Gloucestershire Archives D1180/1/7
Minutes from 15 March 1887 to 17 May 1904
of the Committee of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation
Mr Albert Jefferies of Ebley, tenant Canal House at Eastington, from 25 March at £12 p.a.
Payment to Mr Sturge for auditing half-yearly accounts to be £3 3s instead of £5 5s.
Tithe rent charge of 4s 4d claimed by Vicar of Stonehouse for land recently bought by Trustees of Stonehouse Court Estate and lock keeper’s garden at Dudbridge.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1891 £932 6s 10d. After wages, etc, profit £256 13s 10d. Dividend of £1 5s declared.
Mr Field charged 9s for cost of man’s time in drawing water to enable his barge, sunk in canal at Stonehouse, to be raised.
Annual canal inspection by Chairman, Sir W H Marling and Mr C H Hooper.
Wallbridge: exterior of Ship Inn wanted colouring and windows painted.
Lower Double Lock bottom gates needed substantial repair.
Bristol Road Lock repairs approved. Alteration in staircase in house occupied by Mr E Harris at Bristol Road Wharf.
Property on entire route carefully attended to.
Mr Field paid 9s for drawing water to raise boat.
Mr Sturge, auditor, had died.
Water of Stroud Water Co to be laid in house at Eastington coal wharf and at lock keeper’s house.
Dr Heard of Stonehouse asked permission for boys to bathe in canal near the railway bridge of the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway. Same conditions as granted to Mr Sibly.
Mr Hamilton Mills to advise on water supply to Ship Inn, Wallbridge, and on putting on a cistern with ball tap as required by Stroud Local Board of Health.
£12 estimate for colouring and painting exterior at Wallbridge, and £4 for Dudbridge Wharf House, accepted.
Canal to be closed on 4 July to allow repairs to top gates and examination of stop gate at Framilode.
Boatbuilder to repair mud boat, house and ice boat.
£2 3s charged for damage to towing path door at Wallbridge by barge, A Meadows, Captain.
Permission to Dr Heard of Stonehouse for bathing in canal. Annual charge £1.
Town water to be laid on to Ship Inn at Wallbridge and cistern supplied.
Re-opening of Stratford Mills and best means of securing canal traffic to it discussed. Clerk to interview owners, Mr Waddy of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co and carrier Mr James Smart.
Discussion again on re-opening of Stratford Mills, traffic and rates on grain. To encourage canal traffic, tonnage on grain to and from these mills reduced from 1s to 8d per ton and 6d on flour taken from mills down canal.
Use of canal for drainage purposes by owners and occupiers of property at Ebley again discussed. Clerk to meet Sir W H Marling.
Traffic on T&S Canal stopped owing to shortness of water above Daneway. No pumping from well at Thameshead. Prejudicial to interests of Stroudwater Canal. Clerk to go to Kemble to ascertain cause of traffic being stopped.
Chairman to see Mr Warman, clerk to Board of Guardians and to Sanitary Authorities, on ascertaining result of appeal made some years ago on drainage at Ebley.
Clerk to write to Board of Trade on systematic neglect of representatives of canal to keep waterway open and available for traffic.
Joseph Nicholson to become tenant of cottage at Framilode.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £901 12s. After wages, etc, profit £322 18s 2d. Dividend of £1 10s declared.
Mr Barnard applied to Clerk for fence at Dudbridge Wharf enclosing piece of land he bought from Company. Present new pauling might be shifted and fresh palling put where needed.
New occupier of Ebley Saw Mill to be charged £1 p.a. for use of canal water in his engine boiler.
Mr R Salmon of Cirencester suitable tenant for Canal House at Eastington.
Chairman will inspect discharge of sewage from Mr Harper’s premises at Dudbridge.
Clerk to attend to issues relating to emptying of sewage into canal from Mr Harper’s premises at Dudbridge; on-payment of £2 3s by Captain Meadows for damage at Wallbridge and notice to be given of any inquests on persons drowned in canal.
William Walker Renard and Samuel Renard claimed share no.4, will of Martha Anne Renard.
Captain Meadows’ offer of £1 10s for damage to Wallbridge towing path accepted.
Mr Snape to write to clerk of Stroud Local Board for water connection to be made to Ship Inn, Wallbridge.
Mr Mills to see Secretary of Canal Association over committee’s fears regarding the canal schedules and rates the Board of Trade might adopt.
Mr Hamilton Mills had seen Mr Curry. Board of Trade would grant interview with Committee on consideration of Schedule of Tolls.
Stroud Gas Co permitted to lay pipe across towing path at their works to drain road.
Sir W H Marling‘s offer to let to Canal, £15 rent, railway siding which crossed field of his, formerly used by Ebley Oil Mills accepted.
Stroud Local Board of Health refused to extend water main to Ship Inn.
2s 6d charge to Stroud Gas Co. for drain from their works across towing path, by swing bridge, into canal.
John Potter to become tenant of house at Downfield.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1892 £900 14s 3d. After wages, etc, profit £350 12s 6d. Dividend of £1 12s 6d declared.
Death of Mr James Webb, tenant of stable at Wallbridge occupied by Mr Charles Lambert.
Francis Holmes, Frederick Winterbotham and James Watkin Lewis claimed share no.173, will of James Watkins Lewis.
Stable at Wallbridge let to Mr Charles Lambert at £3 p.a.
Annual inspection of canal identified: Piling needed on canal bank at Lodgemore Mill and near Oil Mill, Ebley; replanking and other repairs at Spring Bridge near Gas Works; drain across towing path; repairs needed to bottom gates at the Double Locks; banks of canal not trimmed at Framilode.
Alterations to fireplace and kitchen floor in canal house at Eastington approved.
Improvements in house at Bristol Road occupied by E Harris approved. Papering and painting of sitting room at cost of 30s approved.
Messrs Buckler & Co intended to give up tenancy of upper floor of Wallbridge warehouse on 26 July.
Clerk to discuss application from Messrs Strachan & Co of Lodgemore Mills for supply of 10,000 gallons of water per diem in summer months from canal to their reservoir.
No quorum. Only four members present.
Mr Richard Townsend to take upper floor of Wallbridge warehouse and ¾ of lower floor, at present occupied by Messrs Buckler & Co at rent of £18 4s p.a.
Supply of water to Messrs Strachan & Co at £15 p.a. agreed.
Weighbridge at Stroud condemned by Inspector of Weights and Measures. Inspection by Mr Stanton. Messrs Bartlett & Son of Bristol or Messrs Avery & Co of Birmingham to supply new one.
Mr James Stewart of Chalford applied for reduction of tonnage on grain from Avonmouth, Portishead and Bristol Docks to Stratford flour mill. Allowance of 1d per ton.
Stroud Brewery Co built on a garden wall of Canal Company at or near Wallbridge office. Nominal rent of 1s p.a.
New weighing machine at Dudbridge supplied by Messrs Bartlett & Son of Bristol.
Local Government Board could not interfere further in supply of water to Ship Inn.
Meeting on 5 October to consider revised classification of Merchandise traffic and revised schedule of maximum rates, tolls, charges and dues under Railway and Canal Traffic Act.
Sub-committee decided on maximum rates and tolls to be inserted in schedule to be submitted to Commission on canal rates. Mr Mills to employ Counsel.
New weighbridge at Dudbridge Wharf working. Cost for erecting it £7. Practically covered by sale of old machine and surplus materials.
Messrs Strachan declined offer of terms by Company for use of water from canal. Offer of 3 months trial period at £15 p.a., adding 8s for wages expended on taking levels on behalf of Messrs Strachan.
Mr W J Snape completed 21 years service as Clerk and Surveyor to Company. Gratuity of 10 guineas.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £882 11s 6d. After wages, etc, profit £365 12s 5d. Dividend of £1 10s declared.
Inefficiency of members to form a quorum on 15 November.
Mr Hamilton Mills with Counsel Mr Coward attended before Commissioner, Mr Pelham. Rates and tolls ultimately settled by legislation for traffic on canal, on the whole favourable to interest of Company.
New weighing machine at Dudbridge Wharf cost £34 11s 3d after discount of 8s 9d.
Mr Arthur Dunsford, manager of Gloucester Bank in Stroud, appointed Treasurer in place of Mr E H Palmer, deceased.
Mr Hooper and Mr Snape in deputation to President of Board of Trade, respecting action of Thames & Severn Canal Co. in closing canal from Chalford to Inglesham with aim of asking aid of Board of Trade. Effectively introduced by Sir Michael Hicks Beach, former President of Board of Trade. Reports in public papers. Those in Gloucester Journal and Daily Telegraph especially worthy of notice for details. Clerk directed to add report in public papers to the Minute Book.
Mr Waddy, on behalf of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company, requested attendance of representative of Company at meeting in Gloucester, 23 January, to discuss resolution passed by shareholders in Thames & Severn Canal Co at Reading.
At meeting in Gloucester resolution passed that Hon. Secretary, Mr Hubert Waddy should ask Board of Trade course intended to be taken with T&S Canal. Associated Navigations to consider means for restoration and maintenance of Canal, if handed over promptly free of cost.
Mr Pelham’s draft of Schedule of Tolls to be submitted to Board of Trade. Request for observations. Maximum rate of 1d per ton per mile. Chiarman and Sir W Marling had interview with Mr Pelham. Request for more favourable terms to be considered.
Thames & Severn Canal Co submitted no schedule in accordance with provisions of Railway & Canal Traffic Act 1888. Mr Pelham drew up provisional Schedule.
Letter from Mansion House Association on Railway & Canal Traffic. Clerk to reply.
Clerk to purchase oak for new pair of bottom gates at Double Locks, half from Messrs King & Scarborough, half from Mr Mortimer of Ebley at 4s 3d per cubic foot.
Mr Pelham increased proposed allowance to 1¼d per ton per mile.
Mr Snape to attend meeting of Allied Navigations at Gloucester 3 May.
Mr Walter Chandler of Rodborough complained of accident to his horse in passing over canal bridge near Gas Works. Alleged bad construction of bridge. Request for recompense for expense and loss. Clerk to inspect bridge. Stroud Gas Co chargeable for moiety of expense of bridge repairs.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1893 £899 2s 8d. After wages, etc, profit £367 17s 3d. Dividend of £1 10s declared.
Letter to Mr Mahon, Thames & Severn Canal Co, from Mr Waddy recorded in minutes.
Letter from Mr Pelham of Board of Trade with amended or higher scale of tolls for traffic on T&S Canal.
Letter from Mr Mahon, Thames & Severn Canal Co, recorded in minutes. Proposed purchase of shares for no consideration for first 10 years. Purchasers to maintain canal as waterway and to fix reasonable rates and charges as they see fit. Holders of debentures not to interfere with use of waterway.
Consideration postponed until inspection of Thames & Severn Canal.
Amendments proposed by Mining Association of Great Britain prejudicial to interests of Company.
Annual inspection of canal 5 June. General condition satisfactory, though weeds and banks not cut.
New lower gates at Double Locks under construction.
Lock house at Eastington requires exterior painting of windows.
Mrs Harris, Company’s tenant at Bristol Road Wharf, asked for slight repairs to roof, painting, papering and white washing. Gate of fence round coal yard too dilapidated to be fastened, pilfering.
Garden fence of Mrs Bolton’s house requires repair. Exposed to stray cattle from highway.
3 inches temporarily placed on upper edge of bottom gates and weir of lock at Bristol Road and weir of Coffin Weir, so less need to dredge in this reach.
Growth of weeds, rushes etc, in Whitminster Reach are responsibility of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co. Also dredging. Camp sheeting on side of towing path defective. Clerk to bring to attention of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co.
Displacement of stonework in face of river bank at Framilode.
At Junction conversation with Mr Fredericks. Telephone great convenience to working of canal and traders for use of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co. General condition satisfactory.
Mr Walter Chandler of Woodhouse Farm, Stroud, claim of £3 7s 6d injury to his horse’s foot on 23 April.
Clerk to see Mr Waddy and write to Board of Trade objecting to amendments on increase of tolls.
Drains into canal to be closed.
Deposits of sand and silt from road drains at Stonehouse. County Council responsible. County Surveyor instructed Mr Peter Savage, local surveyor, to remove deposits.
Amendments proposed by Thames & Severn Canal Co, except for Sapperton tunnel, rejected by Joint Committee.
Mr Walter Chandler’s claim, with considerable hesitation, agreed.
Solicitor to write to Mr John Butt of Dudbridge regarding persistent tarring of boat on canal.
Sittington unable to attend to his work. 5s a week only.
Repairs done at Double Locks. Removal of sand and silt especially near Ebley saw mills. Large pipes lately laid down.
Clerk to complain to Mr Kimming, Hon Sec to Parish Authorities at Cainscross, about nuisance of drainage into canal.
Improvement in Oliver Sittington’s health.
Letter to Mr Kimmins, but no reply.
Engineer’s report on state of T&S Canal discussed.
Mr Wm Chris Wyke to be tenant of canal house Eastington in place of Mr R Salmon.
Bank interest reduced to 2½ per cent on Reserve Fund.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £907 6s 10d. After wages, etc, profit £257 2s 3d. Dividend of £1 5s declared.
Copy of Resolutions passed at Meeting of Allied Navigations, Dock Office, Gloucester 25 October 1894.
Reasonable grounds for definite arrangement for acquiring and maintaining T&S Canal. Details of terms of acquisition so that canal may be kept open.
Sub-committee of Mr Southall, Mr Mills, Mr Ainsworth, Mr Hubert Waddy, to negotiate details of terms with Thames & Severn Canal Co and communicate with Board of Trade.
Communication to be made with Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal Co. and Thames Conservancy.
Parliamentary Notices for application to Parliament.
Company to bear one fifth of expense.
Revised list of tolls submitted to meeting.
Clerk to fill in postcards received from promoters of proposed railway from Stroud to Painswick, as “dissenting from it”.
Opening of drain at swing bridge at Ryeford noted. Mr Snape closed it again.
Death of Eastington lock keeper, Oliver Sitlington, 20 December. Widow to continue in house until further arrangements made.
Mrs Harris, tenant of house at Bristol Road, having married William Tudor, he is accepted as tenant.
Special General Meeting. Bill proposed to be introduced to Parliament submitted and unanimously approved.
Bill for vesting in a Public Trust to be incorporated for that purpose in the Undertaking of the Company of Proprietors of the Thames & Severn Canal Navigation and for other purposes. Proposed by Sir Wm Marling, seconded by E P Little.
Licence to Mr Richard Chapman to assign lease of Ship Inn Wallbridge to Messrs John King and Frederick Worsey.
Deputation from Stonehouse Parochial Committee re drain at Ryeford closed by order of Canal Co. Mr Sibly alleged stopping of drain prejudicial to health of occupants of one of the houses. Sought permission for opening of drain. Undertaking by Mr Sibly that it should not prejudice rights of either party. Drain opened by Mr Sibly and Mr Kimmins. Sewage passing into canal from school without permission.
Messrs Garnier & Co of Bridgend complained of charge of 7½d per ton canal dues for coal landed at Stonehouse Wharf. Used to be charged 6d.
National Telephone Co asked to place telephone poles of canal towing path from Bond’s Mill, Eastington, to wharf at Wallbridge.
Drainage from Mr Kimmin’s school into canal discussed. Attention of Mr Sibly, as chairman of the Stonehouse Parochial Committee, to be drawn to it.
Company Seal attached to agreement with Mr Tucker, tenant of house at Bristol Road Wharf.
Chairman to attend deputation of Public Bodies to Board of Trade.
Position of prohibitory clause in Bill inserted for Great Western Railway authorities discussed. E C Little, Chairman, Mr Charles Henry Hooper, Mr Walter John Stanton to represent Company.
Mr Mills to make arrangements with National Telephone Co.
Minutes continued on page 163.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1894 £806 19s 4d. After wages, etc, profit £305 9s 4d. Dividend of £1 5s declared.
Continuation from page 161.
Messrs Garniers complaint of charge should be between carrier, Mr Field, and Canal Company. Toll on coal discharged at Stonehouse Wharf fixed at 7½d per ton from Framilode and 7d from Junction.
Charles William Rushworth Ward, Charles Holbrow Stanton, Charles Henry Hooper, Edward Weedon and Frederick Henry Croome claimed share no 189, will of Edwin Francis Gyde.
Telegram from Mr Southall, solicitor to proposed Thames & Severn Canal Bill. Petition against Bill withdrawn. Bill unopposed. Clauses 45, 46 of Bill read and approved. In event of failure of Bill, Company agreed to pay one fifth of costs and expenses of Promoters.
Mr James Sealey applied to purchase small piece of land adjoining property of Midland Railway Co on Bath Road.
Mr Louis Perry asked to use Wallbridge canal basin for bathing.
Public bodies and Allied Navigations not to contribute to maintenance of Navigation until satisfied with navigation of upper part of canal.
No sale of land to Mr Sealey.
Permission given to Mr Louis Perry, on behalf of Stroud Swimming & Polo Club, to use canal for bathing above the Dudbridge top lock, provided Mr Baxter allowed shed erected on his land opposite.
National Telephone Co allowed to erect poles on towing path.
Annual inspection on 10 June by Chairman, E C Little, C H Hooper and S. S. Marling.
Swing bridge at Lodgemore required splicing of 3 beams and part replanking.
Inspected new bottom gates at the Double Locks, new retaining wall at the Pike Lock, Eastington, canal yard shops and stores at Eastington, weir near Westfield Lock and mewly erected fence of coal pen at Bristol Road Wharf.
Satisfactory state of canal and property.
Royal Assent given to Thames & Severn Canal Trust Act 1895. First meeting at offices of Company at Brimscombe.
Committee of Management for Thames and Severn Canal Trust set up. Mr Charles Henry Hooper, Stroudwater Navigation, Sir W H Marling, Mr Hubert Waddy, Sharpness New Docks & Gloucester & Birmingham Navigation Co, Mr Thomas Southall, Severn Commissioners, Mr William John Ainsworth, Wilts & Berks Canal Co, Mr Hugh William Russell, County Council of Berkshire, Mr Wilfred Joseph Cripps, County Council of Glos, Mr Henry Mousell, Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of City of Gloucester.
Mr Snape, Clerk to Stroudwater Canal to undertake certain duties relating to Canal Trust Act. Salary £50 p.a.
Mr Blunsdon of Bridge Inn, Ebley, had not paid 2s 6d water charge.
Messrs Baines & Chadborn, canal carriers of Gloucester, asked for allowance of 2s 8d on charge of 18s 8d toll on stone delivered at Stonehouse Wharf for Wheatenhurst Highway Board. Board offered use of portion of wharf at £1 p.a to remove need for wharfage charge.
Mr Trower of Parkland, Whitminster, charged 5s for taking water from spring or trough at Whitminster wharf owned by Company.
Complaint by Parish Council of Moreton Valence re defective state of valve at north end of Company’s culvert under canal at Saul Bridge.
Mr Savage, surveyor of Wheatenhurst Highway Board, declined to rent part of wharf at Stonehouse.
Mr Trower paid 5s for taking water from spring at Whitminster wharf.
No allowance on toll for carriage of sand from Severn at Framilode for Mr Field of Saul.
Mr Wykers to leave canal house, Eastington.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £883 15s 8d. After wages, etc, profit £503 5s 2d. Dividend of £2 declared.
No application from advertising canal house at Eastington.
George Gardiner of Chalford to be lock keeper and yard man at Eastington. 16s per week and house lately occupied by Mrs Sitlington from 18 November.
Mr Hooper reported conversation with Mr James Smart re loss of trade with Messrs Kemble & Dash’s of Stratford Flour Mills. Punts used on Painswick Brook badly out of repair. Railway afforded certain facilities. Mr Smart proposed to contribute towards punts to avoid losing trade. Desired to know whether Company would assist.
£100 tolls received in past year. Cooperation to extent of £10 to Messrs Kemble & Dash. Traffic to be maintained.
Canal house at Eastington to be let to Mr George Taylor of Tuffleigh, Gloucester for £12 p.a. 14s for water supply now house connected with the Chalford Mains.
Mr Hooper met James Smart with Mr Snape. Committee, in order to retain wheat traffic on canal, to assist in repairing lighter belonging to Messrs Kemble & Dash. £10 to be paid to them, entire or part deferred toll expenditure secured its object.
Mr Smart complained that canal traffic was restricted by system of charging on coal and grain actual tonnage. Before present Act, rates adjusted to distance e.g. coal 32 or 33 tons as 32 tons, wheat at 10 sacks to ton but 100 sacks of wheat weigh 11 tons. Committee not willing to make changes.
Mr George Taylor declined house at Eastington because not permitted to use buildings used by Company. Offered to Miss Williams of Stroud.
Allowance of £10 to Messrs Kemble & Dash approved.
Sir William Marling reported on meeting of T&S Trust Committee to consider financial arrangements necessary to provide £7000 for payments of Debentures and other calls on Canal Trust and to receive reports of engineers on progress of canal repairs.
Edmund Broderip claimed shares nos.3,31,32,33,34,35,67,74,148,196, will of Edmund Greenhill Broderip.
George Taylor accepted as tenant of canal house at Eastington.
Mr George Pegler, tenant of wharf house, Dudbridge, to leave premises. Mrs Axford accepted as tenant.
Purchase of oak and other timber for new pair of bottom gates at Westfield Lock, Eastington. Also 100 feet larch poles for piling.
Full rent, not partial rent of £4, required from Stroud Gas Co for use of towing path in laying its pipes.
£5 more allowed towards repairs of punts to Mr Smart of Stratford Mills.
Messrs Wood & Rowe asked for modification on tonnage rates on coal from Staffordshire. No alteration allowed.
Seal affixed to agreement with Mrs Axford, tenant of house at canal wharf, Dudbridge.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 October 1895 £987 4s 2d. After wages, etc, profit £605 18s . Dividend of £2 5s declared.
Need for new mud boat. Clerk to enquire into cost of iron and steel knees, and requisite timbers.
Clerk to see Mr Rowe on question of tolls.
Mr Harper of Dudbridge refused to pay usual annual charge, 2s 6d, for water used from canal. Clerk to make another application before putting matter in hands of Company’s solicitor.
Chairman Mr E C Little wished to be released from Chairmanship. Removal from neighbourhood. Wish of Committee for early return to Stroud to resume his post.
Mr Harper paid 2s 6d charge for taking water from canal.
Stroud Urban District Council renewed requirement that Company should connect Ship Inn with mains.
Messrs Clark of Brimscombe offered use of a steam launch for annual inspection, cost only of man in charge and coal. Accepted.
Telephone Co to pay 5s p.a. for wire crossing canal, not 1s they proposed.
Mr Payne of Stroud Gas Co asked to attend next meeting to discuss charge for Company’s pipes under towing path.
Annual inspection took place on 23 June.
Stones and yard at Eastington in good order. New pair of gates for Westfield Lock. Trifling repair to gable end of dock. Mr Whiting, tenant of coal yard, warned of pressure of wood and coal against railings next the road.
At Bristol Road Wharf the tenant, Tudor, drew attention to decayed stabling. Company not responsible. Wash house needs some little repair.
Sharpness Dock Co responsible for repair at the Shallow Lock. Their duty to cut reeds in Whitminster pound undischarged.
At Junction conversation with Mr Fredericks re telephone connection in interests of traders. Two stop gates to protect Stroudwater supply of water in case of emergency appear to be falling into disuse.
At Framilode, Benefit Club to relinquish tenancy of Company’s room. Top gate at Framilode needs early renewal.
A few bridges need repair of planking, especially at Whitminster, Saul and Bond’s Mill. Cutting of weeds in bed of canal and on banks urgent.
Mr Clark of Brimscombe loaned the steam launch ‘Stella’ for survey.
Mr Payne, Secretary of Stroud Gas Co, attended. No increase of rent in respect of gas pipes laid through Canal Co property. Pipe mileage extended 15 years ago from 4 to 5½ miles. Rent is £20 p.a. Canal Company’s retains right at any time to require full rent £5 per mile.
Messrs Apperly, Curtis & Co of Dudbridge Mills applied for permission to take water by six inch pipes for new water softening tanks.
Notices prohibiting bathing posted at Lodgemore. Police communicated with. Nuisance abated.
Messrs Apperly, Curtis & Co willing to pay £15 p.a. for right to take 15,000 gallons of water from canal daily and to attach suitable automatic ball valves to supply pipes to prevent overflowing and wasting water.
Solicitor to issue County Court Summons against S Johnson for damage done to Saul Bridge by him and others 4 August.
Repair to be made to roof of Ship Inn stable. Re necessity of connecting water fittings with town supply, Clerk to see Mr Witchell again.
Letter from Gas, Light and Coke Co recorded in minutes.
Early repair of Lodgemore Bridge required outlay of £30 for timber.
New top gates at Framilode to cost £17.
Rate charged to Messrs Wood & Rowe on blue bricks reduced to 4d per ton and 3s 4d per 1000.
Notice to Mr Taylor, again in arrears with rent, to leave canal house at Eastington at Lady Day.
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £909 5s 6d. After wages, etc, profit £589 8s 4d. Dividend of £2 5s declared.
Robert Turner claimed share no.102, will of Henry Fallows.
Clerk to purchase of £10 worth of pitch pine to repair mud boat.
Stroud Urban District Council to divide cost of £3 10s of connecting Ship Inn with water mains.
Notices to be issued to prevent trespass of bicycles on towing path.
Smart’s boat, laden with coke, sank near Gas Works, Sunday last. Drawing off of entire pound needed - charge of £1.
£87 19s 6d to Thames & Severn Canal Trust for Company’s quarter share in adverse balance of its first year.
Sarah Jemima Martin, Douglas Eycott Martin, William Egerton Martin and George Egerton Hodgson claimed shares nos.1,114,115, will of Reverend William Eycott Martin.
Mr Henry Chambers agreed to take whole upper floor of Wallbridge warehouse, with ¾ of ground floor, from 25 March at £18 4s p.a.
10s from Mr Smart in connection with sunken barge.
Report from Inspector of Weights & Measures. Weighbridge at Wallbridge tested and found to be faulty. Maker’s foreman repaired broken mechanism.
Special meeting. Thames & Severn Canal Trust to raise £15,000. Public Works Commissioners would not lend more than £10,500. Could not borrow remaining £4,500 without guarantee.
Company agreed to join Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester and Birmingham Navigation Co in giving Trustees of Stroud & Mid-Gloucester Working Men’s Conservative Association Benefit Society, who were prepared to lend money to Canal Trust, a guarantee for due payment by Canal trust to Trustees of Benefit Society £4,500. Interest 4%. Instalment of £180 on 25 March 1901 and then 48 quarterly payments of £90. One third by Company, two thirds by Sharpness New Docks and Birmingham Navigation Company. Trustees of Benefit Society to pay Company, Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester & Birmingham Navigation Co a sum equal to 10s per cent p.a.
Mr Chambers, tenant for Wallbridge warehouse declined it. Mr Townsend, present occupier, to remain a few months.
Letter from General Post Office requesting placing of box on postman’s present route for reception of foreman’s letters at Double Locks.