Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/5
Minutes from 16 November 1846 to 25 April 1867
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Special General Meeting appointed Henry Harris as committee member on death of Mr Henry Sikes [sic].
£2 to be given to the workmen engaged in building new warehouse in lieu of usual house rearing dinner.
Nathaniel Hamlet entered on duties. Robert Miles paid £6 for 24 weeks wages prior to quitting the junction.
Robt. Davies requested survey of bridge leading to his house. Planks recently laid down dangerous. Mr Driver inspected it but found it in substantial order.
Thomas Turner and John Williams claimed shares nos.193,194,130,132, will of Henry Sikes.
James Nurse attended to request abatements on tonnage to prevent lose of trade by water carriers to the railways. Resolved that tonnage be reduced to 6d per ton between Chippenham Platt and Stonehouse Wharf, 8d from Stonehouse to Ryeford, and 9d between Ryeford and Upper Wharf at Dudbridge to secure trade.
Investigation to be made regarding Mr Davies’ complaints as to bridge over canal leading to his house and mill, and to view and report on state of bridge near gasworks.
£5 per annum to be paid to Inspectors of Caincross for lighting the canal bridge and wharf entrance at Dudbridge.
Recommended that a new bridge be erected near Mr Davies’ mill and the old bridge to be repaired and moved to Gas Works, in lieu of the worn out bridge there.
Strips to be placed on bridge near Paper Mill Lock at Whitminster for convenience of cattle.
Commissioner of Roads to be charged wharfage if his stone at Dudbridge left for more than four days.
Half Yearly General Meeting. Tonnage £3373 5s 5d. Balance after wages, etc, £2758 0s 10d. Dividend of £13 10s declared.
Probability of competition on carriage of coals from Bullo Pill and Lydney from opening of South Wales and Forest of Dean railways was considered. Meeting to be set up with Thames & Severn Canal Co.
Annual stoppage to be from Thursday 19 June to Saturday 28 June.
Special Meeting of Committee.
Meeting proposed on 7 May to take place at 20 Lombard Street, London. Mr Hawker to attend with Committee.
Report of Committee Members on meeting in London on 15 May with members of Thames & Severn Canal Co. Exchange of letters on reduction of tonnage recorded In minutes. Stroudwater proposed that all coals carried through tunnel should be charged at 6d per ton. T&S expect to be allowed to arrange their tonnage as they please in places that do not encroach of the markets of the Stroudwater.
Special Meeting.
T&S Committee reiterate proposal for a reduction on tolls to Brimscombe Port on equal terms with Stroud Navigation Committee. Letter to Mr Salt, treasurer of Thames & Severn Canal Co. In 1824 the Bill for a Tram Road from Framilode to Brimscombe with a branch to Nailsworth was opposed by both Companies in Parliament. They pledged to reduce tonnage from 3s 6d to 2s 6d per ton for coals to Brimscombe. 1845 Act gave power to Companies to alter tonnage. Committee to follow independent course, if Thames & Severn Canal Co decision is final, by reducing drawbacks given to coal beyond Brimscombe.
Reply from Mr Salt, treasurer of Thames & Severn Canal Co, that they cannot deviate from terms already offered to bear burthen, share and share alike.
Annual tour of inspection to take place on 6 August.
Henry James caught fish in Ocean at Stonehouse on authority of Nathaniel Marling of Stanley. Company to inform Mr Marling that they have exclusive possession of water and land covered with water.
Mr Marling has replied he would withdraw his claim to land at Stonehouse if Company showed his solicitor the conveyance.
The auditor, Mr Cooper, has examined the books.
No deeds belonging to the company found in Mrs Mansfield’s papers or at the Clerk of the Peace for the county.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £3179 16s 3d. After wages, etc, £2515 10s 4d profit. Dividend of £12 10s declared.
Martin & Co to be asked to supply 3 dozen Port wine and 2 dozen Bucellas.
A gratuity of £5 to be made to Mr Driver.
Great Western Railway Company offered Mr Biddle a permanent engagement for bringing his coal from Forest of Dean and requested an immediate reply. They offered to bring coal from Lydney for 3s per ton, and from Bullo Pill for 2s 6d if he provided the trucks. Last year he brought 2685 tons up to Stratford Mills, and 724 tons to Walter’s Mill landed on the T&S Canal. Cost was 2s 6d for tonnage and 1s 9d for freight (1s 3d if own barges used.) Stroudwater tonnage would have to be reduced to 9d a ton to compete. Committee could not agree to this.
Negotiations: Mr Biddle would make no engagement beyond a twelvemonth and would give 1s per ton with revision by either part at end of twelve months. Accepted.
Anticipated opposition of Railway to carrying coals was taken into consideration. From Monday 19th inst. tonnage carried on this Navigation to Wallbridge to be reduced to 2s 3d per ton. Other places detailed.
Bounty of nine pence per ton allowed to William Knee, James Nurse and other traders on coals delivered to Wallbridge Wharf. Coal on other wharfs to be allowed drawback on coal remaining on wharfs on Saturday next. Coal remaining on Wallbridge Wharf on Saturday to have a bounty of 1s per ton.
Edmund Nource Harvey claimed share no.155, will of Mary Nource of Ross.
Coals delivered at Cirencester by the Railway about 1s per ton less than by traders on canal. An abatement of 9d charged by Stroudwater and Thames & Severn Canal Companies would be sufficient to meet competition. Reduction must be made on all coal carried through T&S Canal tunnel at Sapperton to prevent diversion of trade from canals to railway. Drawback of 6d per ton on rate of 1s per ton for coal delivered east of the tunnel approved by committee.
Messrs. Holmes and Co. of Stroud had applied to know on what terms Canal Co. would take goods from Eastington to Ocean at Stonehouse. Table of rates for timber, corn, flour and other goods.
The auditor, Mr Cooper, has examined the books.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1851 £3068 4s 9d. After wages, etc, £1518 9s 11d profit. Dividend of £12 10s declared.
Mr Dykes on behalf of Midland Railway Company proposed to cut an opening from the Ocean at Stonehouse to form a loading place for barges on the upper or northern side of the present platform and shoot from the railway.
Letter from Mr Willson on behalf of Thames & Severn Canal Co – various large reductions of tonnage proposed. Tonnage on coals passing from Stroudwater into T&S Canal should be reduced to 1s to Stroudwater and 9d to Thames & Severn on coal landed on Stroud Wharf of Thames & Severn Canal Co, and 9d to Stroudwater and 1s to Thames & Severn Canal Co on coal landed between Stroud Wharf and Brimscombe. Not accepted. Each company should be more independent of each other than at present. Right division of tonnage: Stroudwater should get 1s on coals landed any place on T&S Canal west of bridge at Bowbridge, Thames & Severn 9d. Stroudwater should get 9d on coals landed on T&S Canal Severn between bridge at Bowbridge and Sapperton Tunnel and 6d on coals passing through the Sapperton Tunnel. The Stroudwater should regulate its own tonnage to Wallbridge, on giving up all right to interfere with tonnages charged by Thames & Severn Canal Co east of bridge and Bowbridge.
Nicholas Dangerfield and Charles Ratcliffe claimed share no.22, will of Elizabeth Stone.
Edmund Lewis Clutterbuck, Harry Ralph Ricardo and West Awdry claimed shares nos.118,119, will of Thomas Clutterbuck.
Thames & Severn regret rejection of their plan but do not accept alternative suggestion. Committee unwilling to alter decision.
Annual tour of inspection to take place on Tuesday 17 August.
On board company boat. In future a memorandum is to be made in the share register of any claim before the committee that is entered in their minute book.
Samuel Clutterbuck of Chalford claimed shares nos.36,106,126, will of Samuel Clutterbuck of Dudbridge.
Elizabeth Mary Jones claimed share no.20, will of Samuel Clutterbuck of Dudbridge.
Charles James Crutwell, Wilson Clement Crutwell and John Wilson claimed shares nos. 166,167, will of Francis John Smith Wilson.
Road stone to Wallbridge to be charged at 10d per ton.
Tonnage of timber, iron and merchandized carried beyond Sapperton Tunnel to be 6d.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2681 16s 8d. After wages, etc, £2132 6s 8d profit. Dividend of £10 10s declared.
Martin & Co to send 3 dozen sherry for use at General Meetings.
Rev. S. Howell Jones complained that during late flood there was danger that the stop gate at Framilode would have proved insufficient. Mr Hawker said that despite excessive nature of the flood no inconvenience had resulted but he had strengthened flood gate.
Mr Driver to be given £5 gratuity and a salary increase of £5 per annum in consequence of additional duties in checking tickets.
Meeting arranged between Mr Croome, Chairman of Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation and Mr Richards, Chairman of Thames & Severn Canal Co to discuss tonnage charged by both companies.
Unanimous opinion of Committee to obtain a lease of the tolls on the Thames & Severn Canal Co in respect of coals, goods and merchandise carried into the T&S Canal and landed between Wallbridge and Brimscombe.
Company shares 43,44,175 claimed by Mary Holbrow, shares 137,186 by Martha Stanton, estate of John Holbrow.
John Battershall of the iron foundry is not to use canal towing path between his premises and the gas works.
Committee willing to accept suggestions made by Thames & Severn Canal Co for a revision of tolls. They recognize the need for urgency given the anticipated opposition from the Railway Company. Early communication to Public to enable traders to decide on their course and keep trade on canal.
Charles Hobbs to be allowed 10s towards the repairs made to his oven at Stonehouse Wharf.
Special meeting on question of tonnage.
1s 6d to be charged on all coals landed between Wallbridge and Brimscombe. Tonnage to be divided equally between Stroudwater and Thames & Severn Canal Companies. 6d per ton on all coals carried on Stroudwater to and passing beyond Brimscombe Wharf.
Jane Jacomb claimed shares nos.57,107, will of Elizabeth Dorothy Jacomb.
Wages of 4 labourers usually employed on canal to be increased by 1s a week.
Tonnage since 1 October 1852 £2676 10s 7d. After wages, etc, £2235 17s 14d profit. Dividend of £11 declared.
6d a day to be charged on all vessels detained on canal for repairs.
Summons served on George Hoyle for making false declaration as to goods carried on the George on ticket dated 15 December 1852.
Case of George Hoyle compromised on receiving £2.
Mr Driver to erect gate across towing path near Ryeford Mill.
Mr Marling’s application to have gate erected on towing path at the railway bridge near the Ocean at Stonehouse to prevent cattle straying and falling into canal not accepted on grounds of inconvenience. Two gates would hinder use of tow path.
Inside of house at Double Lock to be washed and coloured.
A gate is to be erected at Company’s expense at western end of dwarf wall under railway bridge at Stonehouse on understanding that Mr Marling erect another at his expense at eastern end and that he has permission to take cattle over towing path of canal under railway bridge from one of his fields to the other.
Bridge at Gasworks damaged by boat ‘Mazeppa’ owned by Messrs. Holmes & Co. and Clarke Master. 20s to repair damages. Caution that £5 to be inflicted if it happens again.
Mrs Critchley’s oven to be rebuilt.
Public use of towpath to be stopped during October on days set by Mr Driver and Mr Hawker.
A check book of passes for back carriage down the canal to be provided and used henceforth.
Joseph Jeffries to be given notice not to trespass on towpath.
Company seal affixed to agreement with Thames & Severn Canal Co.
Dates of stoppage of towpath access recorded.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2186 0s 10d. After wages, etc, £2446 15s 11d profit. Dividend of £12 declared.
£5 to be paid to Gaslight Inspectors of Cainscross, Ebley, etc, for year’s subscription for two lamps.
Mr Clutterbuck willing to maintain the wall at Dudbridge adjoining his premises.
Many vessels prevented from entering Navigation at Framilode and passing into G&B Canal by Brick Bridge at Saul and Gallows Bridge being permanent erections.
Mr Cambridge declined to pay cost of removing Gallows Bridge.
Cost of removing both bridges about one hundred and fifty pounds. Mr Driver to procure material for erection of swing bridges in lieu of permanent Gallows and Saul Bridges.
Mr Ford’s application to rent his tonnage on corn and flour carried for use of Ryeford Mill was not considered expedient according to Act of Parliament.
Sam Sims complained of the inconvenience of the stoppage and delay in the Whitminster Level. Mr Driver to employ 2 additional men to dredge the level and consider means of repairing lock gates at Whitminster.
Mr Eycott and Mr Beard to consider means of making lieby near Ryeford Mill for Mr Ford’s use.
Martin & Co to supply 3 dozen Sherry and 2 dozen Bucellas for use of the General Meeting.
Mr Driver reported that gates at Whitminster Lock were now in order and obstacle had been removed.
Irregularities reported in Holmes & Co.’s Carrying trade.
Mr Hawker resigned as Clerk to the Stroudwater Navigation from 10 May next.
Suggestion made for mode of Return to be made by Holmes & Co of goods carried to and from the station of the Bristol and Birmingham Railway.
Stroud Gas Light and Coke Company not to be charged any expenses incurred in restoring the bridge if they stone and repair the road adjoining their works.
Mr Hawker asked to extend his time with the company till 12 July,
Parish of Saul should contribute portion of £25 expense of altering Gallows Bridge.
Company consented to removal of the pillar of boundary wall extension between Gas Works and Lodgemore further from the canal on condition of no obstruction to passage of carts in front of building belonging to Gas Works.
Mr Driver to get the crane at Dudbridge repaired.
Good Friday to be excluded from calculation of time barges be in the Dock for repair.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1853 £2671 1s 2d. After wages, etc, £2262 6s profit. Dividend of £11 declared.
Advertisement for a replacement for Mr Hawker and that the testimonials received to be examined on 14 June.
Charles Jacomb the Younger and Henry Eycott claimed share no.155, will of William John Wood.
Mr Holmes application for reduction in tonnage on goods carried from Stonehouse Station on the Midland Railway rejected.
Mr Lane and Messrs Reynolds, successors to Mr Biddle, asked to be put on the same footing as their predecessor. No variation to be made in tonnage rates.
George Perry offered to remove Saul Bridge and erect swing bridge at cost of £15 with deduction of £5 for use of old materials.
Public notice of stoppage of road for repair and erection of Saul Bridge at entrance to the Saul Bridge and in Gloucester papers.
Advertisement for Clerk to Stroudwater Navigation to fill office about to be vacated by Mr Hawker to be placed in two Gloucester papers and Times London paper. Salary £100 per annum and use of house and garden at Wallbridge free of taxes. Security of £1000 pounds required. To take up duties on 19 June. Shareholders should cease canvassing for the post and allow committee to select best person for job. In present crisis of opposition from Railway Company it is important that the Clerk should have active and energetic habit of business.
Crane at Dudbridge had broken down. Tender for new one accepted from Mr Stevenson of Preston from 6 tenders.
Mr Croome had inspected Gallows Bridge and had made enquiries inspecting roads communicating with it. Extract from Saul and Fretherne Enclosure Award and a tracing from map showing roads thereby stopped. Letter read from Mr Kearsey claiming right of way over it on behalf of representatives of Mr Brinkworth. No grounds to change decision to remove bridge.
48 applications received for office of Clerk. 4 were selected as suitable. Proprietors to be asked if the wanted proxies to be sent to them so that they could vote on 14 June. Candidates requested to attend on 10 June for questioning.
Four candidates selected for office of Clerk attended Special Meeting. Mr Randall of Stroud, Mr Easton of Chester, Mr Kent of Wolverhampton, Mr Harris of Worcester. George Easton chosen.
Mr Stevenson to deliver new crane within a month.
Change in system of accounts. Present tonnage book to be kept in numerical order with additional column for amount charged: let pass to be discontinued: no vessel to be allowed to pass out of the canal without production of original ticket: all sums on which credit is given to be immediately carried to separate ledger account: tickets to be delivered to auditor by parties who collect them and not sent back to Head Office.
At Special Meeting Mr Nathaniel Alfred Partridge elected as Clerk after being proposed by Mr Capel and Mr Clarke, he having received 44 proxy votes. 4 people to stand security.
Correspondence with Rev. G F Cambridge on erection of swing bridge at Saul. Committee disposed to allow him to remove present Gallows Bridge and to erect swing bridge at or near same spot sufficient for passage of cattle at his own expense. He should keep new bridge in repair.
Rev. G F Cambridge refused to have anything to do with Gallows Bridge and could not just now undertake the expense of the bridge he would like to put up.
4 extra men to be taken on for mudding, etc, while bridge and crane being erected.
Letter from George Nurse with complaints. To be told committee will inspect canal on 16 August and will be happy to meet him on the spot to discuss complaints.
Inspection report: Chimney of James Nurse’s house at Dudbridge to be repaired.
Privy at Dudbridge to be removed and another erected between back of warehouse and Mrs Argent’s house with fall into a vault connected to the canal.
New crane at Dudbridge works satisfactorily.
Turnstile to be put up at towing path side of swing bridge at the Hilly Orchard. Formerly a stile there to prevent horses and cattle from crossing bridge.
Canal bank at Mr Critchley’s premises at Eastington to be repaired with oak piles and slabs.
Repairs and alterations to dock at Eastington. Bricks and stones from old bridge at Saul to be used for floor of dock.
Lack of accommodation for vessels waiting to use dock. Wish to lay in back brook adjoining Eastington Wharf without charge while waiting.
Damage to brickwork of cill at lock on Bristol Road to be repaired.
Need for two new gates at Whitminster to stand over for present.
New swing bridge at Saul completed. Iron hand rail to be added to either side of the approach on the northern bank.
Basin at Framilode to be cleared of mud by flushing.
Piling to be inserted in brook at back of Mr Burbridge’s garden.
Death of William Roberts caused by a barge being in charge of deceased and lad only. Regulations of three men to navigate boats to be enforced.
Lower gates of Dudbridge Lock damaged by carelessness of boatmen of the ‘Bourne Lass’ belonging to Mr Richard Webb on 25 August. Trade stopped till 11 September while Dudbridge level drained and new gates fitted. Account of expenses to be given to Mr Webb.
Mr George Nurse refused to sign Letter of Lien for amount of tonnage for which credit is given. Mr Partridge to inform him that requirement is not new.
Mr Croome authorized to accept £15 for damages to Dudbridge Lock by Mr Richard Webb’s boat.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 April £2989 6s 8d. After wages, etc, £2025 9s 9d profit. Dividend of £10 declared.
False declarations made by George Nurse and John Butt of contents of cargoes carried by them in the ‘Ellen’ and the ‘John’. Proceedings to be adopted to recover penalties unless they attend next Committee meeting.
Same inspection at on boats leaving at Junction and Framilode to which vessels passing up Navigation are subject. Clerks to enter account of each cargo on ticket before allowing vessels to pass.
Gallows Bridge has blown down. Mr Kearsey threatening proceedings in case bridge not replaced.
Summons against Mr Adams and John Allen for breach of byelaws on 14 September.
In future two pair of lock gates for upper gates and one for lower gates to be kept prepared and ready in case of accident.
Richard Martin claimed shares nos.69,114,115, 192,187, will of Mary Ann Eycott and Mr John Wood.
Mr Driver’s salary increased to £80 per annum.
Mr Sim’s offer to sell land lying between canal towing path and brook from where Gallows Bridge stood to Sim’s Orchard for £15 accepted.
Mr H H Wilton given permission to lower culvert under canal near Walk Bridge to improve drainage.
Mr James Nurse allowed drawback of 6d per ton on all coals delivered by canal at Lodgemore and Fromebridge Mills on 500 tons or more yearly. Messrs Hunt, Barnard & Co. were about to have their coal by railway if he could not supply it at a given rate. He also received drawback of 4d per ton on stone delivered at Dudbridge for use of road from Dudbridge to Nailsworth.
Mr John Bucknall allowed to take trucks through gate at Dudbridge and along canal path to his foundry.
Mr Biddle applied for a subscription from Company for coals to be given away to poor of Stroud under peculiar severity and pressure of the season. Tonnage to be returned on coal used for such a purpose.
£3 to be returned to widow of William Adams, drowned in an accident, out of fines recently paid by himself and his captain, John Allen, for breaches of byelaws.
Proper demand for balance due from Mr Frederick Nurse made more than once. Immediate steps to be taken to detain the ‘Aurora’, now lying at Dudbridge, and the cargo, if any, and to sell them.
Mr Henry Lewis of the Oil Mills complained of damage to banks of brook below the Oil Mills by heavy flow of water after late thaw. Request for compensation of £5 refused.
Mr Knee asked permission to build a boat at Wallbridge Wharf. Granted on condition that he finish within two months.
Mr Knee asked for drawback of 4d per ton on stone brought into canal and landed between Dudbridge and terminus of canal. Allowed on condition he carries not less than 100 tons each year.
General Half Yearly Meeting.
Tonnage since 1 October 1854 £2428 0s 7d. After wages, etc, £1709 14s 9d profit. Dividend of £9 10s declared.
Mr Ford proposed warehouse near Ryeford Bridge for unloading barges.