d per ton instead of 1s 8d per ton. Coal could be delivered by rail and road at about 1s 6d less than by canal. Committee could not make a special rate to any one trader. Clerk to do what he could to secure trade. Mr Ward to supply Clerk with further information to put before Committee at November meeting.
Clerk of County Council enquired if any reduction made in wages of Stroudwater employees. Company had never paid full advances demanded and had not made any reductions.
Mr E T Ward wrote that it was time tolls and rates on canal were reduced or traffic would fall off. Suggested rebate of 1s a ton on all over 4500 and under 6000 tons a year to them and 1s 3d a ton on 6000 to 7000 tons. If waterway were thoroughly cleaned, it would make 1s a ton difference to boatowners.
Mr Snape to ascertain quantities of coal conveyed over canal by Messrs Ward, Smart, Smith and Andrews. Meeting of Committee to consider question to be held on 23 November.
Secretary of Millowners Association asked for subscription from Navigation to carry out much needed reparation of the brook. Donation of £5 agreed.
Stroud Urban District Council request for permission to convey clinkers from their Refuse Distributor by Motor Lorry over Gas House Bridge refused.
Reply from Ministry of Transport alllowing present rates to be continued till 15 February 1924.
Stonehouse Parish Council complained of condition of metalling on bridge over canal there.
Seven members present. No minutes.
Metalling on Stonehouse Bridge repaired. Swing bridge being repaired so that heavy traffic to Brush Works would not be taken over brick bridge much longer.
Meeting on 23 November to consider reduction of tolls on canal decided:
1. Existing tolls to be reduced by 30% from 150% over pre-war rates to 120%.
2. Discount of 10% allowed to all traders on all tonnages exceeding 4000 tons and not exceeding 6000 in any year. No amalgamation or encroachment between traders allowed.
Letters from Messrs C Hooper & Sons and E T Ward & Son re reduction of tolls. Reduction from 150% to 120% on prewar rates confirmed by Committee but proposal to allow discount for quantities over 4000 dropped.
Correspondence by post and telephone with Manager of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal re through rate for Staffordshire coal to compete with Railway rate. Chairman to arrange for reduction to 100% on prewar rates if other canals do same.
Repairs to swing bridge at Stonehouse completed. Messrs Vowles & Son Ltd to be requested to pay half cost.
Tolls on through traffic to the T&S Canal for year ended 30 September 1921 £395 9s 10d. £299 7s 5d average of last three years. Average ended September 1894, £449 4s 1s. Decrease of £149 16s 8d, so no payment required. Contribution of £150 towards T&S accounts now due.
Proposal for re-appointment of Mr S S Marling, membership lapsed, and appointment of Mr G A Evans to Committee.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 July 1921 £911 2s 11d. After wages, etc, balance £467 2s 5d. Divident of 10s declared.
Chairman had interview with Mr Smart re cost of bringing coal from Staffordshire to Chalford. Mr Smart agreed to have another cargo on basis of last reduced rates. Rates over Stroudwater Canal reduced to 100% above pre-war rates as and from time when lower salaries and wages come into operation. Severn Commission toll rates reduced to 120% above pre-war rates.
Correspondence with Mr T Halling of Tewkesbury re hire of a spoon dredger.
Messrs E T Ward & Son Ltd would like to arrange carriage by water of coal to Stroud Brewery Co but would need for drastic further lowering of rates. Mr E P Little to go into matter with Brewery Co.
Charles Hooper & Co stated swing bridge by their mills unsafe. Asked for it to be replaced but made strong, to enable Motor Lorries to cross. Resolved that bridge should be sufficient for ordinary traffic. For Motor Lorry traffic Messrs Hooper must bear extra cost and pay half upkeep afterwards.
Interview between Mr Bloxam and Secretary of Stroud Brewery Co re relative cost of coal from Forest of Dean by water and by rail. If margin reduced, Company would prefer coal by canal. Letters from J H Smart and E T Ward. Invitation to these boat owners to meet as a subcommittee for friendly conference as to tolls and matters of interest.
Reduction of labourers’ and lock keepers’ wages 1 April by 3s a week. Further reduction of 3s per week on 1 June. Tradesmen’s wages to be lowered by 2s per week 1 June. War Bonus to staff of Shire Hall, Gloucester reduced by ₅/₂₆th from 1 March. Applied to bonuses of Mr Snape and Mr Humphries on Thames & Severn and Stroudwater Canals.
Col Marling offered to allow mud to be dumped on land belonging to Marling School. When finished land should be kept free from weeds, levelled and left ready for seeding. Accepted.
Clerk to write again to T Halling as no reply from him re dredging boat.
Re Swing bridge near Messrs Charles Hooper & Sons Ltd’s mills at Eastington, Clerk to draft letter to explain to them extent of Company’s liability to repair bridges, state position more fully and mention that present condition of bridge contributed to, if not caused, by extra weight of vehicles using it during recent years.
Clerk reported that:
Cost of oak, pitch pine and other material for renewal of present bridge about £176 2s.
Messrs King & Co of Nailsworth estimate for iron bridge £100. Canal Company to provide wood decking, say £40, labour say £40. Total £180. If necessary to renew pivot or the collar bearing of the pivot, any repairs to be on a basis of 10% on shop cost.
Messrs Hook & Son of Ebley estimate for iron bridge £250, not including pivot or any work in connection with it, excepting bolting on to bridge.
Mr Hopson’s estimates cost of taking down present bridge and erecting a new one complete £290 to £300.
Letter from Mrs Penn, tenant of premises on wharf at Stonehouse asking Company to convert stable into garage. Estimate from Mr Hopson £18 10s. Clerk to see Mrs Penn. Company to undertake work for £2 10s a year extra rent.
No reply to letters about swing bridge near Messrs C Hooper & Sons’ Mills at Eastington.Clerk to prepare a specification for steel bridge and ask for further prices for next Committee Meeting.
Notice to traders and others of intended stoppage of canal at Ryeford for fixing middle gates of the Double Locks.
Swing bridge at Lodgemore in bad state.
Mrs Penn agreed to extra rent of £2 10s per annum for stable on wharf at Stonehouse. Mr Hopson’s estimate, £18 10s accepted, work in hand.
Estimate for a steel bridge at Bond’s Mill from H J H King & Co. Ltd, H & J Daniels Ltd and Dudbridge Iron Works Ltd. Messrs King’s tender accepted, provided they used 12”x5” in all five longditudinals and put three 14”x6” cross girders by pivot instead of two 8”x4” and two 14”x6” as in drawing. Only best material to be used. Right to inspect at any time during construction and building of bridge. Price £130, including new pivot, king post and straining bars or £115 if old pivot can be utilised. Work to be completed during intended stoppage of Bond’s Mill for a month to put in new engine.
Letter from Chancery Lane Safe Deposit and Offices Co. Reduction on rate of interest for deposit. Amount small, should be withdrawn.
Meeting in Birmingham to advocate formation of a National Council for Inland Waterways. Company invited to support same and to suggest a representative on the Executive. No action at present.
Order for new swing bridge by Bond’s Mill placed with Messrs H J H King & Co. Ltd of Nailsworth. Messrs Hooper & Co stated that November would be convenient time to erect bridge. Mills then stopped to put in new steam engine.
Double Locks finished and canal weeded before then.
Chancery Lane Safe Deposit and Offices Co sent cheque for £7 5s 8d, part of Reserve Fund.
Mr Gerald Evans and Mr W R Payne met Secretary of Colliery Owners Association in Forest of Dean to discuss truck hire on coal shipped at Sharpness compared with hire cost for coal sent by rail to Stroud.
Minute continued on page 76.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 January £1060 19s 2d. After wages, etc, balance £485 8s 11d. Dividend of 10s declared.
Regret at resignation of Mr P J Little as Chairman, and deep appreciation of his 13 years of service.
Continuation from page 73 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9871/.
Mr Sully’s Association in conjunction with Mine Owners Association of Great Britain were fighting Railway Company. Any reduction to be made on a national basis. Increase of rates already reduced from from 100% to 75% and flat rate from 6d to 3d. Very shortly increase reduced by further 25% making 50% above pre-war. Flat rate abolished. Truck hire would not pay at 6d. Company should get its own trucks. Confident of a profit. He considered 1½d sufficient for tipping charges. Wants Company to put pressure on Berkeley Canal as they use their men at odd times for this work so costs practically nil. With these reductions total cost of delivery to Sharpness approx 2s 0¾d as against 3s 6½d at present time. Other costs Canal charges, Boat Owners’ charges and profits. Suggestion of endeavour to get reductions in both. Decision to lay case before Canal Association.
Notice of intended stoppage of the canal 3-19 August to renew and repair middle gates, paddles etc. at the Double Locks.
Convenient for Messrs Hooper & Sons Ltd if work on swing bridge by Bond’s Mill was commenced Monday 13 November and completed by end of month. Messrs H J H King & Co. undertook to carry out work.
£7 5s 8d from Chancery Lane Safe Deposit & Offices Co spent on part payment of altering stable on wharf at Stonehouse.
No case on matter of Railway Rates & Charges from Forest of Dean to put before Canal Association at present.
New pair of middle gates of Double Locks fixed and cills and paddles repaired. Extra wages about £35.
Bottom gates at the Pike Lock, Eastington in bad condition. New pair should be put in hand. Timber about £140.
Bottom gates at Dudbridge need balance pole on outside gate. Renewal about £18. Balance pole required in outside gate of top lock at Dudbridge. Proposed to use an old balance pole from middle gates recently taken out at Double Locks.
Estimates for timber from The Wood Workers Company, Chalford, Messrs Workman Ltd, Woodchester and Ryeford Sawmills Co. Messrs Workman’s tender for elm at 3s 6d per ft cube delivered free to Dudbridge Wharf and Ryeford Saw Mills Co. for English oak at 6s 6d per ft cube delivered into boat at Ryeford.
Clerk to approach County Council with view to purchasing suitable timber lying on derelict portion of their canal.
Deck planking of Lodgemore swing renewed. Cost about £25.
Repairs arranged by subcommittee of Millowners carried out. £5 subscription towards cost.
Edward Sydney Gedge and Edward Palling Little claimed shares nos.20,102,126, will of Miss Catherine Pruen Clutterbuck.
Estimates from Henry Workman Ltd of Woodchester, £35 8s 9d (about 7s 1d per ft cube), and the Ryeford Saw Mills Co, £27 9s 9d (about 5/11 per ft cube) ,for oak deck plank for swing bridge at Bond’s Mill, Eastington. Ryeford Saw Mills Co.’s tender accepted.
Canal Committee of County Council had previously decided not to dispose of any of canal property. Not likely to alter this opinion.
Clerk to proceed with piling and sheeting of canal bank against river in Framilode Pound which had given way about 30 feet. New piles about £3. Needs some 2 inch elm sheeting to complete work.
All cheques drawn at meetings to be entered in Minute Book.
Clerk to obtain comparative cost of pitch pine and oak balance poles for renewal of balance pole on outside bottom gate of bottom lock at Dudbridge.
Site at Bond’s Mill prepared for new swing bridge. Messrs King & Co advised as arranged. Col Ball to pass bridge before erection.
Piling and sheeting of canal bank against River in Framilode Pound completed by own staff. Cost of timber £3 0s 7d.
Ryeford Saw Mills Co’s tender, lowest, accepted for renewal of balance pole for outside bottom gate at Dudbridge Lock.
Proposal to widen bridge at Eastington. Clerk to meet representative of County Surveyor on spot and to submit full particulars of proposal to Company’s solicitors.
Letters from Mr G A Evans re present condition of Thames & Severn Canal. Their carrier, Mr Smart, experienced difficulty in getting boat load of coal to their mills at Brimscombe.
Three members of Committee at last meeting. No quorum. Matters requiring immediate attention read and confirmed.
To save expense ordinary Bankers cheques to be used in future instead of copy of balance sheet with Dividend Warrant to each shareholder. Also to save expense, Clerk to use ordinary receipt forms instead of specially printed forms for rent receipts.
Messrs A J H King & Co. Ltd requested payment of 80% of £115 contract price for swing bridge at Bond’s Mill. Col J R Morton Ball had made preliminary inspection of bridge. When swung, bridge would be well above road level at each end. Letter to Messrs King with cheque for £57 10s, 50% of contract price.
Committee cannot assent to plans of County Surveyor for Pike Bridge at Eastington. Serious interference with Canal Works and property. Proposed alterations would not reduce danger to any substantial extent.
Clerk to obtain oak balance pole for inside bottom gate at Double Locks.
Timber for various urgent repairs bought for £11 6s 5d.
Mr G A Evans undertook to arrange for barge Perseverance to take full load of coal to Brimscombe Mills and to accompany barge and let Committee have a report. Clerk to be present.
Minute continued on page 89.
Special Meeting
Thursday 4 January, about 5.30-5.45pm, long (motor) boat “Alfreda”, owner R T Ward, Captain S Gardiner, loaded with small coal and towing long boat “Dorothy”, similarly loaded, collided with bottom gates at Bristol Road Lock. Total destruction of gates. Clerk gave rough estimate of damage. Canal to be closed for at least six weeks.
Letters re stoppage from Mr J H Smart and Messrs Hooper. Clerk authorised to press on with making and fixing of new gates without delay and to obtain services of Mr A J Bradley, Superintendant of Severn Commission to inspect lock and assess damage. Notice of stoppage to all using canal.
Letter to owners of “Alfreda”. Company would hold him responsible for all damage suffered.
Replies to Mr Smart and Messrs Hooper repudiating liability for loss occasioned by stoppage of canal.
Notice to Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co that lowering of water in pound below Bristol Road Lock might affect water taken from brook by this canal into G&B Canal at Junction. Engineer of G&B Canal intimated that if they had to construct a dam, this canal must repay cost. Clerk to write denying liability.
Continuation from page 86 https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk/document/9877/.
Death of Mr P J Evans. On Board for 23 years, 13 years as Chairman. Resolution expressing Committee’s regret and high appreciation.
Swing bridge at Bond’s Mill is well above level of permanent works of bridge. Estimated cost of work £3.
Letter from Mr King for further instalment on account of contract to be drafted by Mr Bloxham. Messrs King used material of old bridge to complete balance of bridge.
Chairman and Committee met County Surveyor at Pike Bridge on 25 January. County Surveyor to communicate further with Company.
Following Bristol Road Lock damage Chairman had walked over canal to Whitminster Aqueduct. Re putting dam across canal above aqueduct, he thought it as well to accept offer of Sharpness New Docks Co to do work for about £50. He assumed sum included whole cost of erecting and removal of dam, all incidental expenses and all responsibility for same. New gates at lock on Monday 12 February. Hope to have them working by middle of following week.
No dividend because of state of trade and heavy anticipated expenses.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage, etc, since 1 July 1922 £964 13s 6d. After wages, etc, balance £504 9s 1d. No dividend declared.
Mr H R Hooper appointed to Committee.
Swing bridge at Bond’s Mill: Mr Bloxam’s letter to Messrs King & Co. No steps to remedy mistake in level of bridge. Danger to traffic. Temporary measures taken. £3 requested towards expense. Permanent solution costly. Messrs King claim bridge substantially of level arranged. Company would not admit allegation. Mistake by Messrs King & Co compelled Company to carry out work. Messrs King replied they would adjust matters when final payment made and asked for a cheque. Cheque for £34 10s, further 30% of contract price. No further payment made until satisfactory arrangement reached.
Bristol Road Lock: Clerk reported:
1. Mr Vick of Tuffley, owner of land near canal at Aqueduct raised no objection to gap being cut from ditch to let water out of canal.
2. Letter drafted by Mr Bloxam sent to Engineer of Sharpness Dock Co accepting their offer re dam at the Aqueduct.
3. New gates on site 12 February. Mr Cullis had to remove dam at Aqueduct to a place further up pound. Water not let off at date of meeting.
4. Ryeford Saw Mills Co allowed £1 10s for defective balance poles.
Old gates inspected by Mr E J Bradley, Superintendent for Severn Commission Statement dated 20 February 1923 re accident at Bristol Road Lock says:
Evidence that gate on north side (offside) struck with considerable force on iron langett or T iron, about 18” from mitre of gates. Effect of bursting gates open for certain distance. Fall in lock at time of accident about 8 feet. Resulting back pressure too much for gates to stand and they were carried away. Sizes of new gates. Estimate about £217, if built with best English oak and good pitch pine planking, new ironwork etc. Unfamiliar with best conditions for stanking and pumping. With bad weather and consequent floods unable to give cost of emptying Lock and fixing of gates. As to how long gates would have lasted, bar accident, only approximate estimate possible. Defective heel post on gate on tow path side, defective head or mitre on opposite gate. 5 years, then replacement by new ones.
Mr Bradley asked to give approximate amount allowed for timber, iron work and labour in his £217 estimate.
Bottom gates of the Pike Lock in bad state of repair.
Bottom gates of Blunder Lock to be renewed. Some timber in stock.
Extra carpenter to be borrowed from neighbouring Navigation as usual.
Verbal report by Mr G A Evans re present state of Thames & Severn Canal. Very silted condition. On barge “Perseverance” on voyage from Stroud to Brimscombe 4 January, Mr Aldridge, Thames & Severn Canal Committee, Mr H Smart, owner of barge, and Clerk present. Chairman to write to County Council.
Messrs King & Co had not replied to letter sent 22 February. Clerk to send cheque for £21 10s 6d, balance of cost of bridge, less £3.
Unfavourable weather meant part of pound between dam erected by Sharpness Docks Co flooded. Impossible to fix new gates. Traders pressing for reopening of canal. Sharpness Docks Co's offer to try and pump out length of canal accepted. Pumping from about 7.30am 4 March Sunday till about 6 o’clock 6 March Tuesday. Gates properly fixed. Canal open for traffic 12 March.
Cost of accident and renewing gates £781 5s. Legal expenses not included. Clerk to invite Mr Ward to meet Chairman and a member of Committee on 28 March at Canal Office.
Chairman had written to Mr E J Bradley re cost of gates. Reply received.
Letter from Gloucestershire County Council re contribution payable by Company towards deficit in Thames & Severn accounts. Mr Bloxam to draw up reply to Clerk of County Council, reminding him of closing of canal and loss of traffic. He had not yet heard what Council were prepared to do towards improvement of Thames & Severn Canal.
Weighing machine at Dudbridge repaired. Cost £5 18s 6d.
Cheque to Mr E J Bradley of Severn Commission. Thanks for his reports and his services.
Iron casting on top of spindle, also 8ft to 10ft of iron hand rail of swing bridge at Stonehouse broken. Clerk to see Messrs Vowles to obtain description of traffic using bridge.
Messrs Strachan & Co applied to place a boiler on wharf at Wallbridge just inside wall. Allowed for limited time.